Title: The Blooming Flip Chart
1 Benjamins Blooming Flip Chart    Ro
oted in the Academic Content Standards  Printed
by the TCHESC Â
2Benjamins Bloom-ing Flip Chart
- Tuscarawas-Carroll-Harrison Educational Service
Center - 834 East High Avenue
- New Philadelphia, OH 44663
- 330.308.9939
- Fax 330.308.0964
- www.tchesc.org
- Robert Fogler, Superintendent
Department of Gifted Services Marina Colombo Peg
Range Michelle Watson
Aid in developing differentiated lessons in all
academic areas
- Flip charts connect indicators to levels of
Blooms Taxonomy
4Blooms Taxonomy
- lowest level of cognitive thinkingsimple recall
- (knowledge, comprehension, application)
- highest order of cognitive thinkingcomplex and
abstract mental levels of thinking - (analysis, synthesis, evaluation)
5Benjamin Bloom
- 55 frame not a reflection of his stature
- Stature in the classroom and the field of
education was mighty great - Provided activities for students to increase
meaningfulness to the lessons - Had a nose for what was significant thus came
6Blooms Taxonomy
- Bloom identified six levels within the cognitive
domain. - In 1956, he found that over 95 of the test
questions students encountered required them to
think only at the lowest possible levelthe
recall of information (knowledge).
7Todays Example
Fourth Grade
Ohio Content Standard Reading Applications
Literary Text Page 202 (K-12 English Language
Indicator 1. Describe the thoughts, words, and
interactions of characters.
8 Benjamins Blooming Flip Chart Rooted in
the Academic Content Standards Printed by the
9Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cryby Mildred D. Taylor
- Novel of realistic fiction
- Characters and events are fictional
- The events are characteristic of incidents common
to have happened in the South in the 1930s.
Deals with issues of prejudice, courage, and
10Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
- Standard Reading Applications Literary Text
Indicator 1. Describe the thoughts, words and
interactions of characters.
Describe COMPREHENSION level of verb choice of
Blooms Taxonomy
11The Taxonomy
- Remembering previously learned material
- Recall facts or whole theories
12Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
- Indicator
- Describe the thoughts, words and interactions of
characters. (COMPREHENSION)
Match the characters interactions with another
character in the novel.
Specify which character is telling the story by
citing three examples from Chapters 1-3.
Retell the incident with the Jefferson Davis bus
as the Logan children walked to school on the
first day.
13(No Transcript)
14The Taxonomy
- Grasping the meaning of material
- Interpreting (explaining or summarizing)
- Predicting outcome and effects
15Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Indicator 1. Describe the thoughts, words and
interactions of characters. (COMPREHENSION)
Describe the thoughts, words and interactions of
characters. (original indicator)
Express your interpretation of the characters
feelings and thoughts in at least five
interactions in Chapters 1-3.
16(No Transcript)
17The Taxonomy
- Ability to use learned materials in a new
- Applying information to produce some result
- Use of facts, rules and principles
18Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Indicator 1. Describe the thoughts, words and
interactions of characters. (COMPREHENSION)
- Dramatize an interaction occurring between the
following characters of the novels - Stacey and T.J.
- Little Man and Mrs. Crocker
- Mrs. Logan and Mrs. Crocker
- Cassie and Lillian Jean
19(No Transcript)
20The Taxonomy
- Understanding organization
21Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Indicator 1. Describe the thoughts, words and
interactions of characters. (COMPREHENSION)
Analyze the interaction between two of the
characters in the book who are in conflict, then
determine by the words or personal thoughts of
the characters how the conflict is resolved or
how it even leads to another conflict in the plot.
22(No Transcript)
23The Taxonomy
- Ability to put parts together to form a new whole
- Generalize from given facts
- Using prior knowledge to create new ideas
24Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Indicator 1. Describe the thoughts, words and
interactions of characters. (COMPREHENSION)
Elaborate on Cassies experiences that cause her
to become wiser, yet scared and disillusioned.
25(No Transcript)
This Character
Wanted to
Graphic Organizers by Kris Flynn 1995, Creative
Teaching Press, Inc., Cyrpress, CA 90630
27The Taxonomy
- Ability to judge value for purpose
- Resolving controversies or differences of opinion
- Support judgment with reason
28Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Indicator 1. Describe the thoughts, words and
interactions of characters. (COMPREHENSION)
Compare the personal traits of six characters
portrayed in the novel to the characters
portrayed in the movie.
Support your opinions with descriptive examples
cited in the novel.
Based on what you know, how would you disprove
the following statement Movies reveal more
thoughts, words, and interactions of characters
than novels.
29(No Transcript)
30Benjamins Bloom-ing Flip Chart
- Useful tool for developing differentiated lessons
for students in your classroom with varied
31The End
- Thank You.
- Have a Great Day!
- Marina, Michelle Peg
32 Benjamins Blooming Flip Chart    Ro
oted in the Academic Content Standards  Printed
by the TCHESC Â