Title: Global Climate and Weather Modeling
1Global Climate and Weather Modeling
- John H. Ward
- NCEP Production Suite Review
- December 10, 2008
- GCWMB Responsibilities
- Global Model the Production Suite
- Recent Changes
- Upcoming Changes
- Dropouts
- Future Plans
3GCWMB Responsibilities
- GCWMB presentation will be broken into four
separate parts - Overview of recent changes and test results from
upcoming implementations for - Global Forecast System
- Global Data Assimilation
- Ensemble Forecast System
- Long Term planning
- Data Assimilation John Derber
- Climate Forecast System Hau-Lu Pan
- Ensemble Forecast System Zoltan Toth
4NWS Seamless Suite of ForecastProducts Spanning
Climate and Weather
Forecast Uncertainty
Climate Forecast System
2 Week
North American Ensemble Forecast System
Climate/Weather Linkage
1 Week
Global Forecast System
Short-Range Ensemble Forecast
Ocean Model Hurricane Models
North American Forecast
Rapid Update Cycle for Aviation
Dispersion Models for DHS
Fire Weather
Life Property
Energy Planning
Reservoir Control
Emergency Mgmt
Space Operations
5NOAAs NWS Model Production Suite
Oceans HYCOM WaveWatch III
Climate CFS
Hurricane GFDL HWRF
1.7B Obs/Day
Satellites 99.9
Dispersion ARL/HYSPLIT
Regional NAM WRF NMM
Global Forecast System
Global Data Assimilation
Severe Weather
WRF NMM/ARW Workstation WRF
Short-Range Ensemble Forecast
North American Ensemble Forecast System
Air Quality
GFS, Canadian Global Model
Rapid Update for Aviation
NOAH Land Surface Model
6Recent Changes
- Data Assimilation
- Global GSI Upgrades 1Q08 4Q08
- Ensemble Forecast System
- NAEFS 1Q08
- Climate
- Global Forecast Model
- Physics upgrade 3Q08 ? Withdrawn
73Q08 GFS Change
- GSI Bundle (see slide 10)
- RRTM1 long-wave radiation
- More accurate absorption coefficients
- RRTM shortwave radiation
- Major improvement in upper stratospheric cloudy
skies - Maximum-random cloud overlap for shortwave
- Unifies cloud treatment for long shortwave
radiation - Hourly long-wave radiation
- Better definition of diurnal cycle. Makes scheme
consistent with short-wave radiation
83Q08 GFS Change(cont)
- Generalized aerosol treatment
- Code efficiency. Aerosol algorithms will not
have to be rewritten when radiation schemes
change. - Realistic CO2
- Model had been using old climatology. Now uses
observed CO2 - Retuned mountain blocking
- Update parameters for T382
- Shallow convection up to sigma 0.7
- Permits shallow convection over high terrain
- Convective gravity wave drag
- Improve stratospheric tropical winds
9Summary of Subjective Evaluation
- The proposed GFS implementation shows, at best,
little improvement over the operational GFS, and
has several shortcomings - Major concerns
- Increased feedback from grid scale overturning on
mass fields and downstream QPF - Less run-to-run consistency
- Loss of 6-12 h of skill in NH 500-mb anomaly
correlation die off curves for days 5-7 - While the parallel does show signs of improved
performance at medium ranges, this is offset by
lack of run-to-run consistency
10Decision to Cancel Implementation
- Based on subjective review and a lack of an
overwhelming improvement in objective statistics
the proposed change was withdrawn - Because of the complexity in testing and
evaluating GFS changes it was also decided to
separate data assimilation changes from future
GFS bundles - This will make it possible for more frequent
changes in the assimilation system - 4Q08 GSI implementation was a modified version
from the GFS package. Components retained - Observations
- assimilate WindSAT surface winds (new dataset)
- add assimilation of profile ozone quality flag 7
SBUV/2 observations - reintroduce assimilation of AQUA AMSUA channels 6
and 8-13 - Code
- ability to distinguish between GPSRO data from
various sources - improved computational efficiency
- ability to directly read / use quadratic grid
surface guess files
11Upcoming Changes
- Data Assimilation
- Global GSI Upgrades 2Q09
- Ensemble Forecast System
- GEFS 3Q09
- Climate
- Reanalysis Reforecasting ongoing
- Global Forecast Model
- Coupled Ocean-Atm 3Q08 ? Withdrawn
- Uncoupled physics upgrade being tested
122Q09 GSI Upgrade
- Addition of METOP/IASI data
- Improved atmospheric analyses, especially in S.H.
