Title: TCP Performance
1TCP Performance
- Phil Cayton
- CSE 581
- 01/12/02
2Papers read for this discussion
- TCP Behavior of a Busy Internet Server Analysis
and Improvements - H. Balakrishnan, V. Padmanabhan, S. Seshan, M.
Stemm, R. Katz - An Integrated Congestion Management Architecture
of Internet Hosts - H. Balakrishnan, H. Rahul, S. Seshan
- Endpoint Admission Control Architectural Issues
and Performance - L. Breslau, E. Knightly, S. Shenker, I. Stoica,
H. Zhang - TCP Congestion Control with a Misbehaving
Receiver - S. Savage, N. Cardwell, D. Wetherall, T. Anderson
- Overview of Loss Recovery and Congestion Control
Behavior - Issues with TCP and Current Trends Techniques
to solve them - Attacks against Defenses for TCP
Vulnerabilities - Integrated Congestion Management
- Endpoint Admission Control
- Summary
- Discussion
4Changing Nature of Net Traffic
- Historically single, long-running xfers
- Telnet, FTP, etc
- Currently multiple, concurrent, short-lived
transfers and use of transports that do not adapt
to congestion - Do not give TCP time to adapt to network
congestion - Receiver modifications exacerbate problem by
circumventing congestion control mechanisms. - Can hog bandwidth or commit DOS attacks
- PROBLEM Current trends could affect long term
stability of internet
- Slow Start
- Start the congestion window (CW) at the size of a
single segment send it. If segment acked
before timeout add one segment to the CW size up
to MSS. - Congestion Avoidance
- Once CW reaches threshold only add a new segment
for each estimated segment RTT. - Multiplicative Decrease
- Reduce CW size by half for each retransmit
6Problems with Current TCP Congestion Control
- Loss Recovery Techniques not effective in dealing
with packet losses - Default Socket Buffer Size to small
- Receiver window becomes a bottleneck
- Parallel connections less responsive to
congestion-induced losses - Ack-Compression can artificially increase
perceived queue-length
7Solving Problems and Improving TCP Performance
- Integrated Congestion Control/Loss Recovery
- Apps can use multiple TCP connections
- Single integrated CW for the set of TCP
connections - Eliminates slow-start for new connections
- Decreases overall effect of congestion as all
connections are informed of and react to the
congestion - Data-driven loss recovery integrated across set
of TCP connections - Connections know if lost segments arrive on
other connections and do not need to timeout.
8Solving Problems and Improving TCP Performance
- Increase default socket buffer size
- Increases maximum receiver advertised window on
connection est. - Allows for higher potential performance
- Calculate Ack-Compression factor
- If significant ack-compression, slow-data rate to
limit danger of packet loss
9TCP Vulnerabilities and Misbehaving Receivers
- Ack Division
- Receiver can acknowledge segments multiple times
(up to bytes acks) - Leads Sender to grow CW faster than normal.
Bunch of acks
Burst 1 RTT later
10TCP Vulnerabilities and Misbehaving Receivers
- Solution to Ack Division
- Modify congestion control to guarantee
segment-level granularity - Only increment MSS when a valid Ack arrives for
the entire segment.
11TCP Vulnerabilities and Misbehaving Receivers
- Duplicate Ack Spoofing
- Receiver sends multiple acks/sequence
- No way to tell what segment is being acked
- Causes sender to enter fast-recovery mode and
increase MSS
Burst of dup acks
Sender enters Fast Recovery and bursts 1 RTT later
12TCP Vulnerabilities and Misbehaving Receivers
- Solution to Duplicate Ack Spoofing
- Add new fields to TCP headers.
- nonce nonce-reply random values sent with
segments and replies. Only increment congestion
Window for replies to previously unacked packets
(determined by nonce/reply) - Oopsrequires us to modify servers clients
- Server maintains count of un-acked segments.
Only incr cwnd while count gt 0
13TCP Vulnerabilities and Misbehaving Receivers
- Optimistic Acking
- Send acks for segments not yet received
- Dec perceived RTT, affecting CW growth.
