Title: SQL: Data Manipulation
1SQL Data Manipulation
- Presented by Mary Choi
- For CS157B
- Dr. Sin Min Lee
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
- Writing an SQL Command
- Retrieving Data
- Building SQL Statements
- Performing Database Updates
3What is SQL?
- SQL is an example of a transform-oriented
language. - A language designed to use relations to transform
inputs into required outputs.
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4What is SQL?
- ISO SQL has two major components
- Data Definition Language (DDL)
- Data Manipulation Language (DML)
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5Data Definition Language (DDL)
- Defining the database structure
- Tables
- Controlling access to the data
- What a user can legally access
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6Data Manipulation Language (DML)
- Retrieving Data
- Query tables
- Updating Data
- Populate tables
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7Writing SQL Commands
- SQL statement consists of reserved words and
user-defined words - Reserved words are a fixed part of the SQL
language and have a fixed meaning - User-defined words are made up by the user
(according to syntax rules)
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8Reserved Words
- Are fixed part of the SQL language
- Have a fixed meaning
- Require exact spelling
- Kept on the same line
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9User-defined Words
- Are made up by the user
- Governed by a set of syntax rules
- Represent names of database objects such as
- Tables
- Columns
- Views
- Indexes
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10Data Manipulation
- Select query data in the database
- Insert insert data into a table
- Update updates data in a table
- Delete delete data from a table
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- Non-numeric data values must be enclosed in
single quotes - 16 Holland Drive
- CS157B
- Numeric data values must NOT be enclosed in
single quotes - 6
- 600.00
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12Writing SQL Commands
- Most components of an SQL statement are case
insensitive, but one exception is that literal
character data must be typed exactly as it
appears in the database.
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13Simple Query
- Select specifies which columns are to appear in
the output. - From specifies the table(s) to be used.
- Where filters the rows subject to some
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14Simple Query
- Group By forms groups of rows with the same
column value. - Having filters the groups subject to some
condition. - Order By specifies the order of the output.
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15Retrieve all columns and all rows
- SELECT firstColumn,,lastColumn
- FROM tableName
- FROM tableName
16Use of Distinct
- FROM tableName
17Calculated fields
- SELECT columnName/2
- FROM tableName
18Comparison Search Condition
- equals
- lt gt is not equal to (ISO standard)
- ! (allowed in some dialects)
- lt is less than
- gt is greater than
- lt is less than or equal to
- gt is greater than or equal to
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19Comparison Search Condition
- An expression is evaluated left to right.
- Subexpressions in brackets are evaluated first.
- NOTs are evaluated before ANDs and ORs.
- ANDs are evaluated before ORs.
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20Range Search Condition
- SELECT columnName
- FROM tableName
- WHERE columnName BETWEEN 20 AND 30
- SELECT columnName
- FROM tableName
- WHERE columnName gt 20
- AND columnName lt 30
21Set membership search condition
- SELECT columnName
- FROM tableName
- WHERE columnName
- IN (name1, name2)
- SELECT columnName
- FROM tableName
- WHERE columnName name1
- OR columnName name2
22Pattern matching symbols
- represents any sequence of zero
- or more characters (wildcard).
- _ represents any single character
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23Pattern match search condition
- h begins with the character h .
- h_ _ _ four character string beginning with
the - character h.
- e any sequence of characters, of length
at - least 1, ending with the character e.
- CS157B any sequence of characters of any
- length containing CS157B
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24Pattern match search condition
- LIKE h
- begins with the character h .
- does not begin with the character h.
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25Pattern match search condition
- To search a string that includes a
- pattern-matching character
- 15
- Use an escape character to represent
- the pattern-matching character.
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26NULL search condition
- comment
- comment !
- comment IS NULL
- comment IS NOT NULL
- The ORDER BY clause
- consists of list of column identifiers that the
result is to be sorted on, separated by commas. - Allows the retrieved rows to be ordered by
ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order
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- Column identifier may be
- A column name
- A column number (deprecated)
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- SELECT type, rent
- FROM tableName
- ORDER BY type, rent ASC
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30Aggregate Functions
- COUNT returns the number
- SUM returns the sum
- AVG returns the average
- MIN returns the smallest
- MAX returns the largest
- value in a specified column.
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31Use of COUNT( )
- How many students in CS157B?
- SELECT COUNT( ) AS my count
32GROUP BY clause
- When GROUP BY is used, each item in the SELECT
list must be single-valued per group. - The SELECT clause may contain only
- Column names
- Aggregate functions
- Constants
- An expression involving combinations of the above
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- SELECT dept, COUNT(staffNo) AS my count
SUM(salary) - FROM tableName
- GROUP BY dept
- ORDER BY dept
34Restricting Grouping
- HAVING clause
- is with the GROUP BY clause.