- Variational Quality Control
- Improved quality control of observations
- Eliminate need for OIQC step
- Change in land/snow/ice skin temperature variance
- Improved use of near surface radiance
observations - New Background error covariances
- Consistency with current version of system.
Improved upper atmosphere - Reduce number of AIRS water vapor channels
- Improved convergence and improved analysis
132Q09 GSI Upgrade
- New version and coefficients for CRTM
- Improved simulation of radiance observations
- Modification of height assignment for height
based wind observations - Improved use of these observations
- Retune observational errors
- Removed results of impact of removal will be
shown - Modification of surface land use file
- Removes a few permanent (12) glacial points to
improve surface temperature forecasts - Situation Dependent Background Variances
14As is 500 hPa streamfunction (1e6) background
error standard deviation Valid 2007110600
New flow-dependent adjusted background error
standard deviation
15- Surface pressure background
- error standard deviation
- fields
- with flow dependent re-scaling
- without re-scaling
- Valid 2007110600
162Q09 GSI Schedule
- 30-Day evaluation 16 December
- Evaluation ends 13 January
- Management Brief 22 January
- Implementation 27 January
17Red New GSI Black Operational
New GSI better than current operational through
day 12 in Northern Hemisphere
18Red New GSI Black Operational
New GSI generally better than current operational
through day 11 in Southern Hemisphere
19Red New GSI Black Operational
Threat Score better than current operational
Bias better than current operational
20GFS vs. Proposed GSI
Storm Tracks Derived from GFS forecast
New GSI produces better storm tracks
New GSI produces slightly better GFDL storm
22HWRF vs. H047
New GSI produces slightly degraded HWRF storm
23Global Ensemble Forecast System
243Q09 GEFS Upgrade
- Continue using current operational (n-1) GFS
model - Upgrade horizontal resolution from T126 to T190
- 4 cycles per day, 201 members per cycle
- Up to 384 hours (16 days)
- Use 8th order horizontal diffusion for all
resolutions - Improved forecast skills and ensemble spread
- Upgrade to ESMF (Earth System Modeling Framework)
for GEFS Version 3.1.0r - Allows concurrent generation of all ensemble
members - Needed for efficiency of stochastic perturbation
scheme - Add stochastic perturbation scheme to account for
random model errors - Increased ensemble spread and forecast skill
(reliability) - Add new variables (26 more) to pgrba files
- Based on user request
- From current 52 (variables) to future 78
(variables) - For NAEFS ensemble data exchange
253Q09 GEFS Schedule
- 30-Day evaluation will begin on Power6 system
when NCO has completed a sufficient portion of
the transition to free up staff resources - Package would run in parallel on the P6 and
become operational when the P6 becomes
operational in mid-July
26NAEFS future configuration Updated December 2008
27Horizontal resolution change Ensemble control
only (deterministic) From T126 to T190 NH 500hPa
geopotential height
26 4
Gains from short waves
28Horizontal diffusions Ensemble controls only
OPR(T126)-4th order NHD(T126)-8th order
May 2007
November 2007
29Resolution and Diffusion for Global Ensemble
E20s T126 4th for all 16d (oper.) E20x T190
8th out to 16d E20e T190 8th (0-180h), then
T126 4th
When reducing resolution from T190 (8th order) to
T126 (4th order), the ensemble forecast
probabilistic skill score tends to t126
immediately, the example shows here for tropical
850hPa temperature. 8th order diffusion for t126
somewhat improves performance (not show here).
Therefore, both the resolution and diffusion play
an important role here.
