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Then calculates cloud depth. If 200 hPa deep, scheme modifies ... CIN evaluated by amount of negative area, not just pressure depth of the cap ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • For the Lesson
  • Precipitation Processes
  • December 1998

What is Convective Parameterization?
  • Cumulus or convective parameterization schemes
    are procedures that attempt to account for the
    collective influence of small-scale convective
    processes on large-scale model variables
  • All NWP models with grid spacing larger than that
    of individual thunderstorms or storm clusters
    need to parameterize the effect that convection
    has on larger-scale model variables in each grid

Why is ConvectiveParameterization Important?
  • Convective storms can significantly influence
    vertical stability and large-scale flow patterns
  • Redistributing heat, moisture, and momentum
  • Producing cloud cover that affects surface
  • Are there other reasons?

Discussion Questions
  • What are some real-life weather scenarios that
    would be seriously impacted if no attempt were
    made to account for convective processes within
    NWP models?
  • How might the model fields differ if they werent
    accounted for?

Formulation of Convective Parameterizations
  • No matter how they are formulated, all convective
    parameterization schemes must answer these key
  • How does the large-scale weather pattern control
    the initiation, location, and intensity of
  • How does convection modify the environment?
  • What are the properties of parameterized clouds?

Convection Initiationand Intensity
  • Schemes can initiate convection by considering
  • Presence of some convective instability at a grid
    point (perturbed parcels may reach LFC)
  • Existence of low-level and/or vertically-integrate
    d mass/moisture convergence that exceeds some
    threshold at a grid point
  • Rate of destabilization by the environment at a
    grid point

Convection Initiationand Intensity Continued
  • Schemes can make the intensity of the convection
  • Proportional to the moisture or mass convergence
    or flux
  • Sufficient to offset the large-scale
    destabilization rate
  • Sufficient to eliminate the CAPE (this is
    constrained by the available moisture)

  • In the real atmosphere, convection modifies the
    large-scale thermodynamics via
  • Detrainment (creates large-scale evaporative
    cooling and moistening)
  • Subsidence in the ambient environment (creates
    large-scale warming and drying)

ConvectiveFeedback Continued
  • When a model changes the vertical temperature and
    moisture profiles as a result of convective
    processes, it is referred to as convective
  • The issue for convective parameterization schemes
    used in any given model is how they determine the
    new vertical distribution of heating, cooling,
    moistening and/or drying caused once convection
    is triggered

Two Approaches to Convective Feedback
  • Adjustment Schemes
  • Either nudge the vertical profile toward an
    empirical reference profile
  • Make the profile a function of the difference
    between the moist adiabat inside the cloud and
    the moist adiabat representative of the ambient
  • Mass Flux Schemes
  • DO attempt to explicitly model convective
    feedback processes at each grid point

Properties ofParameterized Clouds
  • If the model includes clouds, it determines their
    properties by using
  • The moist adiabat from cloud base (older
  • OR
  • A one-dimensional cloud model (of varying
    complexity in different models)

How Does This HelpUse NWP?
  • Knowing which approach to the questions an NWP
    model has taken as a result of its convective
    parameterization scheme helps you to
  • Understand some of the inherent strengths and
    weaknesses of the resulting convective
    precipitation forecasts
  • Realize that the same scheme used in two
    different models will likely produce different
    results due to the way the scheme interacts with
    the other components of each individual model

Comparing Schemes
NWP Models and Schemes
Discussion Questions
  • Combining information from the two tables, which
    of these operational models includes convective
    downdraft processes?
  • When running or accessing a local mesoscale
    model, does it account for convective downdrafts?
  • What implication does no knowledge of outflow
    boundaries have on NWP convective initiation
  • Even if the model produces outflow boundaries,
    why might they have little impact on subsequent
    convection initiation in the model?

