Title: Presentation by S P Dhal, Faculty Member, SPBT College
1Asset Liability Management in Banks
Module A
Live Interactive Learning Session
- Presentation by S P Dhal, Faculty Member, SPBT
2Components of a Bank Balance sheet
Contingent Liabilities
3Components of Liabilities
- Capital
- Capital represents owners contribution/stake in
the bank. - It serves as a cushion for depositors and
creditors. - It is considered to be a long term sources for
the bank.
4Components of Liabilities
- 2. Reserves Surplus
- Components under this head includes
- I. Statutory Reserves
- II. Capital Reserves
- III. Investment Fluctuation Reserve
- IV. Revenue and Other Reserves
- V. Balance in Profit and Loss Account
5Components of Liabilities
- 3. Deposits
- This is the main source of banks funds. The
deposits are classified as deposits payable on
demand and time. They are reflected in
balance sheet as under - I. Demand Deposits
- II. Savings Bank Deposits
- III. Term Deposits
6Components of Liabilities
- 4. Borrowings
- (Borrowings include Refinance / Borrowings from
RBI, Inter-bank other institutions) - I. Borrowings in India
- i) Reserve Bank of India
- ii) Other Banks
- iii) Other Institutions Agencies
- II. Borrowings outside India
7Components of Liabilities
- 5. Other Liabilities Provisions
- It is grouped as under
- I. Bills Payable
- II. Inter Office Adjustments (Net)
- III. Interest Accrued
- IV. Unsecured Redeemable Bonds
- (Subordinated Debt for Tier-II Capital)
- V. Others(including provisions)
8Components of Assets
- Cash Bank Balances with RBI
- I. Cash in hand
- (including foreign currency notes)
- II. Balances with Reserve Bank of India
- In Current Accounts
- In Other Accounts
9Components of Assets
NOTICE - I. In India
- i) Balances with Banks
- a) In Current Accounts
- b) In Other Deposit Accounts
- ii) Money at Call and Short Notice
- a) With Banks
- b) With Other Institutions
- II. Outside India
- a) In Current Accounts
- b) In Other Deposit Accounts
- c) Money at Call Short Notice
10Components of Assets
- 3. Investments
- A major asset item in the banks balance sheet.
Reflected under 6 buckets as under - I. Investments in India in
- i) Government Securities
- ii) Other approved Securities
- iii) Shares
- iv) Debentures and Bonds
- v) Subsidiaries and Sponsored Institutions
- vi) Others (UTI Shares , Commercial Papers,
COD - Mutual Fund Units etc.)
- II. Investments outside India in
- Subsidiaries and/or Associates abroad
11Components of Assets
- 4. Advances
- The most important assets for a bank.
- A. i) Bills Purchased and Discounted
- ii) Cash Credits, Overdrafts Loans
- repayable on demand
- iii) Term Loans
- B. Particulars of Advances
- i) Secured by tangible assets
- (including advances against Book Debts)
- ii) Covered by Bank/ Government Guarantees
- iii) Unsecured
12Components of Assets
- 5. Fixed Asset
- I. Premises
- II. Other Fixed Assets (Including furniture and
fixtures) - 6. Other Assets
- I. Interest accrued
- II. Tax paid in advance/tax deducted at
source - (Net of Provisions)
- III. Stationery and Stamps
- IV. Non-banking assets acquired in
satisfaction of claims - V. Deferred Tax Asset (Net)
- VI. Others
13Contingent Liability
- Banks obligations under LCs, Guarantees,
Acceptances on behalf of constituents and Bills
accepted by the bank are reflected under this
14Banks Profit Loss Account
- A banks profit Loss Account has the following
components - Income This includes Interest Income and Other
Income. - II. Expenses This includes Interest Expended,
Operating Expenses and Provisions contingencies.
15Components of Income
- I. Interest/Discount on Advances / Bills
- II. Income on Investments
- III. Interest on balances with Reserve Bank
- of India and other inter-bank funds
- IV. Others
16Components of Income
- I. Commission, Exchange and Brokerage
- II. Profit on sale of Investments (Net)
- III. Profit/(Loss) on Revaluation of Investments
- IV. Profit on sale of land, buildings and other
- assets (Net)
- V. Profit on exchange transactions (Net)
- VI. Income earned by way of dividends etc. from
subsidiaries and Associates abroad/in India - VII. Miscellaneous Income
17Components of Expenses
- I. Interest on Deposits
- II. Interest on Reserve Bank of India /
Inter-Bank - borrowings
- III. Others
18Components of Expenses
- I. Payments to and Provisions for employees
- II. Rent, Taxes and Lighting
- III. Printing and Stationery
- IV. Advertisement and Publicity
- V. Depreciation on Bank's property
- VI. Directors' Fees, Allowances and Expenses
- VII. Auditors' Fees and Expenses (including
Branch Auditors) - VIII. Law Charges
- IX. Postages, Telegrams, Telephones etc.
- X. Repairs and Maintenance
- XI. Insurance
- XII. Other Expenditure
19Assets Liability Management
It is a dynamic process of Planning, Organizing
Controlling of Assets Liabilities- their
volumes, mixes, maturities, yields and costs in
order to maintain liquidity and NII.
20Significance of ALM
- Volatility
- Product Innovations Complexities
- Regulatory Environment
- Management Recognition
21Purpose Objective of ALM
- An effective Asset Liability Management
Technique aims to manage the volume, mix,
maturity, rate sensitivity, quality and liquidity
of assets and liabilities as a whole so as to
attain a predetermined acceptable risk/reward
ration. - It is aimed to stabilize short-term profits,
long-term earnings and long-term substance of the
bank. The parameters for stabilizing ALM system
are - 1. Net Interest Income (NII)
- 2. Net Interest Margin (NIM)
- 3. Economic Equity Ratio
- Issued draft guidelines on 10th Sept98.
