Title: Presenting '' The Blue Angels
1Presenting ..The Blue Angels
2The Blue Angels are based in Pensacola, Florida
The mission of the Blue Angels is to enhance the
Navy recruiting effort, and to represent the
naval service to the civilian community, its
elected leadership and to foreign nations.
Overall, the Blue Angels serve as positive role
models and goodwill ambassadors for the Navy.
34, Slot Pilot, Lt. Cmdr. David Silkey, USN
2, Right Wing, Maj. Scott Wedemeyer, USMC
5, Lead Solo, Lt. Doug Verissimo, USN
1, Commanding Officer/Flight Leader, Cmdr.
Patrick Driscoll, USN
6, Opposing Solo, Lt. Cmdr. Scott Ind, USN
3, Left Wing, Lt. Cmdr. Kieron O'Connor, USN
7, Narrator, Lt. Keith Hoskins, USN
4Flying High
5Winter Show at Japan (Mt Fuji - background)
6Smooth Flying
7Fat Albert Airline (C-130 Support Aircraft)
8Delta Formation
From The Very Best