Title: Learning from BDDs in SATbased Bounded Model Checking
1Learning from BDDs in SAT-based Bounded Model
- Aarti Gupta, NEC Labs America
- Malay Ganai, NEC Labs America
- Chao Wang, University of Colorado
- Zijiang (James) Yang, NEC Labs America
- Pranav Ashar, NEC Labs America
2Boolean Satisfiability (SAT)
- Given a Boolean formula
- find an assignment to the variables such
thatformula evaluates to true - or, prove that no such assignment exists
- Decision Procedure
- Davis Logemann Loveland (DLL/DPLL) algorithm
- Branch-and-backtracking search
- Applications in VLSI CAD
- ATPG, timing analysis, FPGA routing,
- Verification
- equivalence checking
- bounded model checking
- image computation
- unbounded model checking
3Bounded Model Checking (BMC)
- BMC Given a design, and a correctness
property,search for a bounded depth
counterexample - by unrolling time frames of design
- by specifying constraints on design signals
- BMC problem for a given depth k
- translated to a Boolean formula, where formula
issatisfiable if and only if a counterexample
exists - SAT Check performed by a backend SAT solver
- Typically, use BMC for increasing k
- For deeper searches, efficiency of SAT solver is
4SAT DLL Decision Procedure
SAT_Solve() if (preprocess() CONFLICT)
return UNSAT while (1) if
(decide_next_branch()) while (deduce()
CONFLICT) blevel analyze_conflict()
if (blevel lt 0) return UNSAT else
backtrack(blevel) else return SAT
- Main Engines
- Decision for choosing which variable to branch
on,and what value - Deduction for performing BCP and checking
conflicts - Diagnosis for conflict-driven learning and
backtracking - Modern SAT Solvers Grasp, SATO, Chaff, BerkMin,
- Improve SAT Solvers performance by Learning
- What is Learning (in SAT Solvers) ?
- Adds new but redundant clauses to the given
problem - Though redundant, they are useful in pruning
search - Learning Techniques in Modern SAT Solvers
- Conflict-driven learning key feature Silva 96
- Structural circuit simplifications Kuehl 01
- Recursive learning Kunz 93
- Stalmarcks algorithm Stalm 89
- Our Contribution Efficient learning from BDDs
6Related Work
- Combining BDDs and SAT both explore search space
- Equivalence checking Jain95, Kunz95, Gup98,
Burch98, - Image computation Gupta00
- Model checking Williams00, Abdulla00
- BMC Anderson02
- Combining BDDs and SAT in BMC framework
- Goal simplification Anderson02
- BDD sweeping for simplifying transition relation
Kuehl97 - BDD reachability constraints Cabodi03, Gupta03
- BDD Learning is orthogonal to such use, and can
be also combined with clause replication
Strich01 - Contrast
- Dam03 Apply CNF-based SAT techniques to BDDs
- This talk Add information from BDDs into
CNF-based SAT
- Background
- SAT-based BMC
- SAT Decision Procedure
- Motivation and Related Work
- BDD Learning
- Review Conflict-driven learning
- BDD Learning Technique
- BDD Learning Engine
- Integration with a Standard SAT Solver
- Experimental Results
- Conclusions
8Review Conflict-Driven Learning
- x1 x4
- x1 x3 x8
- x1 x8 x12
- x2 x11
- x7 x3 x9
- x7 x8 x9
- x7 x8 x10
- x7 x10 x12
9Review Conflict-Driven Learning
- Benefits of CDL
- Allows non-chronological backtracking
- Avoids same conflict in future
- Decision heuristics using CDL information are
more effective
Conflict clause x1 x3 x5
10BDDs and Conflicts
- Each path to 0 in a BDD denotes a conflict on its
variables - A BDD captures all conflicts
- Each conflict can be avoided by adding a learned
clause - a b c d
- a b e
- Learning
- No need to add each clause
- Select clauses to add
11BDD Learning Technique
- Given a SAT problem
- Build multiple BDDs for parts of the problem
- For each BDD, paths to 0 represent conflicts
- Add learned clauses to avoid selected paths
- Tradeoff between usefulness and overhead
- Useful multiple conflicts are handled
simultaneously - Overhead too many learned clauses slow down BCP
- Strategy Effective and Lightweight BDD Learning
12Effective and Lightweight BDD Learning
- Global BDD learning for every circuit node
- Impractical, wasteful
- Targeted BDD Learning for selected circuit nodes
(Seeds) - Two Learning Paradigms
- Static BDD Learning
- Seeds are selected statically
- Learned clauses are added statically before
decisions - Dynamic BDD Learning
- Seeds are selected dynamically
- Learned clauses are added dynamically during
decisions - Heuristics are targeted at achieving a good
balance between usefulness and overheads
13BDD Learning Engine
