Title: Boeing
1Boeing Airbus Cases.
2Airbus/Boeing Market Share
Source http//www.aiaa.org/aerospace/Article.cfm?
3Airbus/Boeing History
- Airbus
- European consortium originally formed in 1970
- By 1979 Airbus was composed of Airbus France,
Airbus Deutschland, Airbus UK and Airbus EspaƱa - In 2001, Airbus became a single fully integrated
4Airbus/Boeing History cont.
- Boeing
- American company founded in 1916 by William
Boeing - Worlds largest manufacturer of commercial
jetliners and military aircraft - Employ 153,800 employees in 48 U.S. states and 67
5EU-US Agreement on Trade in Large Civil Aircraft
- Bilateral negotiations focusing on the limitation
of both direct and indirect government support - Prevented US and EC from filing complaints
regarding LCA subsidies - U.S. unilaterally withdrew from agreement due to
pressure from Boeing
6Airbus/Boeing WTO Case History
- Post U.S. withdrawal from EU-US Agreement on
Trade in LCA (1992) - Two Dispute Settlements
- DS316 (DS347 second complaint) DS317
- DS316 (DS347 second complaint) U.S. complainant
- DS317 European Communities complainant
7DS316 (DS347)- EC Measures Affecting Trade in
Large Civil Aircraft
- October 6, 2004 United States requests
consultations - May 31, 2005 U.S. requests establishment of a
panel - July 20, 2005 DSB establishes panel
- October 17, 2005 Deputy Director Alejandro Jara
composes panel - April 13, 2006 Chairman of panel informs the DSB
that it will be unable to complete its work
within 6 months
8DS317 U.S. Measures Affecting Trade in Large
Civil Aircraft
- October 6, 2004 European Communities requests
consultations - May 31, 2005 EC requests establishment of a
panel - June 27, 2005 EC requests additional
consultations - July 20, 2005 DSB establishes panel
- October 17, 2005 Deputy Director Jara composes
panel - January 20, 2006 EC requests establishment of a
another panel - April 13, 2006 Chairman of panel informs the DSB
that it will be unable to complete its work
within 6 months -
9DS 316
- Complainant United States
- Respondent European Communities
- Request for consultations received on October 6,
- What is a subsidy?
- Article 1.1 (a) of the SCM Agreement, a Subsidy
exists if there is - A financial contribution by a government
- or
- Some income or price support.
11The Main WTO Issue (DS 316)
- U.S Claims
- prohibited because they are illegal export
subsidies (Article 3 of SCM), - actionable because they cause adverse effects
and serious prejudice to the United States
(Article 5 and Article 6 of SCM), - inconsistent with the provisions of Article XVI1
of GATT 1994.
12DS 347
- Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft
(Second Complaint) - Complainant United States
- Respondent European Communities
- Request for consultations received on January
31, 2006. - Status Panels established by DSB/reports not yet
circulated - Included Article III4.
13DS 317
- Complainant
- European Communities
- Respondent United States
- Request for consultations received on October 6,
14The Main WTO Issue (DS 317)
- The EC challenges the subsidies
- As being prohibited (Article 3 SCM)
- As Actionable since the use of these measures
causes adverse effects like serious prejudice to
the interests or injury to the EC large civil
aircraft industry (Articles 5 and 6 of the SCM
Agreement) - contrary to the provisions of Article III4 of
GATT 1994.
15Subsidies Inconsistent
16US Position DS316 Allegations
- EU member state co-financing of RD
- Infrastructure projects
- Preferential loan treatment by EIB
17EU Response DS316 Allegations
- Co-financing RD
- Expressly allowed by bilateral agreement
- Government funding repaid with interest
- Total borrowed amounts less than 4 billion with
5 billion repaid - Always 50/50 financing for RD.
- Infrastructure
- Airbus pays a market-based rent
- Most are for general public use
- EIB Loans
- Loans conform with EIB rules and conditions
- EIB lends for Boeing aircraft purchases
18EU Position DS317 Allegations
- US state subsidies
- US patent law
- FSC tax breaks (challenged separately)
19US Response DS317 Allegations
- Procedural issues
- US state subsidies
- Federal system
- US patent law
- Permitted
20Boeings Position
- Recapture market share
- Delay A380 launch
- Successfully launch 787
- Reduce Airbuss ability to compete
21Airbuss Position
- Continue to gain or maintain market share
dominance - Bring A380 to market before Boeing 787
- Reduce Boeings ability to compete
22Third Parties
- Australia
- Brazil (Embraer)
- Canada (Bombardier)
- China
- Japan
- Korea
23Possible Future Competitors
- China
- Russia
- Bombardier
- Embraer
24Predicted Outcome
- EU found in violation of SCM.
- US found in violation of SCM.
- Airbus and Boeing remain dominant players in
market in short to medium term.
25Special Thanks
- Peder Anderson, International Trade Analyst USITC
- Ralph Watkins, International Trade Analyst USITC
- John Kitzmiller, International Trade Analyst USITC
- Aboulafia, R. (2001). Airbus vs. Boeing Year
Four. Aerospace America, 2006, from
id151 - Airbus Website. (2006). 2006, from
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Journal, Access 2005, from http//www.boeing.com/r
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ow.cfm?id269code1 - Dispute Settlement Dispute DS316. (2004). 2006,
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27Sources, Cont.
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from http//www.wto.org/English/tratop_e/dispu_e/c
ases_e/ds317_e.htm - Dispute Settlement Dispute DS347. (2006). 2006,
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Access 2006, from http//ec.europa.eu/trade/issues
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tm - Form 10-K Boeing. (2003). Retrieved Access
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12927/000119312504034751/d10k.htm - Form 10-K Boeing. (2006). Retrieved Access
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28Sources, Cont.
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from http//www.airbus.com/store/mm_repository/pdf
pdf - Monitoring Enforcement Airbus-Boeing WTO
Dispute. (2006). 2006, from http//www.ustr.gov/Tr
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Docket No. WTO/DS316. (2005). Federal Register,
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800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2005/pdf/05-12024.pdf - Office of the United States Trade Representative
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