30Latest retrospective run (full package)
NH 2-m temperature RMSE Spread
NH 500hPa height RMSE Spread
E20s T126L28 E20g T190L28 (0-180 only)
SH 500hPa height CRPSS
NH 500hPa height CRPSS
31CRPSS for NH 850hPa temperature
Extend current 5-day skill to 6-day
Extend current 5-day skill to 6.5-day
32NH Anomaly Correlation for 500hPa HeightPeriod
August 1st September 30th 2007
GEFSg is better than GFS at 48 hours
GEFSg could extend skillful forecast (60) for 9
days 24 hours better than current GEFS 48 hours
better than current GFS
- Based on two sets of retrospective runs (summer
and winter 2007) - New package improved the forecast skill (score)
significantly - For deterministic (ensemble mean)
- For probabilistic (ensemble distribution)
- The better results is benefited from
- Increase horizontal resolution (include
diffusion) - Stochastic perturbation scheme
- Better initial condition (analysis)
- Better forecast model (GFS)
34Experimental Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model
- No GSI changes
- RRTM1 long-wave radiation
- More accurate absorption coefficients
- RRTM shortwave radiation
- Major improvement in upper stratospheric cloudy
skies - Maximum-random cloud overlap for shortwave
- Unifies cloud treatment for long shortwave
radiation - Hourly long-wave radiation
- Better definition of diurnal cycle. Makes scheme
consistent with short-wave radiation - Generalized aerosol treatment
- Code efficiency. Aerosol algorithms will not
have to be rewritten when radiation schemes
35Experimental Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model (Cont)
- Realistic CO2
- Model had been using old climatology. Now uses
observed CO2 - Retuned mountain blocking
- Update parameters for T382
- Shallow convection up to sigma 0.7
- Permits shallow convection over high terrain
- Convective gravity wave drag
- Improve stratospheric tropical winds
- Improved low level Stratus withdrawn early
- Enthalpy thermodynamic prognostic variable
- Improved Mesosphere for SWPC
- Coupling with MOM4 Ocean Model
- Improved week 2 forecast
36Operational GFS Proposed GSI Coupled GFS
Proposed Coupled System shows reduced Threat
Score and an increase in Precipitation Bias
for larger amounts compared to GSI
37Physics Package without coupling shows only a
slight reduction in Threat Score but increase in
Precipitation Bias remains
38Operational GFS Proposed GSI Couled GFS
Proposed Coupled System Shows reduction in NH 500
MB Anomaly Corr compared to GSI
39Physics Package without coupling produces a
larger degradation in NH 500 mb Anomaly
40Removing Enthalpy change (PRC8) shows An
improvement in Threat Score, but still shows
increase in Precipitation Bias for higher amounts
41Removing Enthalpy change (PRC8) produces an
improvement in 500 mb Anomaly Correlation
42Removing Enthalpy change produces improvement in
RMS error for upper level tropical winds
43Removing Enthalpy change produces improvement in
NH RMS temperature error
44Removing Enthalpy change produces improvement
in NH RMS height error
45Removing Enthalpy change produces improvement
in tropical wind bias
46Preliminary Summary
- Objective analysis indicates significant
improvement in a number of areas, but
precipitation bias remains an issue. - Do significant improvements in Height, Threat,
Hurricane Track outweigh the increase in
precipitation bias? - Testing of the Physics Package will continue with
hopes of 3Q08 implementation
47Preliminary Summary
- Objective analysis indicates significant
improvement in a number of areas, but
precipitation bias remains an issue. - Do improvements in Height, Threat outweigh the
increase in precipitation bias? - Testing of the Physics Package will continue with
hopes of 3Q08 implementation
48Future Approach
- Continued development of major model upgrades
- Semi-Lagrangian Model
- Increased Model Resolution
- Identify know model weaknesses and develop
targeted changes to address those short comings - Identify poor forecasts from subjective scores
and focus on diagnostics
49Poor forecasts or Skill Score Dropouts lower
GFS performance.
Significantly reduced skill in AC or RMS (not
shown) occur a little more than once a
month. Shown above are the GFS 00, 06, 12, and
18 Z cycle, and the ECMWF 00 and 12 Z cycle
anomaly correlation skill scores for 20-80 NH for
the first half of October 2008 .
