Title: HLABased Distributed Simulation of Queueing Network Models
1HLA-Based Distributed Simulation of Queueing
Network Models
- Johannes Lüthi
- Gerald Anders
- Institut für Technische Informatik
- Universität der Bundeswehr München
2Background and Motivation
- Student-project (with 6 CS students)
- FT distributed simulation with the HLA
- Goals
- HLA-based testbed of a fault tolerant
distributed simulator, focusing on
reconfiguration - Performance and dependability models of
FT distributed simulation - Two main subprojects
- Resource Sharing System (Lüthi/Großmann, PADS
2001) - Distributed Simulation of Queueing Network Models
4Resource Sharing System (RSS)
- Simulation with the HLA
- Motivation
- Architecture
5MotivationDistributed Simulation with the HLA
Node 3
HLA Run Time Infrastructure (RTI)
Node 1
Node 2
New Node 4 ?
6Motivation for Resource Sharing System (RSS)
- Dynamic exploitation of computing resources for
distributed event simulation - Users of Workstations should be able to control
availability of their computers for the
distributed simulation run - Possibility to use the Resource Sharing System
(RSS) for reconfiguration management in fault
tolerant distributed HLA simulation - Existing approaches (e.g. Condor) not feasable
- ? RSS Lüthi/Großmann, PADS 2001
7HLA / RSS Architecture
8Motivation for HLA-Based DDES of QNMs
- Needed test case for RSS FT Simulation
- Wanted HLA simulation model with
- scalability w.r.t. number of federates
- scalability w.r.t. size of federates
- control on communication granularity
- DDES of Queueing Network Models (QNMs)
- QNMs can become very large -gt DDES!
- Desired properties OK
- Partitioning of existing model into submodels
instead of combining existing submodels
9HLA-Based Distributed Simulation of QNMs
- HLA/RSS QNM Simulation Architecture
- Federation Editor
- QNM Federate
10HLA/RSSQNM Simulation Architecture
Node 1
Federation Editor (using QNM specification
Fed. Start
QNMFed 2
11Federation Editor (FedEdit)QNM Description Syntax
- Federate
- Separates submodels (federates)
- Node
- Queue
- Capacity, strategy, content, min time in queue
- Server
- Service time, jobs in, jobs out, successors
- Currently defined timing variables
- Fixed, exponential, uniform
12(No Transcript)
13Federation Editor (FedEdit)User Interface
- ASCII files
- Syntax highlighting
- Allows comments
- Syntax check
- Automatically generate data files for all
QNMFeds(C data structures) - Automatically start replicated QNMFeds
14QNM Federate - Data Structures
15QNM Federate - Synchronization
- Conservative Synchronization Chandy/Misra 79
- Supplied via RTI
- After simulation of events with timestamp t
- Request timeAdvanceGrant to timestamp t of
next event - Lookahead
- Crucial factor in conservative simulation
- Determines amount of parallelism
- Only nodes producing external events considered
- Improved lookahead computation subject to future
16Lessons Learned andOngoing work
- Federation execution management
- Fault Tolerance
17Need for Federation Execution Management
- For timeAdvanceGrant decisions the RTI can only
take into acount federates that are registered at
the RTI! - At simulation start not all QNMFeds can register
simultaneously! - Actual simulation start has to be delayed until
all QNMFeds are registered - QNMFeds know total number of federates
- During RSS migration a migrating federate is
temporaly not registered in the federation! - RSS blocks simulation appropriately
18Ongoing and Future Work
- Federation Execution Management
- Synchronized startup and shutdown
- Support for repeatability of experiments
- Statistical support
- Configurable Fault Tolerance
- Classification of failure/fault types
- Classification of FT menchanisms
- Reconfiguration management (based on RSS)
- Fault Tolerance Based on Replication
- Berchtold/Hezel ESM 2001
19Thanks for your Open Attention ! Questions ?