Title: More phenomena difficult to observe
1More phenomena difficult to observe
2More phenomena difficult to observe
- synchrotron radiation of positrons sub-mm
observations? - inner bremsstrahlung of secondary neutrons
3Positron energy distribution from ? decay
really, this is what is injected into the source
by colliding ps, ?s ?2, Tmax 3 GeV/nucl
4Effective distribution in thick target source
dE/dt collisions (logarithmic energy dependence
constant!) synchrotron (?2)
bremsstrahlung (? - above 100 MeV)
5Cumulative e distribution mean distribution
in source
divide these by dE/dt
6Synchrotron spectrum monoenergetic e
?c 4.3106 B ?2 sin?
7Synchrotron spectrum
8Rough estimate
- 1032 protons above 300 MeV
- 10-2 e per proton
- 410-22 1000 erg.s-1 .Hz-1
- 10-2 s lifetime
- spread out over e.g. 100 s and divided by 4 ? AU2
- 10-20 erg.cm-2.s-1 .Hz-1 10-23 W.m-2.Hz-1
10-1 s.f.u. - TOO SMALL
9Inner Bremsstrahlung spectrum
Knipp and Uhlenbeck (1936) Bloch (1936)
Petrosian and Ramaty (1972)
10Angular distribution of IBXRs
r solar distance z distance from
Earth distances in AU
- X-ray flux integrates over all neutron energies
present along the line of sight - looking further from the Sun samples more
energetic neutrons because lower energy ones
decay - Approximately, the distribution of X-ray flux
with angle is the Laplace transform of the
neutron energy distribution at the Sun - invert integral equation to deduce neutron energy
distribution F(E)
13Suns X-ray halo
14Seckel et al. (1992)
- modelled turbulent transport of cosmic rays in
inner heliosphere interaction with small-scale
magnetic fields near solar surface (lots of
assumptions!) - predicted 2.310-8 neutrons.cm-2.s-1 above 100
MeV at 1 AU - assume F(E)?(E10)-? at the Sun and normalise to
this prediction - ? IB flux at lt1 of cosmic XRB in 2 10 keV
15After flares?
- look near large, limb flares..