- Christel Davidson, Environment Adviser
2What is EuroCommerce
- EuroCommerce was founded in 1993
- Represents the retail, wholesale and
international trade sector - More than 100 members
- national trade associations from 29 countries
- individual companies
- European and national sectorial trade
3Federations Companies
Svensk Handel
Reál Hungária
EuroCommerce represents a unique mix of companies
- from world leading international companies all
the way down to the corner shop
4Commerce in the EU
- 11 of EU GDP
- 6 millions enterprises, 95 of these are small
enterprises - Interface between industry and the 493 million
consumers across Europe - Providing jobs for 30 million people from all
parts of society
A thriving sector bringing Wealth to the
European Economy
5Our mission
- To promote the common interests of a sector
vis-à-vis the EU institutions - To lobby throughout the legislative process
- To educate EU decision makers to the impact of
future legislation - To provide timely and comprehensive information
to members of the federation
6Horizontal strategic subjects for commerce
- Image of commerce
- Competitiveness
- Better regulation
- Service to consumers
7The organisation
Board Steering committee political
level Policy Committees technical level
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Enlargement
- Environment and Logistics
- Fiscal Affairs
- Food Law
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Internal market and consumer protection
- International Trade
- Payment systems
- Social Affairs
- SMEs
Their work is consensus based
8EuroCommerce and the Environment
- Environment and Logistics Committee
- 3 working groups
- Stores and Buildings
- Products
- Logistics
9The Brussels scene
EU Commission
Federations (EuroCommerce), NGOs, lobbyists, etc.
Press /- 3.000 journalists
European Parliament 785 MEPs - adopts legislation
Council 27 Member States - adopts legislation
10Competence and Influence
European Commission
- European Parliament - Council of Ministers
EuroCommerce National Lobby Companies
11Why is it important to be present ?
- Influence EU legislation Directives and
Regulations before adoption - Early information
- - what is discussed today in Brussels will
impact on your activities tomorrow - Open decision makers to real life cases
- - concrete and practical examples improve the
quality of legislation (important in particular
for companies, e.g. own-brand-products)
12Communication Tools
- Position Papers (bilateral meetings,
consultations, stakeholder meetings etc.) - Flash
- MEP-Newsletter
- Annual Report
- Press release
- Manifesto
- www.eurocommerce.be (extranet for members)
- CEO Newsletter
13Everybody should get involved
- Thai businesses can and should also lobby and
influence the EU decision-makers directly or by
means of - associations
- Thai Permanent Representation to the EU
14Commerce and EU Environmental Legislation
- Environmental Legislation gt200 Directives,
Regulations etc. covering all areas (waste,
nature conservation, products policy etc.) - Always more legislation, always more complex
leading to contradictory and conflicting messages
e.g. anti-dumping duties on energy efficient
light bulbs - Does not take into account the realities of the
supply chain (timeframes etc.) - More and more pressure on retailers
15Implications for Thai companies
- More pressure put on our suppliers
- stricter rules need to be met
- late warning resulting in adaptation periods
being very short - better control of the supply chain
- more controls
- Important for companies to be well-informed on
what is happening and what lies ahead for them
16REACH (Registration, Evaluation and
Authorisation of Chemicals)
- Substances in articles (affected as importers
(I), producers (P) of own-brand products) - Only representative
17Substances in articles registration
- Registration of all substances present in
articles produced and/or imported - in quantities above 1 tonne per year
- which are intended to be released
18Substances in articles registration
- Normally, but not necessarily I, P, will decide
which articles have intended release - Suppliers to provide information on the
composition of the article they sell us i.e. the
name (CAS-Number) of the substances intended to
be released, as well as the quantities of all the
substances present in the article which are
intended to be released - I, P, will calculate if 1t threshold is attained.
If yes, pre-register before 1 Dec. 2008
19Substances in articles notification
- Notification of all substances of very high
concern (svhc) contained in articles - in quantities above 1 tonne per year
- present in a concentration above 0.1 weight by
weight - 1st candidate list probably early 2009
(substances CMRs, PBT, vPvB)
20Substances in articles notification
- Suppliers of articles to inform I, P, if svhc
contained in articles in concentration gt0,1
(w/w) - Minimum info. to provide
- name of substance
- information allowing the safe use of the article
in a format understandable to the final user - Suppliers to be up to date on contents of the
list - Notification to start on 1 June 2010 then at the
latest 6 months after a new substance has been
added to the list - Importers may ask for more information
(information to consumer requirements, replacing
svhc etc.)
21Areas of concern
- Definition of intended to be released vs
preparation - Definition of 0.1 whole article but some member
states are challenging this - Notification vs information flow discrepancies
22Only Representative
- As of 30 November 2008, all chemicals entering
the EU market must be pre-registered. If not you
may no longer be allowed to sell your products on
the EU market. - Pre-registration by your EU customers
- Alternative is to appoint an O.R. is an EU-based
legal entity appointed by you, who in charge of
carrying out registration for non-EU
manufacturers - Commission recently clarified that the 1t
thresholds applies to each individual company
23Next steps
- All the work is now at company level
- EuroCommerce members have been encouraged to
raise-awareness among their suppliers - Identify all preparation and articles with
intended release - Suppliers to provide necessary information to
their customers ensure that they will be
pre-registered - Prepare to pre-register deadline 30 Nov. 2008
- Start keeping an eye opened for candidate list
24WEEE directive
- Internet consultation
- Relevant elements for the commerce sector
- producer responsibility
- scope of the directive
25What are we asking for?
- Clear definition of producer and distributor
- Placing on EU market rather than national
territory - Harmonisation of financial responsibilities,
frequencies and formats of reporting, registering
and making information available - List or products falling under the scope of the
26Eco-design of Energy Using Product Directive
- Suppliers will have to comply with new
requirements - non-compliant products will not be
allowed on the EU market - Deadlines could be very short
- Non-energy products could soon be targeted
- Important to get involved in preparatory studies
- More and more environmental constraints on
businesses - Need to anticipate, hence the importance of
monitoring EU legislation - Special attention to SMEs
28- Thank you for your attention !
- Christel Davidson, Environment Adviser
- Contact
- Ave. Des Nerviens 9-31
- 1040 Brussels
- Email davidson_at_eurocommerce.be
- Tel. 32 737.05.90
- EuroCommerce
- The voice of commerce in Brussels