Title: Gandhian Vision of Rural Industrialization
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2Gandhian Vision of Rural Industrialization
Needs and challenges
3Synopsis of Presentation
- Indias development experience
- Need for Gandhian Model of development -
challenges of its practical Implementation - Attempts done so far - their critical review
- Hopeful signs-silver linings in the dark clouds
- Role of Technical Institutions-suggestions
5The Model of Development
- Increase wealth of nation through Planned growth
in agriculture and industry--emphasis on
centralized technologies - The wealth would trickle down to masses thus
alleviating poverty - Help to village industries only a stop gap
arrangement for quick employment generation
6Growth in Economy
7Indias Development Experience
- 35 below poverty line-huge unemployment
- Unaccounted money in circulation 30-50 of GDP
- Transparency International India nearly at the
top in corruption - Total Debt Rs2,000,000 crores ( 35 external)
- skewed economic growth ( carvak model) and moral
8Task force on Employment ...report submitted to
Planning Commission (2002)
- Only if GDP growth 8-9 employment opportunities
would increase..if it continues at average of
6.5 it will not lead to any significant
improvement in employment - Almost near jobless growth in 1990s
- Unemployment about 10 crore youth
What are its implications?
9The Danger ahead -globalisation
- Stark inequalities can be a recipe for
socio-political and economic destabilization in a
globalising economy PMs Council
10We need Holistic Growth with Social justice
11Holistic Growth with Social justice
- Failure of capitalistic and communist models -of
materialistic world view-their non sustainability - The humanistic alternative Ruskin, Gandhi,
Maslow, Schumacher - Gandhian View Development should be holistic
Non-exploitative, i.e. sustainable - Possible only in Self sufficient Village
Republics Gram-swaraj Swadeshi ---wealth
generation in a distributed manner not
re-distribution of wealth generated centrally - Need for Rural Industrialization--decentralised
12Challenges in Implementing Gandhian Model
- Gandhiji I do visualize electricity, ship
building, iron works, machine making and the like
existing side by side with village handicrafts.
But the order of dependence will be reversed.. - Technical feasibility Is it possible to have
production by masses in a manner that can compete
with mass production? - Social feasibility - change in the world view of
society Imbibing universal human
values-Holistic Education
13Efforts Done till now
- AIVIA set up by Gandhiji
in 1935 at Wardha - Voluntary effort of dedicated Gandhians
- Akhil Bhartiya Sarva Seva Sangha
- Setting up of KVIC 1957 .JBCRI handed over to
it - Activities at JBCRI
- Contribution of NGOs
- Rural Technology Centres in IITs, IISc
14Why have these efforts not borne fruit ?
15Technical Feasibility.1
Why have these efforts not borne fruit
- Mind set VI sector is bound to be
un-competitive ( economy of scale) - low productivity quality
- VI sectors role is primarily to provide
employment---- not a viable method of
production - No systematic efforts by technical institutions
to innovate technologies, management practices
for decentralised production---limited expertise
with NGOs - Technical education oriented towards organised
sector alone
16Technical Feasibility.2
Why have these efforts not borne fruit
- No emphasis on Indigenous Technology
development. Import is cheaper - Rural Technology Centres islands of
mediocrity in ocean of excellence - The Culture of Resource Generation in Technical
Institutions - Limited paying capability of KVI enterprises
- Lack of recognition for such low technology
work-- unfavourable institutional ethos - Faculty appraisal international publications
17Social Feasibility
Why have these efforts not borne fruit..
- Materialistic world view promotes consumerism
ostentatious living - rejects simple living as a policy
- rejects appropriate technologies
- Attenuates the spirit of Service in NGOs ...from
seva to naukri - The Education System promotes cut-throat
competition - no discussion on values default value
system-hedonism , materialistic world view
The future of any society depends on the
education of its youth
18Hope for the future ?
19Success stories of decentralised
- Lijjat Papad
- Mumbai Dabbawalas
- Handloom -Handicraft exports
- Contribution of NGOs
20Silver Linings in the Clouds
- Ecological awareness-sustainable development
movement - sustainable production consumption
- values for sustainable development
- Increasing popularity of Products best produced
in VI Sector Organic foods, Cotton, Ayurvedic
remedies, herbal food supplements - IT Revolution-potential for help in marketing
- Introduction of Education in Human Values in the
education system
21RIO-DECLARATION on Environment Development
- 5 Eradicating poverty...decrease disparities an
indispensable requirement for sustainable
development - 8 Eliminate unsustainable patterns of production
and consumption - 22 recognize and support indigenous knowledge
and traditional practices
22Role of Technical Institutions..some suggestions?
23Technical Feasibility
Some suggestions
- Develop technologies and management practices to
make decentralized production competitive - Student Projects ( at all levels) related to KVI
Sector - Practical training in good KVI units
- Seek Grants for projects related to KVIC Sector
- Rural entrepreneurship as a viable career
- Rural Energy Infrastructure Development
Identify policy changes to give due recognition
to such RD work
24Social Feasibility
Some suggestions
- Introduce Education in Human Values in the
Curriculum - What , Why and How of Value inculcation ?
- Interaction of Science Technology and Human
Values - sustainable development - Engineering Ethics
- Conduct Training programmes to sensitize
professional engineers , scientists NGOs
25Role of Governmental Agencies
26Role of Governmental Agencies
Some suggestions
- KVIC Set up a Model Apex Institution to
Coordinate the process of Transfer of Attention
of S, T M institutions to KVI Sector - Provide it with sufficient autonomy and resources
to fund research projects related to KVI
Sector----ethos of a facilitator and not a
stereotype auditor - Set up its Technical Interface units in reputed
Technical Institutions - Promote rural Entrepreneurship Development
programmes in Technical Institutions
27Role of Government Agencies
Some suggestions
- AICTE Promote this work through affirmative
action--accreditation policy - GOI Changes in Technology Policy and other
affirmative action - Earmark a portion ( say 2) of funds of rural
development ministry for RD activities related
to KVI Sector - Give Priority to strengthening the rural energy
programme and IT network - Emphasis indigenous technology development
28Role of Government Agencies
Some suggestions
- Encourage R D work at various levels-- from
research labs to Grass root innovators -- to
strengthen KVI Sector in various ways
29What should we aim to achieve in this workshop?
30- Evolve Policies and action plans for various
stakeholders ( especially technical institutions)
which would accelerate the process of rural
industrialization in tune with the Gandhian
vision of sustainable village economy - the products of the KVI sector can compete with
those of the mainstream industrial sector and
become equally popular in the country and abroad
31Identify Action Plans to .
- Provide best possible S,TM inputs to increase
productivity, ensure quality and marketing of
KVIC products - Create an ethos to attract professionally trained
youth to Gandhian vision-- initiate the process
of bringing about a change in the world view - Empower traditional craftsmen, artisans in
various ways---- learning and training,
integration with mainstream technical education - Promote Rural Entrepreneurship Development
programmes in technical institutions
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35Thank You All !