Title: Internships Help Students
1Cooperative Work Experience Education
College of the Canyons
An Award-Winning Program
- Internships Help Students Employers Achieve
Their Goals
2How Long Has Cooperative Work Experience
Education Existed?
- In 2006 the Cooperative Work Experience Education
movement in the United States reached its 100th
anniversary - Founded by Herman Schneider, Dean of Engineering,
at the University of Cincinnati - Goals
- Bridge the gap between college industry to
prepare young engineers for practical work after
graduation - Gain formally recognized practical training as
part of their education
3What Does The Research Show?
- NACE 2004 Experiential Education Survey
- Nearly 58 of students who served internships
were offered full-time employment with their
internship employers - Nearly half of the employers said they offer
higher starting salaries to graduates with
internship/co-op experience - 53 of college hires listed internship
experience on their resumes
4Additional Research
- The Benefits of Workplace Experiences 4/05
- Interns CWEE students
- Find jobs faster earn more money than their
classmates because they have experience - Chancellor
- Recommends the integration of work-based
learning throughout the
curriculum - College of the Canyons
- Integrating internship throughout CTE curriculum
- CWEE internships are required or recommended in
25 programs
5Why Integrate WBL/Internships Throughout The
- CCTE Model Curriculum Standards (AB1412)
Education must prepare all students for
careers - Economic Development is a mission of Ca. CCs
(AB1497) Strengthen the relationship between
school work by reducing the gap between
academics vocation - 2001 BOG implemented Ladders of Opportunity
- Goal is to combine classroom instruction, career
development workplace training - New Perkins IV (VTEA) performance standard
- Placement or retention in employment
6Statewide Assessment of CTEFebruary 07 by West
- College, Student Employer Needs
- Difficulty in staying informed about workplace
needs - Difficulty in recruiting industry partners
- Lack of paid workplace opportunities
- Students lack of appropriate workplace attitudes
habits - Students need to learn in the context of doing
something real - Internship development placement can help
address those needs
7Our Internship Website Brings Students
Employers Together
- Employers can easily submit internships online _at_
www.canyons.edu/offices/cwee - 857 employers posted internships since April 2002
- 850 students completed internships
- Internships available in 59 majors/disciplines
- Many paid internships are currently available
- Students can search for internships apply
online - Company names are not usually viewable by
students - Screened applications are sent to the employer
- Employer schedules interviews notifies CWEE of
selection to ensure student enrolls receives
college credit
8CWEE Websitewww.canyons.edu/offices/cwee
- Employer information including FLSA guidelines
- Register submit an internship
- Student internship information
- Search function, online application, Perfect
Interview - Website Downloads
- Student Handbook
- How to Write Workplace Objectives
- Tips for Internship Success
- Interview Dos Donts
- Institutional R D conducts electronic Employer
SLO Surveys publishes an annual report
9Why Do Employers Want Interns?(2,902 Internships
Posted Since 4/02)
- Highly Motivated College Interns
- Provide outstanding assistance to overloaded
employees - Contribute to business success by increasing
productivity - Introduce innovative, fresh ideas and talent
- Effective recruitment screening method
- An opportunity to help educate and train our
future workforce
10Is Work Experience RelevantTo Student Goals?
- Student Goals - AACC National Survey of 200,000
- To be self-reliant
- To have a steady and secure job
- To make a lot of money
- To meet new and interesting people
- CWEE Internships help students achieve their
11How Do Students Benefit Through The Integration
Of Internships?
- Internships provide students with
- Relevance (connection between school jobs)
- A seamless transition from school to career
- On-the-job applied education
- Training using current technologies
- Linkages to career pathways
- Opportunities to acquire job skills create an
employment history
12Internships May Also Improve Educational
Completion Rates
- College of the Canyons Graduate Exit Survey
Barriers to Completing Education in a Timely
Fashion - Deciding Educational Goals (23)
- Choosing a Career (16)
- It is difficult for young people to make sound
career-life choices without testing them in the
real world of practical experience Daniel
Yankelovich - sequencing education first work later forces
young people to make fateful choices before they
are equipped to do so, or worse, to postpone them
until it is too late Daniel Yankelovich -
- Internships help students make educational
career choices
13What Do Students Want?
- According to The Silent Epidemic
Perspectives of High School Dropouts, March 2006
- Make school more relevant engaging
- Enhance connection between school work
- 81 said they want more opportunities for
real-world learning (internships, service
learning, etc.) - Students need to see the connection
- between school getting a good job
14How Did COC Create 2,881 Internships Since April
- Grow Your Business w/College Interns brochure
- Launched internship website with a press release
- Increase Productivity w/College Interns
brochure - Help Wanted? flyer
- Targeted employers using
- Industry Guide
- Valley Industrial Association
- Chamber of Commerce
- HR Managers
- Adjunct faculty
15Marketing Internships/CWEE to Students
- Emails to students, faculty entire campus
- Emails provide internship descriptions links
- Student email addresses sorted by major
- Online application to COC
- Interested in internships?
- 8,089 from May 05 July 08
- Hours I expect to work
16Marketing To Students
- Where Will You Find a Job? brochure
- Flyers Posters
- Research Shows flyers
- Learn More Earn More flyers posters
- Banner in A R/Counseling building
- 10 minute testimonial video
- Presentations
- Board of Trustees, Divisions, Departments,
Counseling, MAC, Classes etc. - Internship bullets URL on faculty syllabi
dept. websites
17How Can You Help Students Employers Achieve
Their Goals?
- Advocate for new Perkins IV SB70 funding to
develop internship programs - Integrate WBL throughout the curriculum
- Promote internship development / placement
- Publicize your internship success stories
- Share your internship marketing materials
- Replicate improve model programs
18Questions, Comments, Suggestions?
- Thank You!
- Contacts
- Stan Wright, College of the Canyons
- 661-362-3889, stan.wright_at_canyons.edu
- www.canyons.edu/cwee
- Antonio Diaz, Artificestudios
- 661-607-3007
- www.artificestudios.com