Title: Young people are the future
1Young people are the future
- Apprenticeships at Chesterfield Borough Council
- Jenny Caitlin
- Learning and Development Officer
- Chesterfield Borough Council
2Taking on Apprentices
- Chesterfield Borough Council is committed to
increasing the number of apprenticeships - At present we have 18 apprentices in building
services in craft skills - We would like to increase the number, age range
and vocational options in other services by
creating apprenticeships in the future
3A variety of apprentice jobs
- carpentry and Joinery gas engineering
- plumbing electrical
- bricklaying stores
- We run a rigorous selection process and aim high
- Our apprentices have consistently won regional
national awards
4It worked for us!
The Central Services Manager at the Borough
Council has said The apprentices are
essential to the sustainability of our workforce.
We train them in our policies and working
practices which ensures we can maintain our team
of highly skilled craftspeople
5Along came the the Skills Pledge
- We signed up and committed to up-skill our
workforce to a baseline of level 2. - We started with an NVQ Open Day in December
- So far 32 people have achieved NVQ 2
- Another 30 are signed up on NVQs
6(No Transcript)
7Support from Providers
- We work with Derby Corporate College, DART, South
Notts College, Swan Training and Chesterfield
College to access government funded training -
- We have always offered NVQs and there have been
pockets of take up in some service areas, - we now promote, co-ordinate and monitor from HR
to ensure systematic identification and take up
of development needs
8(No Transcript)
9The future
- We are starting a Skills for Life session
- We are looking at traineeships in deprived wards
- We are looking at Level 2 qualifications in some
of the hard to reach groups e.g. streetscene - we are very, very busy
- Only 5 of our workforce is aged 16-25 years old
- Yet 34 of our workforce is over 51 years of age
- This could create problems in future
- We older ones are passing through
- We have to develop others and enable them to
create the future
11Skills Pledge
Part of our commitment is to increase the number
vocational range of apprenticeships for people
of all ages in other service areas We see it as
instrumental in equipping tomorrows workforce
with the right skills and qualifications to
provide high quality services We aim to
integrate into our existing procedures by
exploring suitable skills frameworks for vacant
posts to turn them into apprenticeships. Scales
12Wonderful things come from small beginnings
Thank you for listening