Scale Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Scale Development


Can be as involved as a description of how the new construct will relate to existing constructs ... Respondents must be able to meaningfully discriminate ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Scale Development

Scale Development
  • Chapter 5 - Steps in Scale Development

Step 1 Determine What You Want to Measure
  • Theory is key for clarity
  • Ground the content of the scale in substantive
    theories on the construct of interest
  • Limit the bounds of the construct so that it does
    not drift into unintended domains
  • Specify a theoretical model to guide the scales
  • Can be as simple as a well-formulated definition
    of the construct being measured
  • Can be as involved as a description of how the
    new construct will relate to existing constructs

Step 1 Determine What You Want to Measure
  • Specificity is key to clarity
  • Constructs relate better to each other when they
    match in levels of specificity
  • Do you want your measure to assess very specific
    behaviors or be a more global measure of the
  • Actively decide the level of specificity that is
    appropriate based on the intended use of the
  • Areas to consider when actively deciding your
    scales specificity
  • Content domain, setting, population

Step 1 Determine What You Want to Measure
  • Be clear about what to include
  • Is your construct distinct from others?
  • Does the measure match my goals for its use?
  • Avoid using items that might cross over into a
    related construct
  • Be cautious of similar items that may assess very
    different phenomena
  • Know the frame of reference for and intended
    purpose of your scale

Step 2 Generate an Item Pool
  • Create and select items with the specific
    measurement goal in mind
  • Use your description of the scales purpose to
    guide this process
  • Each item is a test of the strength of the latent
  • Make sure the thing items have in common is a
    construct, not merely a category
  • Think creatively about the construct of interest

Step 2 Generate an Item Pool
  • Be overinclusive and redundant
  • Theoretical models that guide scale development
    are based on redundancy
  • Content that is common across many items will
    aggregate, canceling out their irrelevant and
    idiosyncratic aspects
  • Redundancy allows you to compare items and have a
    preference for one over the other
  • While redundancy is most prevalent in the initial
    item pool, some redundancy in the final item pool
    is desirable

Step 2 Generate an Item Pool
  • How many items do you need?
  • More than you plan include in the final scale ?
  • Lots of items increases your chances of good
    internal consistency
  • Initial pool can be three to four times larger
    than the final pool

Step 2 Generate an Item Pool
  • Starting the writing process
  • Focus less on quality and more on expressing
    relevant ideas
  • Identify a variety of ways to state the central
    concept the scale is intending to measure
  • Paraphrase the construct of interest
  • Create additional statements that get at the same
    idea somewhat differently
  • Seek alternative ways to express important ideas
  • Write quickly and uncritically
  • Be critical after you have 3 to 4 times as many
    items as you need

Step 2 Generate an Item Pool
  • Bad Items
  • Exceptionally lengthy
  • Unnecessarily wordy
  • Multiple negatives
  • Double barreled items
  • Ambiguous pronoun references
  • Misplaced modifiers
  • Use adjective forms instead of noun forms
  • Good Items
  • Unambiguous
  • Targets the appropriate reading level for the
    intended sample

Step 2 Generate an Item Pool
  • Positively and negatively worded items
  • Positively worded Items indicating high levels
    of the latent variable when endorsed
  • Negatively worded Items indicating low levels
    of the latent variable when endorsed
  • Purpose of including both in a scale is to avoid
    acquiescence, affirmation, or agreement
  • Can be confusing to respondents
  • Reverse worded items can perform poorly

Step 3 Determine a Response Format
  • This step should occur at the same time you are
    generating items so they are compatible
  • Example response formats
  • Thurstone Scaling
  • Items are develop to correspond to varying
    intensities of the attribute, spaced to represent
    equal intervals, and formatted using agree
    disagree options
  • Difficult to find items to consistently
    correspond to the intensities desired
  • Practical problems with this method outweigh its

Step 3 Determine a Response Format
  • Example response formats (continued)
  • Guttman Scaling
  • Items that measure progressively higher levels of
    an attribute
  • Individual endorses a block of contiguous items
    and then reaches a point where the level of the
    attribute measured by the items exceeds the level
    of the attribute possessed by the individual
  • Highest item endorsed is the level of the
    attribute for the individual
  • Works well for objective information where
    affirmative responses to one item indicate
    endorsement of lower items

Step 3 Determine a Response Format
  • Equally weighted items
  • All items in the scale are viewed as equivalent
    detectors of the construct of interest
  • They are imperfect indicators but can be
    aggregated into an acceptably reliable scale
  • Allows for a variety of response options
  • Provides the scale developer with latitude in
    creating a measure that is best suited for a
    particular purpose

Step 3 Determine a Response Format
  • Optimum number of response categories
  • Variability is important
  • Have lots of items
  • Have lots of response options within items
  • Respondents must be able to meaningfully
    discriminate between options
  • Ability to discriminate between items may depend
    on specific wording or physical placement of the
    response options
  • Investigators ability and willingness to record
    a large number of values for each item

Step 3 Determine a Response Format
  • Optimum number of response categories (contd)
  • Odd or even number of response options depends on
    the investigators purpose
  • Odd implies a central neutral point
  • Even forces commitment in one direction
  • Neither is superior to the other

Step 3 Determine a Response Format
  • Types of response formats
  • Likert Scale
  • Item is presented as a declarative statement,
    followed by response options
  • Response options are worded so they have roughly
    equal intervals of agreement
  • Used most frequently to measure opinions,
    attitudes, beliefs
  • Must consider how strongly you should word items
    in the initial item pool

Step 3 Determine a Response Format
  • Types of response formats (continued)
  • Semantic Differential
  • Used in reference to one or more stimuli which
    are followed by a list of adjective pairs
    representing opposite ends of a continuum
  • Adjectives can be bipolar or unipolar (depending
    on the intended purpose of the scale)
  • The Likert and Semantic Differential Scales are
    compatible with theoretical models explained in
    the book

Step 3 Determine a Response Format
  • Types of response formats (continued)
  • Visual analog scale
  • Continuous line between a pair of descriptors
    representing opposite ends of a continuum
  • Respondent marks a point on the line that
    represents what is being measures
  • Investigator determines assigns scores to each
    point selected
  • Disadvantages marks at the same point may not
    mean the same thing to different individuals
  • Advantages very sensitive and useful for
    measuring construct before and after some
    intervening event, prevents response bias with
    repeated measurements

Step 3 Determine a Response Format
  • Types of response formats (continued)
  • Binary options
  • Responses reflecting items sharing a common
    latent variable could be aggregated into a single
    score for that construct
  • Disadvantages has minimal variability so you
    will need more items to obtain adequate scale
  • Advantages respondent are willing to complete
    more items

Step 3 Determine a Response Format
  • Numerical response formats neural processes
  • Research has found that certain response options
    may correspond to how the brain processes
    numerical information
  • Likert scales numbers arrayed in a sequence
    express quantity not only in their numerical
    value but also in their location

Step 3 Determine a Response Format
  • Item time frames
  • When formatting items you need to consider what
    time frame will be specified or implied by your
  • Not making a reference to a time frame implying
    a universal time perspective
  • Choose it actively rather than passively
  • Use theory to guide your decision

Step 4 Have Experts Review the Item Pool
  • Ask people who are knowledgeable in the content
    area to review your initial item pool
  • Maximizes your content validity
  • Confirms or invalidates your definition of the
  • Have them rate how relevant they think each item
    is to what you intend to measure
  • Especially important if you are creating a
    measure that will consist of separate scales to
    measure multiple constructs

Step 4 Have Experts Review the Item Pool
  • This step parallels hypothesis testing
  • Hypothesis Your thoughts about what each item
  • Data (confirming or disconfirming) Your experts
  • How to do it
  • Give them a working definition of the construct
  • Ask them to rate the relevance of each item to
    the construct as you have defined it
  • Ask for comments on individual items (e.g.,
    clarity, conciseness, alternative wordings)

Step 4 Have Experts Review the Item Pool
  • Experts can also offer alternative ways to
    measure the construct of interest
  • Final decision to include or exclude items is
    your responsibility
  • Experts may not understand principles of scale
  • Attend to their suggestions, but make your own
    informed decisions about how to actually use
    their advice

Step 4 Have Experts Review the Item Pool
  • Consider running a focus group
  • Meet with a small group of individuals to get
    detailed feedback on their opinions (5-10
  • Gives you feedback from a sample that is similar
    to the sample you will eventually give the scale
  • Especially important if working with special
    samples (e.g., children, detainees, elderly)

Step 4 Have Experts Review the Item Pool
  • Things you might do in a focus group
  • Identify difficult to read items and ask if the
    items are confusing or difficult to read (checks
    reading level)
  • Identify items that youre unsure of whether they
    measure what you think they measure and ask
    participants what the items mean to them (checks
    your construct validity)
  • Ask How would you answer this statement? and
    Why would you answer it that way?
  • For each item ask the individuals Is this
    something (sample you will eventually use )
    would say?

