Title: START: Say it in ONE word
1START Say it in ONE word
- We have already talked about what it means to
have a World War when we discussed World War I. - Think of ONE word that sums up a WORLD WAR.
- Be prepared to explain why you chose that word.
2World War II
- Aggression, Appeasement, and War
3Dictators Challenge World Peace
- Japan on the Move
- Japan wanted an empire equal to western powers
- Seized Manchuria in 1931, League of Nations
protested - 1937 overran much of eastern China
Taken From http//users.ev1.net/gpmoran/JpnFrnP
olicy.htm This map shows Manchuria in White and
Japanese advance in Red
4- Italy Invades Ethiopia
- Mussolini has imperialist ambitions
- 1935 invaded Ethiopia, easily defeats them
- League of Nations imposed sanctions against Italy
5- Hitlers Challenge
- Hitler found western democracies weak
- sent troops into the Rhineland
- western democracies didnt like what Hitler was
doing, but adopted a policy of appeasement
Taken From http//www.vantagetravel.com/Trip/Trip
s.aspx?TripID111 Here is the Rhine river that
Hitler crossed what was protecting France
south of the river?
- Which powers were acting aggressively? How?
7Appeasement and Neutrality
- Countries were still disillusioned about WWI, led
to pacifism - Many saw Hitlers fascism a defense against
Soviet Communism - NOTE - the Nazis and the
Communists - DONT LIKE EACH OTHER! - United States passed neutrality acts
Taken From http//www.materialreligion.org/journa
l/appelbaum/gum.jpg This is a wrapper from
Horrors of War gum. This gum was produced
after WWI. Why did the world want to avoid war
after WWI?
8- Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis
- agreed to fight Soviet communism
- would not interfere in others expansion
Taken From http//images.encarta.msn.com/xrefmed
Leaders of Rome, Germany, and Japan agree to
fight communism
9The Spanish Civil War
- From Monarchy to Republic
- 1931 King forced to leave country due to
political and social unrest, a republic was
formed - controversial reforms were passed
Taken From http//www.lancs.ac.uk/depts/history/
gfx/ninos1936.jpg Kids during the Spanish
Civil War!
10- Spanish Nationalists Versus Spanish Loyalists
- civil war
- 1936 Francisco Franco Nationalists right-wing
- Loyalists supported the republic
- Hitler and Mussolini supported Franco
- A Dress Rehearsal- Germans used the conflict as a
way to see what their planes/bombers could do
Taken From http//img.timeinc.net/time/magazine/a
rchive/covers/1939/1101390327_400.jpg Cover of
Time Magazine 1939
11- German Aggression Continues
- Austria Annexed
- 1938 Anschluss union of Germany and Austria
- violated Treaty of Versailles
- The Czech Crisis
- Sudetenland
- Munich Conference, 1938
ia20(Anschluss)20Mar__A_jpg.jpg German police
occupation of Austria Anschuluss
12Chamberlains Appeasement
- Peace for Our Time
- PM Neville Chamberlain told people that the pact
saved Czechoslovakia and Europe from destruction - Edouard Daladier and Winston Churchill felt
Taken From http//home.sandiego.edu/jnoga/concl
usion.html The Peace for Our Time Speech
13Europe Plunges Toward War
- Nazi-Soviet Pact
- 1939 nonaggression treaty
- based on needs, not friendship
- Invasion of Poland
- September 1, 1939 Germany invades
- September 3, 1939 Britain and France declare war
Taken From http//www.johndclare.net/RoadtoWWII8
.htm What does this cartoon suggest about the
Nazi-Soviet Pact?
15Why War Came
- Effort to revise 1919 treaty
- Failure to respond to Nazi threat
- Countries distracted by own problems
- Desire to avoid war