- Final guidelines issued on 10th Feb99 for
implementation of ALM w.e.f. 01.04.99. - To begin with 60 of asset liabilities will be
covered 100 from 01.04.2000. - Initially Gap Analysis to be applied in the first
stage of implementation. - Disclosure to Balance Sheet on maturity pattern
on Deposits, Borrowings, Investment Advances
w.e.f. 31.03.01
23Liquidity Management
- Banks liquidity management is the process of
generating funds to meet contractual or
relationship obligations at reasonable prices at
all times. - New loan demands, existing commitments, and
deposit withdrawals are the basic contractual or
relationship obligations that a bank must meet.
24Adequacy of liquidity position for a bank
- Analysis of following factors throw light on a
banks adequacy of liquidity position - Historical Funding requirement
- Current liquidity position
- Anticipated future funding needs
- Sources of funds
- Options for reducing funding needs
- Present and anticipated asset quality
- Present and future earning capacity and
- h. Present and planned capital position
25Funding Avenues
- To satisfy funding needs, a bank must perform
one or a combination of the following - Dispose off liquid assets
- Increase short term borrowings
- Decrease holding of less liquid assets
- Increase liability of a term nature
- e. Increase Capital funds
26Types of Liquidity Risk
- Liquidity Exposure can stem from both internally
and externally. - External liquidity risks can be geographic,
systemic or instrument specific. - Internal liquidity risk relates largely to
perceptions of an institution in its various
markets local, regional, national or
27Other categories of liquidity risk
- Funding Risk
- - Need to replace net outflows due to
unanticipated withdrawals/non-renewal - Time Risk
- - Need to compensate for non-receipt of
expected inflows of funds - Call Risk
- - Crystallization of contingent liability
28Statement of Structural Liquidity
All Assets Liabilities to be reported as per
their maturity profile into 8 maturity Buckets
- 1 to 14 days
- 15 to 28 days
- 29 days and up to 3 months
- Over 3 months and up to 6 months
- Over 6 months and up to 1 year
- Over 1 year and up to 3 years
- Over 3 years and up to 5 years
- Over 5 years
- Places all cash inflows and outflows in the
maturity ladder as per residual maturity - Maturing Liability cash outflow
- Maturing Assets Cash Inflow
- Classified in to 8 time buckets
- Mismatches in the first two buckets not to exceed
20 of outflows - Shows the structure as of a particular date
- Banks can fix higher tolerance level for other
maturity buckets.
30An Example of Structural Liquidity Statement
- Mismatches can be positive or negative
- Positive Mismatch M.A.gtM.L. and Negative
Mismatch M.L.gtM.A. - In case of ve mismatch, excess liquidity can be
deployed in money market instruments, creating
new assets investment swaps etc. - For ve mismatch,it can be financed from market
borrowings (Call/Term), Bills rediscounting,
Repos deployment of foreign currency converted
into rupee.
- To meet the mismatch in any maturity bucket, the
bank has to look into taking deposit and invest
it suitably so as to mature in time bucket with
negative mismatch. - The bank can raise fresh deposits of Rs 300 crore
over 5 years maturities and invest it in
securities of 1-29 days of Rs 200 crores and rest
matching with other out flows.
33Maturity Pattern of Select Assets Liabilities
of A Bank
- Generated by grouping RSA,RSL OFF-Balance sheet
items in to various (8)time buckets. - RSA
- A) RSAgtRSL Positive Gap
- B) RSLgtRSA Negative Gap
- C) RSLRSA Zero Gap
- Awareness for ALM in the Bank staff at all
levelssupportive Management dedicated Teams. - Method of reporting data from Branches/ other
Departments. (Strong MIS). - Computerization-Full computerization, networking.
- Insight into the banking operations, economic
forecasting, computerization, investment, credit. - 5. Linking up ALM to future Risk Management
37Interest Rate Risk Management
- Interest Rate risk is the exposure of a banks
financial conditions to adverse movements of
interest rates. - Though this is normal part of banking business,
excessive interest rate risk can pose a
significant threat to a banks earnings and
capital base. - Changes in interest rates also affect the
underlying value of the banks assets,
liabilities and off-balance-sheet item.
38Interest Rate Risk
- Interest rate risk refers to volatility in Net
Interest Income (NII) or variations in Net
Interest Margin(NIM). - Therefore, an effective risk management process
that maintains interest rate risk within prudent
levels is essential to safety and soundness of
the bank.
39Sources of Interest Rate Risk
- Interest rate risk mainly arises from
- Gap Risk
- Basis Risk
- Net Interest Position Risk
- Embedded Option Risk
- Yield Curve Risk
- Price Risk
- Reinvestment Risk
40Measurement of Interest Rate Risk
- Gap Analysis- Simple maturity/re-pricing
Schedules can be used to generate simple
indicators of interest rate risk sensitivity of
both earnings and economic value to changing
interest rates. - - If a negative gap occurs (RSAltRSL) in given
time band, an increase in market interest rates
could cause a decline in NII. - - conversely, a positive gap (RSAgtRSL) in a
given time band, an decrease in market interest
rates could cause a decline in NII.
41Measurement of Interest Rate Risk
- Duration Analysis Duration is a measure of the
percentage change in the economic value of a
position that occur given a small change in level
of interest rate.