Step 5 Inclusion of Validation Items
  • Sometimes you may want to include items that will
    determine the validity of the final scale
  • Items that might detect flaws or problems
  • Items that might detect social desirability
  • May also consider including separate measures of
    validity rather than establishing your own
    validity items

Step 6 Administer Items
  • Administer your initial pool of items along with
    construct-related and validity items
  • How many participants should you collect?
  • Depends on the length of the scale
  • Fewer items requires fewer participants
  • When the ratio of participants to items is low
    correlations among items can be substantially
    influenced by chance factors
  • Depends on how representative the development
    sample is

Step 6 Administer Items
  • Possible nonrepresentativeness of the
    developmental sample
  • Level of the attribute may be different than the
    population for which the scale is intended
  • Sample is qualitatively different from the target
  • The underlying structure that emerges may be a
    quirk of the sample used in development

Step 7 Evaluate the Items
  • Ultimate quality is a high correlation with the
    true score of the latent variable
  • We can make inferences about this relation by
    examining the correlations among items
  • Higher correlations among items ? higher
    individual item reliabilities
  • More reliable individual items ?More reliable
  • We therefore want items to be highly
    intercorrelated in a correlation matrix

Step 7 Evaluate the Items
  • Reverse scored items
  • Items may have verbal descriptors for the
    response options in the same order but reverse
    the numbers associated with the options
  • Both the verbal descriptors and the numbers
    associated always in the same order but enter
    different values at the time of data entry
  • Error prone and tedious method
  • Reverse score the items electronically
  • Easiest and least error prone method

Step 7 Evaluate the Items
  • Item-scale correlations
  • We want highly intercorrelated items so we need
    each individual item to correlate substantially
    with the collection of remaining items
  • Two types of item-scale correlations
  • Corrected correlates the item being evaluated
    with all other scale items excluding itself
  • Uncorrected correlates the item being evaluated
    with all other scale items including itself
  • Tells how representative the item is of the whole

Step 7 Evaluate the Items
  • Item variances
  • We want scale items with relatively high
  • A development sample that is diverse with respect
    to the attribute of interest will provide a range
    of scores for any given item (i.e., good
  • Item means
  • We want means close to the center of the range of
    possible scores
  • Means too near the extremes will have low
    variances ? poor correlations with other items

Step 7 Evaluate the Items
  • Factor analysis
  • Allows you to determine the nature of the latent
    variables underlying your items
  • Need enough participants in the development
    sample to run factor analysis
  • Coefficient alpha
  • Indicator of scales reliability how successful
    youve been
  • Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 .70 is acceptable lower

Step 8 Optimize Scale Length
  • Scale length effects reliability
  • Alpha is influenced by the degree of covariation
    among items and the number of items in the scale
  • Items with average interitem correlations
    adding items will increase alpha, removing items
    will decrease alpha
  • Shorter scales are less burdensome to
  • Need an optimal trade-off (but this is true only
    when you have reliability to spare)

Step 8 Optimize Scale Length
  • Dropping bad items
  • Dropping items with sufficiently
    lower-than-average item correlations will raise
  • Retaining items with slightly below average item
    correlations will actually increase alpha
  • Adjusting scale length
  • Use reliability analyses in SPSS to decide
  • Items whose omission causes the least negative or
    most positive effect should be dropped first
  • Items with lowest item-scale correlations should
    be dropped first

Step 8 Optimize Scale Length
  • Adjusting scale length (continued)
  • Communality (i.e., squared multiple correlation)
    extent to which the item shares variance with
    the other items
  • Items with low communality estimates should be
  • Should see convergence across these methods
  • Also consider that the reliability of alpha as an
    estimate of reliability increases with the number
    of items

Step 8 Optimize Scale Length
  • Split samples
  • A large developmental sample may be split it into
    two samples
  • First sample used to compute alpha, evaluate
    items, adjust length, arriving at your final item
  • Second sample used to replicate findings
  • Consistency across the two samples gives you
    confidence in your estimates
  • Problems with this
  • Samples are not separated by time
  • Special conditions may have applied to data
  • Longer scale was given to the first sample
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