Title: Developing a 'NET Strategy
1Developing a.NET Strategy
Presented by AURA Consulting Iowa Technology
Showcase Dino Lack, President
2maximizing business with .NETFour Ways .NET Can
Improve Your Business
- lower costs
- Leverage Business Investments - Share
Collaborate - Lower IT Costs - Develop More Rapidly
- more effective
- Create an Edge - Form New Business Models
- More Effective Collaboration Common Method
- with Customers, Vendors, Clients, Departments
3maximizing business with .NETMajor Benefits
The List
- Faster development
- Greater built-in functionality
- Interfacing and integration simplified and
expanded - More reuse
- Easier deployment
- Scalability
- Sophisticated development is simplified
- Integrates with existing software
4technology drivers
- Computing power
- Still doubling every 18 months
- PC-based data centers
- Connectivity
- Low cost, broad reach Internet
- Wireless, broadband access
- Device proliferation
- Connected devices - PDAs, cell phones, gas pumps
- Internet standards
- XML-based integration
5collaboration dilemma
- Historically an afterthought
- Too hard, too expensive, too slow, too brittle
- How we collaborate
- Inside organizations
- Between organizations
- Individuals personal network
6internet bubble lessons
- Laws of economics still apply
- Risk/reward at a new level
- Technology enablement available to all
- Infrastructure is a means, not end
- Internet connectivity doesnt mean integration
- Big changes take 5 years
7the virtual enterprise
8XML .NET next generation software
A New Generation Of Open Software
- XML - Building blocks of .NET
- Universal data format
- Standards-based integration
- Two-way, adaptive
- Adapts to devices
- Adapts sender to receiver
- User-customizable
- Programmable XML Web services
Visual Studio
9XML web services explained
- Whats new?
- System to system, not just user oriented
- Modular in design
- Integration with other XML Web Services
- Hows it work?
- XML interactions in system to system
- Standards based
- Cross-platform
- Expose code as XML Web Service (new or existing)
10XML web services foundationSimple, Open, Broad
Industry Support
11building on an XML foundation
12benefits of XML foundation
- User Beyond browsing
- Empowered information
- Supports greater control, decision-making, and
collaboration - Any device, anywhere
- Business Integration by design
- Best-of-breed
- Collaborate internally and externally
- Improving agility
- Industry New opportunities
- Makes reuse easier, better, faster
- Plug and play business relationships
13microsoft .NET A Software Platform for XML Web
- Enterprise-wide - clients, servers, and services
- More effective and productive developers -
consistent programming model, - XML Web Service compliant
- Key capabilities
- Deliver software as a service
- Integration becomes intrinsic
- Enable smart, service-aware systems
- New, richer user experiences
14.NET Clients
15.NET enterprise serversFoundation for the Agile
- Integrated suite for running, managing,
orchestrating Web services and apps - Enterprise reliability and scalability for
todays most demanding solutions - Deep XML support for integration within and
across organizations - Supports scale out for performance, availability,
16.NET enterprise servers
17.NET development
- .NET Framework
- Only native XML Web Services platform
- Deliver services via ASP.NET
- Nile e-commerce benchmark 3x performance, 70
less code - Multi-language development, integration
- Over 20 programming languages available
- Maximize developer skills, existing code
- Use tool best suited for your task
- Visual Studio .NET
- Next release of worlds most popular tools
- Highest productivity development environment
- Tap worlds deepest developer talent pool
18.NET development
19.NET get started
- Understand .NET concepts and benefits
- Analyze existing resources developers
applications - Select .NET language(s)
- Staff project train in-house developers or
outsource - Identify a .NET pilot project smaller project
with large potential rewards
20case study how would you do it?
- Business Airline company
- Situation Connect all of your companies
disparate systems to your back-end (Mainframe)
Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) - Mobile Applications
- Web site (B2C, B2B integration)
- Client Server Applications
- Note Your company doesnt presently have any
middle tier applications capable of achieving
resolution of your situation. Your developers
only have two months to complete development.