The Aviation Medium-Range Forecast Model (AVN/MRF)
  • AVN/MRF uses the Grell-Pan (GP) convective
    parameterization scheme
  • Convection initiation within a column considers
  • Time rate of change in stability as primary
    convective trigger
  • Presence of positive buoyancy (must have some)
  • Cap strength

The AVN/MRF Model Continued
  • Properties of the scheme
  • Modifies column buoyancy toward equilibrium (done
    as function of vertical motion at cloud base)
  • Evaporation efficiency a function of wind shear
    strength (over ocean only)
  • No direct mixing between cloudy air and
    environmental air
  • All cloud water converted to rain and leaves the
  • Shallow clouds (lt 250 hPa) have no downdrafts and
    detrain moisture more easily than deeper clouds

The Eta Model (32-km)
  • Uses the Betts-Miller-Janjic (BMJ) convective
    parameterization scheme
  • BMJ scheme simultaneously nudges temperature and
    moisture profiles at a grid point toward a
    reference profile (acts to adjust model
    atmosphere to a post-convective environment)
  • Post-convective profile adjustment happens ONLY
    if precipitation occurs (otherwise BMJ scheme
    does nothing or simulates limited vertical
  • BMJ scheme wont trigger convection if cloud
    layer too dry (regardless of amount of CAPE)

The Shallow Convection BMJ Scheme in the Eta
  • Shallow portion of BMJ scheme triggers if
  • Cloud depth (resulting from lifting the most
    unstable parcel)
  • gt 10 hPa deep
  • lt 200 hPa deep
  • Covers at least two model layers

The Shallow Convection BMJ Scheme in Eta Cont.
  • Shallow schemes role - to prepare pre-convective
    environment via vertical mixing by transporting
    moisture upward
  • Mimics process of condensation near cloud base
    (warming and drying) and evaporation near cloud
    top (cooling and moistening) so net change in
    sounding from shallow convection results in no

The Deep Convection BMJ Scheme in the Eta Model
  • BMJ deep convective parameterization scheme
    identifies the most unstable parcel in the lowest
    130 hPa at each grid point

The Deep Convection BMJ Scheme in the Eta Model
  • Then calculates cloud depth. If gt 200 hPa deep,
    scheme modifies
  • Temperature profile to be 90 of slope of moist
    adiabat through cloud base
  • Moisture profile using a procedure that considers
    the distance a parcel needs to be lifted to reach
    saturation and the "cloud efficiency" (CE) factor
    (a measure of the convective columns ability to
    transport enthalpy upward, while at the same time
    producing as little precipitation as possible)

The Deep Convection BMJ Scheme in the Eta Model
  • BMJ scheme ensures if rain is produced, net
    latent heat release is in balance with the net
    moisture change due to condensation
  • Intensity of convection produced by BMJ scheme
    very moisture dependent
  • More moist the column, more intense the convection

An Example of the BMJ Scheme in the Eta
  • It is often easy to recognize where the BMJ deep
    conv. param. scheme has been active by the
    well-defined reference profile. Example shows Eta
    model soundings before and after scheme has been

Discussion Question
  • What impact will the recent change in the shallow
    cloud depth threshold (from 290 hPa to 200 hPa)
    that is responsible for triggering the deep
    convection scheme have on Eta model precipitation

Eta Model with Kain-Fritsch (KF) Parameterization
  • An experimental Eta model output using KF
    parameterization is available on the Web

The Eta Model with KF Parameterization Continued
  • KF scheme is a mass flux scheme similar to Grell
    and GP schemes running in the RUC-2 and AVN/MRF
    notable differences
  • CIN evaluated by amount of negative area, not
    just pressure depth of the cap
  • Large-scale destabilization not required to
    trigger convection, only CAPE
  • Updraft and downdraft formulations more
  • Intensity of convection based on instantaneous
    CAPE, rather than time rate of change of CAPE

The Nested Grid Model (NGM)
  • Uses a modified Kuo scheme
  • Convection triggered at a grid point when
  • Moisture convergence in the lowest six layers
    reaches a certain threshold
  • A parcel in the lowest four layers can achieve
    buoyancy if lifted
  • Total moisture convergence in the column below
    cloud base is positive

The NGMContinued
  • Modifies by adjustment process, including
    converting 80 of moisture in the column to
    precipitation (with a corresponding latent heat
  • Precipitation allowed to fall and evaporate, but
    lower layers only need to reach 48 RH before
    precipitation falls to next layer