- filters groups into resulting table.
- includes at least one aggregate function.
- WHERE clause
- filters individual rows into resulting table.
- Aggregate functions cannot be used.
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35- SELECT dept, COUNT(staffNo) AS my count,
SUM(salary) AS my sum - FROM Staff
- GROUP BY dept
- HAVING COUNT(staffNo) gt 1
- ORDER BY dept
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- SELECT columnNameA
- FROM tableName1
- WHERE columnNameB (SELECT columnNameB
- FROM tableName2
- WHERE condition)
result from inner SELECT applied as a condition
for the outer SELECT
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37Subquery with Aggregate Function
List all staff whose salary is greater than the
average salary, show by how much their salary is
greater than the average.
- SELECT fName, salary
- ( SELECT AVG(salary)
- FROM Staff ) AS salDiff
- FROM Staff
- WHERE salary gt ( SELECT AVG(salary)
- FROM Staff )
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38Nested Subqueries Use of IN
- SELECT property
- FROM PropertyForRent
- WHERE staff IN(
- SELECT staff
- FROM Staff
- WHERE branch (
- SELECT branch
- FROM Branch
- WHERE street
- 112 A St))
Selects branch at 112 A St
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39Nested Subqueries Use of IN
- SELECT property
- FROM PropertyForRent
- WHERE staff IN(
- SELECT staff
- FROM Staff
- WHERE branch ( branch ) )
Select staff members who works at branch.
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40Nested Subqueries Use of IN
- SELECT property
- FROM PropertyForRent
- WHERE staff IN( staffs who works
- at branch on 112 A St)
Since there are more than one row selected,
cannot be used.
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41Use of ANY/SOME
- SELECT name, salary
- FROM Staff
- WHERE salary gt SOME( SELECT salary
- FROM Staff
- WHERE branch A )
Result list of staff with salary greater than
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42Use of ALL
- SELECT name, salary
- FROM Staff
- WHERE salary gt ALL( SELECT salary
- FROM Staff
- WHERE branch A )
Result list of staff with salary greater than
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43Use of Any/Some and All
- If the subquery is empty
- ALL returns true
- ANY returns false
- ISO standard allows SOME to be
- used interchangeably with ANY.
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44Multi-Table Queries
- Join
- Inner Join
- Left Outer Join
- Right Outer Join
- Full Outer Join
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- SELECT client
- FROM Client c, View v
- WHERE c.client v.client
ISO standard Alternatives
FROM Client c JOIN View v ON c.client
v.client (creates two identical client
columns) FROM Client JOIN View USING
client FROM Client NATURAL JOIN View
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- The join operation combines data from two tables
by forming pairs of related rows where the
matching columns in each table have the same
value. - If one row of a table is unmatched, the row is
omitted from the resulting table.
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47Inner Join
- SELECT b.,p.
- FROM Branch b, Property p
- WHERE b.bCity p.pCity
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48Inner Join Result
- SELECT b.,p.
- FROM Branch b, Property p
- WHERE b.bCity p.pCity
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49Left Outer Join
- SELECT b.,p.
- FROM Branch b
- LEFT JOIN Property p
- ON b.bCity p.pCity
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50Right Outer Join
- SELECT b.,p.
- FROM Branch b
- RIGHT JOIN Property p
- ON b.bCity p.pCity
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51Full Outer Join
- SELECT b.,p.
- FROM Branch b
- FULL JOIN Property p
- ON b.bCity p.pCity
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52Exists and Not Exists
- For use only with subqueries.
- Produces true/false results.
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- returns true IFF there exists at least one row in
the resulting table returned by the subquery
- returns false if the subquery is empty.
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54Exists and Not Exists
Find all staff who work in a London branch office.
- SELECT staff
- FROM Staff s
- FROM Branch b
- WHERE s.branch b.branch
- AND city
London) -
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55Combining Result Tables
R ? S
R ? S
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56Use of UNION
List of all cities where there is either a branch
or property.
- ( SELECT city
- FROM Branch
- ( SELECT city
- FROM Property
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List of all cities where there is both a branch
and a property.
- ( SELECT city FROM Branch )
- ( SELECT city FROM Property )
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58Use of EXCEPT
List of all cities where there is a branch office
but no properties.
- ( SELECT city FROM Branch )
- ( SELECT city FROM Property )
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59Database Updates
- Adds new rows of data to a table
- Modifies existing data in a table
- Removes rows of data from a table
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60Use of INSERT
- INSERT INTO TableName(columnList)
- VALUES (dataValueList)
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61Use of UPDATE
- UPDATE TableName
- SET columnnName1 dataValueList
- , columnName2 dataValue2
- WHERE searchCondition
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62Use of DELETE
- WHERE searchCondition
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