Title: From DISD to ISTD:
1From DISD to ISTD
Mapping out the Implications of the
Reorganization of the ECA on the Divisions
Mandate and Programmes
ISTD/ATAC Retreat, Maputo, 30-31st May 2007
2ICT ST Stats IS Geo-Info Library
3Functional Areas of the ISTD
Separate but Linked.?
4Functional Areas of the ISTD
5ICT and ST What is the Relationship
6What About 2006 Repositioning of the ECA
- Realigned its programme priorities with the
priorities of the AU and NEPAD - Two pillars (i) promoting regional integration
and (ii) helping to meet Africas special need - Five clusters (i) Regional integration,
infrastructure and trade (ii) Meeting the
MDGs (iii) Promoting good governance and
popular participation (iv) ICT, and Science
and Technology (ST) for development and (v)
Statistics and Statistical Development.
7The ISTD Functional Areas
- Aim for Setting up the New Division
- To Bring science-related activities together in
one cluster and promote synergies between various
sections working in this area - Functional Areas/Activities
- ICT (old mandate)
- ST (new mandate)
- Geo-Information (old mandate)
- Some Basic Questions
- Has the Divisions Mandate Changed Fundamentally
or Marginally - How to bring about and promote synergies between
the 3 functional areas of the Division - Are there natural synergies which can be
exploited and enhanced - Do we go looking for/identifying and/or creating
areas of synergies and work at them to achieve
desired results?
8The ISTD Roles, Responsibilities and Activities
- Serving Member States
- Policy Formulation and Implementation Support
- Resource Mobilization Support
- Capacity Development Support Services
- Stakeholder Engagement Outreach Services and
Activities - Regional Advisory Services
- Engagement with Development Partners and Private
Sector - Partnership Promotion
- Presentations and Representation at
Global/Continental level - Conducting Studies, Exploring Best Practices and
Case Studies - Production and Distribution of Knowledge and Info
Products - Policy Documents, Studies
- Guidelines and Templates
- Conference Proceedings, Others
9Some Observations Mapping Our Task
- Are we to expect that Although the mandate of
the Division has changed (extended) to include
ST, the bread and butter roles,
responsibilities and core activities of the
Division are not expected to change that much - Do we assume that the Division will continue to
discharge its roles and carryout its core
activities in the ICT and the GeoInfo area and at
most extend these to support ST related
undertakings (policy formulation, implementation,
stakeholder meetings, studies etc) -- In other
words Do as before and extend where necessary,
practical and useful/make impact - Our Task at this ISTD/ATAC retreat is to provides
answers to the above questions within the context
of establishing in clear and concrete terms how
best the ISTD can function to effectively deliver
on its mandate (extended?) and programs in the
post reform ECA
10- The answers we provide need to also take into
account - Key Observations and Decisions Reached at the
ATAC-V 1st Meeting - The ISTD's Work Programme 2007 2009 (and
possibly beyond) - The provisions of the Divisions Business Plan
- The Conclusions, Observations and Recommendations
of CODI-V relating to the Work of the ISTD - We will also need to devote some time to
reviewing the ISTD working process, procedures
and work programs culminating in the adoption of
concrete and implementable proposals for the
re-engineering of the AISI