Title: Columbus Program System for Molecular Electronic Structure
1Columbus Program SystemforMolecular Electronic
- Relativistic Quantum Chemistry Capabilities
- Russell M. Pitzer
- Department of Chemistry
- Ohio State University
- Work done in collaboration with
- R. Shepard, Argonne National Lab
- T. Mueller, Research Center Jülich
- W.C. Ermler, University of Memphis
- I. Shavitt, University of Illinois
- B. Bursten, Ohio State University
2Columbus Program SystemInteractions - Energies
- One-electron
- Kinetic Energy of Electrons
- Electron-Nucleus Coulomb Attraction
- Spin-orbit Interaction
- Two-electron
- Electron-Electron Coulomb Repulsion
3Columbus Program SystemFormulation
- One-electron basis functions (orbitals)
- Atomic orbitals (AOs) ? linear combinations
? Molecular orbitals (MOs) - Many-electron basis functions
- Linear combinations of products of MOs and
spin functions chosen to be - antisymmetric (Pauli Principle) and
eigenfunctions of electron spin ? - Configuration State Functions (CSFs)
- Wavefunctions (solutions to Schrödinger Eq.)
- Linear combinations of CSFs
- (Large, sparse matrix diagonalization) ?
energies etc.
4Columbus ProgramsReal Symmetric Eigenvalue
- Sparse matrix dimensions 104 to 109
- Need only small number of lowest eigenvalues
- Matrix elements generated on the fly in computing
matrix-vector products - (Iterative) Davidson method
5Columbus ProgramsParallelization
- Extraction of eigenvalues requires almost all of
the computer time - Sub-blocks of matrix handled in parallel in
forming matrix-vector products - Global Arrays software used
- Load balancing by assigning tasks in decreasing
order of length
6Timing of CI Iteration
Programming T. Mueller, Research Center,
Juelich Tuning and Benchmarking M. Minkoff and
R. Shepard, Argonne National Lab
7Columbus Programs
- Expect to incorporate pseudopotentionals from
W.C. Ermler and M. Marino (SciDAC). - Effectively, large-core pseudopotentials with
outer core flexible and simply coupled to valence
8Columbus Programs Applications
- UO22 in Cs2UO2Cl2
- X-ray spectra (O K-edge) in 500 eV range.
- Excitation to valence orbitals including 5g.
- UO2
- Characterized lowest 32 electronic states.
- Low-lying states thermally populated ?
- electronic hot bands
- Comparison with spectra of M. Heaven group
- Antisymmetric stretch frequencies found to be
776 cm-1(Ar matrix), 915 cm-1 (Ne matrix) by L.
Andrews group. Calculations and gas-phase
experiments give results close to the high value
(several groups). Ar matrix electronic spectra
give same electronic ground state as in gas phase
(Heaven group).
9Columbus ProgramsApplications
- CUO Observed shifts in matrix-isolation
stretching frequencies (68,195 cm-1) between Ne
and Ar hosts suggest different electronic ground
states support with DFT calculations without SO
(Li et al. 2002). CASPT2 SO calculations give
no explanation (Roos et al. 2003). - Er3 doped into GaN example of laser material
for optical-fiber signals. Transition is 4I15/2
? 4I13/2. Crystal field causes splittings and
10Atomic Self-Consistent-Field Program
- Original version by
- C.C.J. Roothaan and P.S. Bagus 1963 (assembler)
- Many later versions in fortran
- Mainly used to optimize AO basis sets
- Version now available with
- fortran 90 memory allocation
- improved integral formulas
- simple vectorization features
- generalization to angular momenta 0 to 24
- some states with two open shells of the same
symmetry - simplified open-shell energy coefficients
- Correlation-consistent basis sets for core
potentials now available http//www.chemistry.os