Title: By Cadet Bo_ _ _
1By Cadet Bo_ _ _
2The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
was an alliance Organized on September 8, 1954
by representatives of Australia, France, Great
Britain, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines,
Thailand, and the United States.
Established under Western auspices after the
French withdrawal from Indochina, SEATO was
created to oppose further Communist gains in
Southeast Asia. The treaty was supplemented by
a Pacific Charter, affirming the rights of
Asian and Pacific peoples to equality and
self-determination and setting forth goals of
economic, social, and cultural cooperation
between the member countries.
3The civil and military organizations established
under the treaty had their headquarters in
Bangkok, Thailand. SEATO relied on the military
forces of member nations and joint maneuvers were
held annually.
Unable to intervene in Laos or Vietnam due to its
rule of unanimity, the future of the organization
was in doubt by 1973, and disbanded in early
4Photograph of SEATO Nations Leaders at the
Manila Conference on 10/24/66
5SEATO was created as a defensive alliance to
oppose further communist gains in South East
SEATOs principal role was to sanction the U.S.
presence in Vietnam, although France and Pakistan
withheld support.