- 3 main components
- Seed selection
- Creation of a BDD for the seed
- Generation of learned clauses from the BDD
BDD_Learning_Engine() update_engine_info()
if (ready_for_learning) node
select_a_seed() bdd create_a_bdd(node)
cl_list generate_learned_clauses(bdd)
return (cl_list)
14Seed Selection
- Strategy preempt conflicts in the SAT Solver
- Seed Selection Heuristics (SSH)based on
Decision heuristics of the SAT Solver - Next decision
- Past decisions, ranked back from current decision
- Most frequent decisions
- Decisions at back-leap levels Pil 02
- Most frequent backtrack levels
15Creation of BDDs
- Region heuristic
- Fanin cone of chosen seed
- Region around the chosen seed (faninfanout)
- Region across a few logic levels (typically 5-10)
- Avoids BDD blowup, very fast
- Keeps BDD paths short, giving short learned
clauses - More useful for implications than long clauses
- Should not duplicate gate constraints
16Generation of Learned Clauses
- Simple cube enumeration of negated BDD
- Only a fixed number of cubes enumerated
- To avoid exponential enumeration
- Maximum clause length enforced, typically 5-10
- Shorter clauses are more useful for implication
- Fixed-depth cube enumeration with Approximation
- Shorter paths to 1 are enumerated (in negated
BDD) - Longer paths are approximated to 0
- Some heuristically chosen variables
areuniversally quantified - Corresponds to resolution on learned clauses
- Can result in shorter and fewer learned clauses
17Integration with SAT Solver
SAT_Solve() if (preprocess() CONFLICT)
return UNSAT while (1) cl_list
bdd_learning_engine() if (add_clauses(cl_list
) UNSAT) return UNSAT if
(decide_next_branch()) while (deduce()
CONFLICT) blevel analyze_conflict()
if (blevel 0) return UNSAT
else backtrack(blevel) else return SAT
- BDD Learning is in addition to standard CDL
- BDD Learning engine is invoked before a decision
- Static one time only, after preprocess
- Dynamic before each decision, but learning is
performed every N backtracks (e.g. N100) - A clause added due to BDD Learning is treated as
a conflict clause - affects future implications and decisions
18Dynamic Addition of Learned Clauses
- Effect of added clauses on SAT Solver invariants
- Conflict clause is conflicting/unit when added
- may not be the case for externally learned
clauses - Action in SAT Solver depends on clause status
- Conflicting add it immediately
- Unsatisfied, with ? 2 free literals add it
immediately - Unit Choice between
- Add immediately, and backtrack to implication
level - Add later, when decision level is the implication
level - Heuristic add it immediately if (d_level
imp_level) lt threshold - Pseudo-satisfied (should have been an
implicationon the true literal) like a unit
clause - Satisfied add it immediately
19Filtering Learned Clauses
- Additional Filters
- Non-local literals assigned at different
decision levels - Avoid local learning, inferred directly from
circuit - Relevant sum of true/unassigned literals lt
threshold - Unrelevant clauses unlikely to cause implications
- Similar to conflict clause deletion criteria in
SAT Solvers - Three Levels of Learning Projected usefulness
- Level 1 conflicting 1-literal unit
- Level 2 (Level 1) unit pseudo-satisfied
- Level 3 (Level 2) all filtered clauses
20Prototype DiVer Verification System
- Setup
- Six large industrial designs
- BMC used to check safety properties
- 3 hour time limit (2.2 GHz Xeon, 900 MHz Sun
220R) - Basic DiVer BMC (No BDD Learning)
22Results Static BDD Learning
- Chose top 20 variables ranked by decision
Mixed Results No Clear Winner
23Results Dynamic BDD Learning
- Significant Improvements with Level 3 Learning
D1 15 clauses, 3 seeds D5 89 clauses, 32
seeds SSH Past Decision (3/6)
24Results Dynamic BDD Learning
- Effect of Maximum Clause Length
- Max length 6 gave best empirical results
- May be related to BDD creation parameters
- BDD Learning Technique
- Creates BDDs on-the-fly for selected seeds
- Adds useful learned clauses for conflicts to SAT
Solver - Static and Dynamic BDD Learning in SAT Solver
- Heuristics for Lightweight and Effective Learning
- Seed selection heuristics
- Can also be applied to selective replication
- Clause filtering heuristics
- Can also be applied to other external learning
techniques - Improved search in BMC with Dynamic BDD Learning
- Upto 73 reduction in time for same depth
- Upto 39 more (60 more) time frames searched
26SAT Example
Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF)