Title: Von Neumann Model Con
1Von Neumann Model Cond.Assembly Intro
- COMP5201
- Revision 1.2
- Date June 18, 2003
- System Bus
- Layers of Abstraction
- Logic Gates IC Building Blocks
- CPU Internals
- Instruction Fetch-Execute Cycle
- Glimpses of Assembly and Sample Programs
3System Bus
- Von Neumann how does the computer components
communicate? Answer via the System Bus. - An external (to the CPU) mean of communication
between the CPU and other computer components. - NOTE there is also an internal bus within the
CPU that connects its registers, ALU and CU do
NOT mix it with the System Bus, please!
4System Bus (2)
- System Bus can often be seen as three
sub-busses - Data Bus. Primarily for data-only communication
among different types of units, such as CPU,
Memory, and I/O devices. - Address Bus. Used to communicate address
information, i.e. where to look for/to send to
the data (an address in the Memory I/O device
number). - Control Bus. Control data lines to report status,
to request writing or reading between
communicating parties
5System Bus (3)
I/O Device
Data Bus
Address Bus
Control Bus
System Bus
- NOTE The three sub-busses may not necessarily be
implemented as different IC chips. It is
conceivable to have a system-on-a-chip, in which
case, the chip interface is used to connect to
other transducers/components.
6Layers of Abstraction
- A computer system can be examined at various
levels of abstraction. At a higher level of
abstraction, fewer details of the lower levels
are observed. - Instead, new (functional) details may be
implemented at that level of abstraction. - Each level of abstraction provides a set of
building blocks using which the next higher level
of abstraction can be constructed, with more
functionality. - This principle of information hiding is important
in system design, as it enhances modularity,
correctness, security, and usability of a system.
7Levels of Abstraction
Highest Level Applications
High Level Language Processor (Compiler)
System Call Interface
Assembler, Linker, Loader
Operating System
Device Drivers
Microprogramming (Device Controllers)
Digital Logic
Lowest Level Transistors and Wires
8Levels of Abstraction (2)
- In this course, we will focus on the assembler
level of abstraction of a computer system with a
fair amount of attention to its neighbor levels
below and above. - A major difference between an assembly language
user (programmer) and a user at higher levels is
the amount of hardware details made available to
the former. - These hardware details enable the former to
directly manipulate program design for
performance or real-time needs.
9IC Building Blocks
- A MOS Transistor and Capacitor
- Technology Innovation
- Scaling from 103 to 109 devices in a single chip
- Consequence
- Memory size increase ? cheaper
- Functionality improvements/additions
- Speed increase
10MOS Transistor Logic
Low voltage at the gate
High voltage at the gate
11Capacitor Memory
12NAND and NOR Gates
Logic 1 - High voltage
- Not-And ? NAND
- Not-Or ? NOR
- NAND and NOR gates are an universal gates to
implement any complex function in hardware. - Hierarchically used inside an integrated circuit
(IC) chip.
A B X ------- 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
A B X ------- 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
13NAND Question
- Why NAND (and also NOR) gates are so universal
compared to AND, OR, NOT, and XOR gates? - Whats so good about them (besides the
14CPU Internals
Control Unit
Internal Bus
15CPU Registers
- A register is a unit of storage inside a CPU,
holding temporary program data/instruction to be
used in program execution. - Two types of registers general purpose (GPS) and
special purpose registers (GPR). - A general-purpose register is for general use in
programming - E.g. storage of arguments
- A special-purpose register has specifically
assigned function - E.g. accumulator, stack pointer (SP), program
counter (PC) - They are there to provide local storage inside a
processor, making program information locally
accessible and hence faster accesses. Recall the
Principle of Locality to enhance system
16CPU Control Unit
- It is the brain or coordinator of the ISP
(instruction set processor) as it ensures that
the processor will behave exactly as defined by
its instruction set. - Under the Von Neumann model, the processor
- repeatedly fetches an instruction from the
memory, - interprets its functionality, and
- executes it.
- This activity is carried out in an Instruction
Fetch/Execute Cycle and is repeated once the
system power is turned on.
17Instruction Fetch-Execute Cycle
- May simply be referred to as
- Fetch-Execute Cycle
- Instruction Cycle
- Basic F/E cycle involves
- Fetching the next instruction from the memory
(next identified by a some kind of special
pointer to some memory location) - Bringing the instruction is brought to the CPU
and interpreted (decoded) - Fetching the instruction arguments (data) from
either registers or other memory locations if
needed - Executing the instruction and producing the
result, if applicable - Storing back the result (if any to either memory
or registers)
18Program Counter
- The existence of the (next) instruction pointer,
also often known as, Program Counter, or PC, is
a key feature in the Von Neumann model that forms
the basis of more than 99 of computers ever
built. - Under this model, a program adopts a sequential
semantics program instructions are assumed to
be executed atomically in program (sequential)
order. - What would be an alternative, the remaining 1?
inst1 mov ax, A move data from
memory location A to
register ax inst2 add ax, bx add register bx
to register ax
- Processor fetches and executes inst1 then
repeats the same for inst2 - Notice inst1 and inst2 are stored in consecutive
memory locations - Suppose initially the memory location A contains
24 and the register bx contains 12 - After executing inst1, ax will contain 24
- Then, after executing inst2, ax will contain 36
- An instruction has
- An opcode (operation code), such as mov or add
(human-readable or their binary equivalents) - Operand(s) arguments to the instruction.
Represent data for the instruction to work with
pointed by/contained in either a register or a
memory location - In the example, there are two operand addresses.
Sometimes, machines like these are called
2-address machines. Obviously, there are other
possibilities, such as 3-address
machinesexample add a, b, c
21MASM Sample Programs
- See
- hworld.asm Hello World
- reverse.asm Displays reversed input