Title: Experiences Modelling a Traffic Network
1Experiences Modelling a Traffic Network
- Benjamin Wright
- The Open University
- Joint work with Catriona Queen
- (Open University)
2M25/A2/A282 Junction, Dartford
3The Traffic Network
- Structure of the network
- A set of data collection sites
- Spatial structure for the network
- Hourly totals for vehicles passing each counting
point - The time taken to traverse the network is less
than an hour. - We have a multivariate time series for the
4Data Collected
- Two weeks data collected at site 167
5The Traffic Network
- Model requirements
- Forecast future traffic flows
- Discern underlying levels of traffic
- Incorporate expert opinion
- Robustness towards missing data
- Uses of the model
- Analysis of current conditions
- For planning roadworks or new road segments
- Inform expert opinion elsewhere
6M25/A2/A282 Junction, Dartford
7Dynamic Linear Models in Brief
- The model
- An observation vector Yt and a parameter vector
?t - Current beliefs about ?t Nmt,Ct
- The Observation equation
- Yt FtT ?t vt vt N0,Vt
- The System equation
- ?t Gt ?t-1 wt wt N0,Wt
- At time t we can find priors for ?t1 and Yt1
- We can update beliefs about ?t1 given the
observation yt1
8Dynamic Linear Models in Brief
- A DLM is specified by F,G,V,Wt
- In practice, Ft and Gt are often constant
- We can use discounting methods for Wt
- We can estimate Vt in the univariate case
- This Bayesian framework can incorporate
intervention and missing data with ease. - It is computationally inexpensive
9Hierarchical Dynamic Linear Models
- Ft can be a vector of regressors
- Our ?t become coefficients rather than level
parameters - Ft is no longer constant
- We can apply this to our network
- If traffic flows from point A to point B, we can
regress B on A - We must establish appropriate lags for our
regression - However-
- In our network we somehow need lag 0
10Multiregression Dynamic Models in Brief
- MDMs are a multivariate generalisation of DLMs
- The flow of traffic is a causal relationship
- We can define a Directed Acyclic Graph to
represent conditional independence in the network - This allows us to decompose the network into
univariate DLMs where we regress nodes on their
parents at lag 0. - Entry points we can model as standard DLMs
11Directed Acyclic Graph
12Multiregression Dynamic Models in Brief
- Key features
- Our forecasts for a node are now functions of the
forecasts for its parents - Use ?t in place of ?t to show that our parameters
are now proportions - We can update our parameters independently
- We can use superposition to create nodes that
have parents and traffic joining the network. - Example Observation Equation
- Y(170)t y(167)t ?(170)t v(170)t
13Seasonal Variance
- Consider our forecast variances
- They are complicated functions including seasonal
variables - They are seasonal in a way that cannot be
corrected with a simple transformation - This seasonality is a product of the problem
structure - Implications
- Methodologies that assume constant variance for
this type of problem are flawed - We correct this for free in an MDM
14Missing Data
- In a DLM
- Missing data is a trivial problem we can skip
a time period by letting our posteriors equal our
priors - In an MDM
- Occasional missing data is equally trivial
- If there is a large quantity of consecutive
missing data for a node, we may have to
restructure the model without that node
15Expert Intervention
- The principle of incorporating outside
information in the model - Information from other models or from an expert
- Only as good as the information we use
- Critical when responding to unusual patterns of
activity - Goals of intervention
- Improved forecasts
- Parameter integrity
- Rapid adaptation
16Methods of Intervention
- There are several standard methods of
intervention - Treat outliers as missing data
- Handle transient change by altering the
observation equation - Handle permanent change by altering the system
equation - Change discount factor
- Adjust our estimate of the variance Vt
- Change structure of model
17Methods of Intervention
- Overparameterisation
- Changing the observation equation is functionally
identical to adding a temporary extra parameter - We can update this parameter and keep it in the
model to learn about this unusual activity - We can thus model a systematic change without
affecting our underlying parameters - We can use our posteriors for the intervention
parameter to inform future intervention - We can only use this technique for a limited time
18Entry Points
- Seasonal variance
- We need some method of modelling the seasonal
variance at entry points - One possibility is to use multiple parameters for
the variance - Correlation between entry points
- If this exists, as it is likely to, our model may
break down - If we can find this correlation, we can build it
into the model - We can restructure the model to try and avoid the
problems caused with little loss of accuracy
19Weekly Pattern
- The data display different patterns of traffic
depending on the day - We need to establish what days are different and
how we can organise them into categories - We can model this using dummy variables
- For simplicity, we confine ourselves to one of
the categories
- The data were modelled using three approaches-
- Seasonal independent univariate ARIMA models
- Independent univariate DLMs
- MDM with simple DLMs for entry points
- For the DLM and MDM approaches, we then model
incorporating intervention
- Example Y170B modelled with (1,0,0)x(1,0,0)24
- Example Y170B modelled with standard DLMs for
entry points
- Inspect MSE for each model
- Forecast variances are also lower with MDM method
- This is more pronounced with intervention
- The MDM structure allows intervention to filter
throughout the network
- MDM gives
- Competitive forecast performance
- Structure that includes seasonal variances
- Hierarchical intervention
- Easy expert intervention
- robustness to missing data in most circumstances
- parameters that are easily interpreted