50GFS Diagnostics of Dropouts
51GFS Diagnostics of Dropouts (cont)
52Tools to compare ECMWF and NCEP Dropouts
- ECM Analysis Use ECMWF analysis to generate
Pseudo Observations for input to the Gridded
Statistical Interpolation (GSI) to make analyses,
for initial conditions, and integrate GFS
forecasts. - Compare these ECM runs with GFS runs made in the
same way and w/ production. - A Climatology of NH and SH dropouts what are
the systematic differences - Interpolate ECM and GSI analyses to observations
to determine comparative strengths and
weaknesses. - using statistics of observation type fits
- stratify by pressure, type, and difference
magnitude - Goal Diagnose Quality Control problems,
- Implementation of real time QC
detection/correction and improvements to analysis
system algorithms
53GFS forecasts from ECMWF IC alleviate
production dropouts
New GSI is improvement but does not usually
alleviate dropout
GFS Operational (Production) GFS ECMWF
Their Operations ECM Pseudo Obs from
ECMWF analysis using the GSI as a Grand
Interpolator CNTRL Updated GSI system with
GDAS observations (GSI details change often
across the dropout accumulation
period) InterpGES Updated GSI with previous 3,
6, 9-hour ECM forecasts as background guess
plus GDAS observations
54Results from SH Dropout Experiments
- 90 ECM success in alleviating SH dropouts.
- Adding GDAS Obs (ecmanlGES) lowers the success
rate to 75. - GSI upgrades (CNTRL GFS Operations plus all Obs)
improves GSI but not enough to alleviate dropouts - InterpGES (Background Guess from ECM plus all
Obs) runs also improves GSI but not enough to
alleviate dropouts - Composites show low level SH difference near
850mb in temperature. - Adding the SH observations and the 3, 6, 9-h
background guess degrade the ECM forecasts (from
runs with ECM as the background guess)
55Summary and Future Work
- ECM analysis show dropouts can be alleviated in
GFS forecasts. - Running the operational GSI with an ECM
background guess offers a systematic approach for
assessing observation types by removing
observation types from control analyses - There are systematic height differences between
all models and ECMWF perhaps from the satellite
window coverage of ECMWF (12-h) vs others (6-h) - Work continues to analyze what is the optimal fit
of analysis to observation types and to determine
an implementable algorithm for QC, bias
correction, and analysis weights
56Know Model Weaknesses(from internal evaluation)
- Large growth in rms error in first 24 hours in
midlatitudes - Large growth in rms error in first 48 hours in
tropics - Too much surface downward short wave radiation
- Warm low-level bias over western US in summer
- Negative height bias over Antarctica
- Poor scores in Southern Hemisphere
- Lack of stratus clouds in fcsts displacement of
stratus clouds from coasts - Higher precipitation than independent estimates
- Cold bias over US in winter
- Negative moisture
- Relatively low QPF scores
- Failure to maintain rising motion over Indonesia
in the forecasts - Failure to capture early stages (TD) of tropical
57Know Model Weaknesses(from user feedback)
- High bias for areal coverage of low QPF amounts
(lt 0.10 in.) - Grid scale overturning induces spurious mid-level
vorticity maxima, particularly in the warm
season. - Too cold with the melting layer in wintry
precipitation events - Too flat with strongly amplifying troughs/closed
lows in the western U.S. resulting in the model
being too fast to eject these systems out to the
east - Too far east with the track of East Coast/Gulf
Stream cyclones - Lack of terrain resolution adversely impacts QPF
in the western U.S. and in other areas of complex
terrain, such as southern Mexico. - GFS forecasts conditions favorable for heavy lake
effect snow but has low amounts of QPF - Routinely places a trough over the eastern Brooks
Range in Alaska - Too weak and fast with well-developed Pacific
systems more than a couple of days into the
forecast period - Too aggressive bringing energy into the western
side of ridges - Cold bias in the longer ranges over the eastern
U.S./western Atlantic - Surface lows coming out of the west into the
Plains are too far north The model tends to focus
too much QPF in the cold sector of cyclones
58Schedule for Future Upgrades
- Power6 transition impacting possible FY09
implementations - Physics upgrade on Power6 when it becomes
operational in July 2009 - The go-operational date is during Hurricane
Season, which would produces implementation of
both GFS and HWRF during Hurricane Season. - Next window would be 1Q10
59Schedule for Future Upgrades
- Earliest possible implementation of major upgrade
package would be mid to late FY10 - Minor changes to improve efficiency and
streamline post processing and product generation
can take place at any time after the Power6 is
operational - Changes will not impact forecast product quality