Title: 2'1 Magnet Design Studies Alexander Zlobin
12.1 Magnet Design Studies Alexander Zlobin
Introduction FY2005 status FY2006 plan and
budget Summary
2Possible LHC IR designs
Single-aperture IR design
Double-aperture IR designs
New LHC IRs need high-field large-aperture
magnets (D and Q) with high operation margin and
long lifetime
3Scope of work
- LARP magnet RD includes the following basic
directions - technology development for Nb3Sn IR magnets
- IR magnet design studies
- Design Studies scope of work
- Model magnet design studies and analysis
- proposal generation or evaluation including
magnet parameters, design concept, cost, schedule - preparation of key decisions
- IR magnet conceptual design studies
- magnet parameter space, radiation dose and
life-time, exotic magnet designs (double-aperture
dipole and quadrupoles with parallel and
non-parallel apertures), etc.
4FY2005 directions and tasks
- In FY2005 we identified three key directions and
five tasks for LARP Magnet Design Studies - 2.1 Design Studies
- 2.1.1 Quadrupole
- Shell Block design comparison
- Shell mechanical design study
- 2.1.2 Separation dipole
- D1 design
- D1 cooling study
- 2.1.3 Cryogenics
- IR cryogenics study
- Practically all tasks are based on participation
of at least 2 Labs. - Work coordination is performed through the
personal communications, video and phone
conferences and at collaboration meetings.
5FY2005 budget
- DS budget in FY2005 is lt10 of the total LARP
Magnet RD budget - Due to limited budget in FY2005 most of the DS
work at FNAL and LBNL is supported by Labs core
program funding
6Task status
- Task Name IRQ design comparison shell-type vs.
block-type - Task leader P. Ferracin (LBNL)
- Participating laboratories FNAL, LBNL
- Task goals Investigate potential of racetrack
quadrupoles for LHC luminosity upgrade, continue
the comparison of racetrack-type and shell-type
IR quadrupoles started in FY2004. - Current status The task is making good progress.
The comparison strategy was developed including
the beam envelope, magnetic, mechanical, thermal,
radiation and quench protection requirements.
Several IR quad designs were generated and
compared with 90 mm shell-type quads including
magnetic and mechanical parameters. Next steps - radiation energy deposition analysis and its
effect on magnet operation margin and life-time
(thermal analysis, radiation dose) - quench protection
- The task needs to be extended to FY06.
7Block-type IRQ coils and mechanical structure
8Task status
- Task Name Possibilities and limits of IR
shell-type quad mechanical designs based on
Al-shell and collarsSS-skin - Task leader G. Ambrosio (FNAL)
- Participating laboratories FNAL, LBNL
- Task goal Evaluation of advantages and
limitations of different mechanical concepts for
large aperture, high-gradient, shell-type
quadrupoles - Current status The following mechanical concept
are being studied - SS-collars and SS-skin,
- Al-shell and iron pads using bladder and keys,
- SS-collars and Al-shell using bladder and keys.
- Mechanical analysis is in progress revealing
potential mechanical problems in 4-layer 110-mm
IR quads. - The analysis needs to be extended to smaller
aperture magnets including 90-mm TQ models.
9Task status
- Task Name D1 Dipole Design (open midplane)
- Task leader R. Gupta (BNL)
- Participating laboratories BNL, FNAL, LBNL
- Task goal Develop a magnet design that satisfies
the requirements for the dipole first optics of
LHC IR luminosity upgrade. - Current status Conceptual designs of an open
mid-plane dipole and its simplified POP model
have been developed and reviewed. 2D magnetic and
mechanical analysis has been performed.
Alternative design approaches were also proposed.
- Although the work on D1 hardware was postponed,
D1 design studies will continue in FY06 to
support LHC IR design studies.
10Open midplane separation dipole (BNL)
Design/Quench/Peak Field 13.5 T/15 T/16 T, field
quality ???
Nominal horizontal coil spacing 120 mm
Nominal vertical coil spacing 40 mm
External absorber
Yoke OD 2 m
11Larger-aperture separation dipole (LBNL)
Shell-type coil design
Block-type coil design
200 mm horizontal aperture, thick internal
absorber Bmax15-16 T, good field quality 1.5-2 m
iron OD
12Task status
- Task Name D1 dipole cooling study
- Task leader T. Peterson (FNAL)
- Participating laboratories FNAL, BNL
- Task goals To check the implications of large
(100-200 W/m) heat loads on the internal passage
sizes and magnet structure, and to check under
what conditions, if at all, removing 1 KW or more
from a 10 meter magnet is feasible. - Current status The work on this task has been
started. The details of open midplane D1
mechanical structure and alternative D1 designs
will be used. - The duration of this task has to be extended.
13Task status
- Task Name Conceptual design, parameters, and
comparison of inner-triplet cryogenics at 1.9 K
and 4.5 K. - Task leader R. Rabehl (FNAL)
- Participating laboratories FNAL
- Task goal Investigate and compare 1.9 K and 4.5
K inner triplet cryogenic systems and coil
temperatures for both single-bore and double-bore
IR triplet designs. - Current status The work on this task is in
progress. Figures of merit including DT from
coils to feed box, required He II inventory, cold
mass packing factor and compatibility with
current cryostat diameter and feed boxes have
been discussed. - This task will be continued in FY06.
14FY2006 directions and tasks
- Major DS directions have been modified based on
the recent changes in program priorities (focus
on IR quadrupoles). - Task reorganization was made to provide more
flexibility to program needs and address
important practical issues. - 2.1.1 IR Magnets
- Magnetic Design and Analysis
- Mechanical Design and Analysis
- Thermal Analysis
- Quench Protection Analysis
- Test Data Analysis
- 2.1.2 Cryogenics
- Radiation Heat Deposition
- IR Cryogenics and Heat Transfer
- Cryostat Quench Protection
15DS Working group
- The DS working group in FY2006 will be reinforced
including more experts from all three Labs - BNL R. Gupta, J. Muratore, J. Schmalzle, K.C. Wu
- LBNL S. Caspi, P. Ferracin, A. Lietzke, G. Sabbi
- Fermilab G. Ambrosio, S. Feher, V. Kashikhin, N.
Mokhov, I. Novitski, T. Peterson, R. Rabehl, A.
Zlobin - The DS team (the number of experts and their
qualification) is sufficient to perform the
planned work.
162.1.1 IR Magnets FY2006 Tasks
172.1.2 Cryogenics FY2006 Tasks
182.1.1 IR Magnets schedule
192.1.2 IR Cryogenics schedule
20FY2006 DS budget
- Total 400k (1.9 FTE)
- Task budget
- IR Magnets 290k
- IR Cryogenics 110k
- Lab budget
- BNL 90k (0.4 FTE)
- FNAL 190k (1.0 FTE)
- LBNL 120k (0.5 FTE)
- All three Labs agreed to provide support to LARP
DS activities from their core magnet programs.
- Design Studies are an important part of LARP
Magnet RD. - Major DS directions have been identified.
- Strong DS working group has been formed.
- A good progress is expected in FY2005 in spite of
limited resources. - FY2006-2007 DS work plan is focused on
- supporting model magnet RD, data analysis and
preparation of critical decisions in FY2007 - Mechanical design and parameters of long
quadropole (LQ) - Conceptual design of ultimate gradient quadrupole
(HQ) - conceptual IR magnet design analysis in
collaboration with AP group and CERN