Segment acks
Segs arrive
14TCP Vulnerabilities and Misbehaving Receivers
- Solution to Optimistic Acking
- Again use nonce/nonce-reply as spoofer cannot
guess random-nonce values - Oops does not take into account cumulative
losses - Cumulative Nonce
- Oops still requires modification of TCP
- slightly random sequence sizes
- Spoofer unable to correctly anticipate segment
boundaries and incorrect sequence numbers can be
15Integrated Congestion Management
- TCP-Friendly approach for end-system Congestion
management that - Enables efficient multiplexing of concurrent
flows - Enables apps/xports to adapt to congestion
- Ensures proper and stable congestion behavior
- Delivers trusted intermediary between flows for
bandwidth management - Provides per-host/per-domain statistics
(bandwidth, loss rates, RTT)
16Integrated Congestion Management
- Goals
- Ensure stable net behavior
- Enable shared state learning for app adaptation
- Guiding Principles
- Put app in control
- App decides what to transmit
- App decides how to apportion allocated bandwidth
- Accommodate traffic heterogeneity
- TCP bulk xfers, short xactions, RT-flows at
various rates, layered streams, new apps - Accommodate application heterogeneity (Syncronous
or Asynchronous) - Learn from the application
17Integrated Congestion Management
- CM Functions
- Query path status
- Schedule data transmissions
- Update variables on congestion
- CM Algorithms
- Rate-based AIMD control
- Loss-resilient, light-weight feedback protocol
- Exponential aging when feedback infrequent
- Scheduler to apportion bandwidth between flows
18Integrated Congestion Management
Note high-variance
Web traces for web-like workload with 4
concurrent connections using TCP-Reno
Same workload with TCP/CM
Note extremely low-variance
19Integrated Congestion Management
- More efficient if sender and receiver use CM, but
not required - CM improves Reliability consistency to make
apps better netizens - CM Ensures proper stable congestion behavior
20Endpoint Admission Control
- Goal of AC Provide QOS to soft-RT flows
- Traditional Approaches
- Integrated Services per-flow router based AC
- Flows must request service from the network.
- Acceptance depends on the level of available
resources - Limited scalability (routers must keep per-flow
state process per-flow reservation messages) - Differentiated Services routers use
priority/buffering mechanisms based on DS field
in packet headers - No per-flow admission control or signaling
- Routers do not maintain per-flow state
- Good scalability
- No AC QOS degrades if resources are limited
- Goal IntServe QOS DiffServ scalability while
maintaining compatibility w/ Best Effort traffic
21Endpoint Admission Control
- Router Scheduling Mechanisms
- no flow admitted if the load while probing is
greater than the capacity (no stolen bandwidth) - Fair Queuing
- Isolate flows to give each a fair share. Flow
acceptance could impair service to others. - Possibility of lower than optimal utilization
- Coexisting w/ Best Effort Traffic
- Dont borrow bandwidth from best-effort traffic
- Dont allow best-effort traffic to preempt AC
traffic - Multiple Levels of Service
- All probes (regardless of priority) at same level
- Probes at different level than any data traffic
to avoid stealing service between levels
22Endpoint Admission Control
- Endpoint Probing Algorithms
- Acceptance Threshold
- Too low threshold leads to higher blocking
- All AC flows should adopt uniform acceptance
threshold - Accuracy
- In-Band Probing probe packets same priority as
data (shorter set-up times, no starvation) - Out-of-Band Probing probe packets lower
priority than data packets (no data packet loss) - Thrashing
- Accepted flow levels low, but high probe-traffic
prevents further admission - Use slow-start probing
23Endpoint Admission Control
- Simulations
- Probing slow-start, early reject and simple
- Options in-band probing, out-of-band probing,
signal congestion with packet drops, signal
congestion with congestion marks
24Endpoint Admission Control
- Thrashing - Loss rate for simple early reject
probing algorithms for in-band probing design
substantially worse than that of the Intserv
MBAC benchmark - Slow start based algorithm in contrast is much
closer to MBAC - OOB dropping similar loss-load frontiers as MBAC
- Robustness
- In-band dropping has highest, OOB marking lowest
dropping rates. - Heterogeneous Thresholds
- Lower thresholds for higher QOS-gthigher block
rates-gtlower QOS - Uniform thresholds seem to yield higher overall
QOS - Heterogeneous Traffic
- Traditional admission control discriminates
against bigger flows. - Edge admission control less discriminate and can
admit too much - Multi-hop
- Drop rates higher for longer/multi-hops but
Admission accuracy unaffected
25Endpoint Admission Control
- Cons
- Substantial setup delay
- QOS unpredictable across settings
- No mechanism to enforce uniform admission
thresholds - Users could forge admission fields and be granted
higher QOS without being subject to AC - Pros
- Scalable scheduling for soft-RT applications
- Provides multiple QOS levels along with
Best-effort - Early tests show good TCP-friendliness
- TCP not designed for prevalent traffic patterns
- TCP designed for cooperative environment and
contains vulnerabilities - Modest (server side) changes can make TCP more
robust for current traffic and less vulnerable to
spoofs and DOS attacks - More substantial (sender and reciever) changes
can further add congestion management and improve
overall stability and security