The Navy Operational Global Atmospheric
Prediction System (NOGAPS 4)
  • Uses Relaxed Arakawa-Schubert (RAS) convective
    parameterization scheme
  • This version of AS scheme relaxes state toward
    equilibrium each time invoked instead of
    requiring end state to be balanced
  • Other noteworthy difference in RAS from AS
    relates to handling of detrainment
  • Precipitation assumed to fall to ground without
    re-evaporation into lower layers

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather
Forecasts (ECMWF) Global Model
  • Uses mass flux convective parameterization as
    part of prognostic cloud scheme initially
    developed by Tiedtke
  • Tiedtke approach uses one-dimensional model to
    predict population of cloud types allowing for
  • Shallow convection
  • Deep convection (including anvil cirrus)
  • Elevated convection

The ECMWF Global Model Continued
  • Cumulus scale downdrafts included in Tiedke
  • One strength of ECMWF global model -
    parameterization of precipitation processes
    handled same way for convective clouds as for all
    other clouds, including those resulting from
    large-scale ascent

The Rapid Update Cycle RUC-2
  • Uses a version of Grell convective
    parameterization scheme
  • Scheme was updated from RUC-1 scheme to fix
  • Downdraft detrainment
  • Calculation of cloud top
  • Minimum cloud depth
  • Capping criteria

The Rapid Update Cycle RUC-2 Continued
  • Produces somewhat larger amounts of precipitation
    and more coherent rainfall patterns in convective
    areas than RUC-1
  • Because Grell scheme includes downdrafts, RUC-2s
    convective precipitation patterns may appear more
    detailed than those in the Eta model (which uses
    BMJ, no downdrafts)

  • So it is important to know which scheme choice
    is operational in any mesoscale model accessed
    (as well as other physical parameterizations,
    PBL, etc.)
  • Does it modify by adjustment or mass flux?
  • How well do the various schemes interact?

MesoscaleModels Continued
  • Mesoscale models (including 32-km Eta) can
    predict precipitation resulting from storms
    associated with some topographically induced
    boundaries, slantwise convection, etc.
  • In mesoscale models, distinction between
    "grid-scale precipitation" and "convective
    precipitation" begins to disappear
  • In storm-scale models (lt 2 km), all precipitation
    can be calculated "explicitly no convective
    parameterization is necessary (although
    microphysical processes are still parameterized)

MM5 Performance with Various Schemes
  • 1997 study compared Anthes-Kuo (AK), Grell, BM,
    and KF schemes in 6 heavy precipitation events
    (both warm cold season) some key results
    regarding precipitation forecast skill
  • Skill higher for cold season events than for warm
  • Skill better for rainfall volume than areal
    coverage or peak amount
  • 12-km grid superior to 36-km (especially for
    heavy precipitation amounts)

MM5 Performance with Various Schemes Cont.
  • KF and Grell predicted total precipitation volume
    and storm life-cycles well, but over-predicted
    light precipitation
  • BM did good job of predicting areal extent of
    light precipitation and maximum rain rates, but
    tended to over predict areas of moderate to heavy
    rainfall in warm season
  • AK had the most difficulty predicting warm season

MM5 Performance with Various Schemes Cont.
  • All 4 schemes had difficulty predicting high
    based convection
  • Overall, KF consistently performed best of those
  • Partition of rainfall into subgrid scale (that
    precipitation produced by the convective
    parameterization CP scheme) and grid-scale
    precipitation was more sensitive to the
    particular CP scheme chosen than to model grid
    size or convective environment

Discussion Questions
  • Why might the forecast skill of MM5 precipitation
    be better in the cold season than warm?
  • What is probably the main reason that KF and
    Grell were better at predicting storm
  • What might contribute to all of the schemes
    having difficulty with high-based convection?

The Future
  • In the next 1-2 years, the operational NCEP suite
    will begin to assimilate precipitation data into
    the models initial conditions. They will use
    radar, rain gauge, and satellite data to
    initialize model clouds and precipitation during
    the data assimilation stage.
  • This is expected to improve the initial
    specifications of humidity, vertical motion, and
    instability in the models and should lead to
    better numerical forecasts of convection and its
    associated precipitation
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