Title: Engaging the Mind
1Engaging the Mind Star Formation Throughout
the Universe
- Kelsey Johnson
- UVa, Dept of Astronomy
2The Cosmic Ecosystem
If stars didnt form, none of this other stuff
would happen!
what kind of stars, and how many stars form are
very important
3Why study the formation of really massive stars?
- Creation of visible light
- Evolution of galaxies
- Production of elements heavier than Helium.
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5A visualization of the cycle of star death and
star birth
6- Most stars form
- in clusters!
- To understand star formation in general, we need
to understand the clustered mode
7A Simulation of Star Cluster Formation
8A fossil inthe Milky Way...
- gt 10 billion years old
- 10 light years in size
- a million or more stars
How were these incredible objects formed?
9The evolution of a globular cluster
The bigger and fluffier it is, the less time it
will survive
10First clue Globular clusters live in the halos
of galaxies
11Second clue Their creation requires incredible
pressures and densities in order to produce
massive clusters that are this compact that can
survive the age of the universe
12Colliding Galaxies!
- Globular clusters can form in the present day
universe under extreme conditions - These adolescent globulars have been dubbed
super star clusters
13Galaxies are quite social and interactions are
14Looking back in time
15Can globular cluster formation provide insight
about the early universe?
- In principle, yes
- The problem is that star formation occurs within
dense and dark clouds, and cannot be observed
with optical light
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17View of star-forming cloud transitioning from
visible light to far-infrared light
18Beyond the Visible
19Green Bank TelescopeWest Virginia100x110
m(16,000,000 pounds)Largest Steerable
Telescope in the World!!!(Just a few hours
20Very Large ArrayNew Mexico
Expands to 22 miles across
21Major Upgrade in progress! Expanded Very Large
Array (available starting 2009)
- 20x more sensitive than the Very Large Array!
22Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA)(early
science 2009, fully online 2012)
- Altitude 17,000 ft
- 20x more sensitive than the VLA
- 10x the resolution of HST
- Virtually unexplored wavelength regime
The ALMA Science Center is operated by NRAO here
in VA!
23The Future is bright!
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