Title: Vimy Ridge
1 2rolling barrage
3In the week leading up to the battle the enemy
positions were pounded by constant shelling.
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6Hill 145, the highest and most important feature
of the Ridge, and where the Vimy monument now
stands, was captured.
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8But it was victory at a heavy cost 3,598
Canadians were killed and another 7,000 wounded.
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174 Canadians won the Victoria Cross for their
bravery at Vimy Ridge Thain Wendell Macdowell
John George Pattison William Johnstone
Milne Ellis Welwood Sifton
19The Battle of Mud
20General Haig wanted to break through Flanders
21And destroy the German u-boats on the Belgian
22Haig believed German morale to be low perfect
time to strike!
He was wrong
23The Germans were prepared for the attack, and the
Allies suffered heavy casualties
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25The battlefield turned to liquid mud, drowning
horses and men making tanks useless
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27eventually the Canadian troops captured
28The Allies had casualties numbering 500 000. The
German count was 250 000
29The 7 kilometers of front line that Canadian
troops gained was lost back to the Germans
3016 000 Canadians died