Title: After the WASIS Ecstasy, the Laundry
1After the WASIS Ecstasy, the Laundry
- Susanne C. Moser, Ph.D.
- Institute for the Study of Society and
Environment - NCAR
- (smoser_at_ucar.edu)
WASIS Workshop Boulder, CO July 20, 2007
2The Going Home Talk
- The ecstasy Where are you at?
- and the laundry
- Where is the rest of the world?
- Likely challenges of practicing WASIS at home
- Some perspectives on change
- Strategies for next Monday and for the long haul
3After the WASIS Ecstasy
- Where are you?
- Excitement about what you learned and gained
- New perspectives and knowledge (theory, concepts)
- New tools (methods, approaches, skills)
- New language
- New friends and colleagues
- New or renewed commitment to WASIS
- Motivation and desire to do things differently
- A little exhausted, a little worried maybe?
4 the WASIS Laundry
- When you get back home, back to work
- They werent here!
- They did the laundry while you were gone (the
kids, dishes, garbage the meetings, phone
calls, never-ending to-do lists the way weve
always done it) - Most of your fellow WASISers arent down the
hall (but some may be) - The rest of the world probably isnt waiting to
change its habits - thinking, behavior, incentives, job descriptions,
institutions still the same
5 the WASIS Laundry (cont.)
- In a week, a month from now
- Youre alone
- Isolated geographically, intellectually,
institutionally - Limited resources
- Never enough time
- Wishing for greater depth or experience in
knowledge, methods, communication skills - ? INTERDISCIPLINARY WORK IS MUCH HARDER THAN YOU
- You changed -
- You want to change something else -
- What you want to change may well
resist. - This is all NORMAL!
- But how to deal with normal????
7Becoming a Master Interdisciplinarian
- From Directed Learner to
- Independent Performer
- Expert
- Leader
- Visionary
8 The Cycle of ChangeMotivation and Resistance
Source Lessons for Living (2006)
9Creating Change
- The two tasks of change agents
- (1) Elevate motivation to change
- (2) Lower resistance/barriers to change
- Implications
- Identify a vision and clear goals
- Strategically assess
- leverage points
- windows of opportunity
- key players
- specific needs/resources
- likely barriers
- Take a realistic, but long-term view
Source Moser Dilling, 2007. Creating a Climate
for Change Communicating Climate Change and
Facilitating Social Change. Cambridge University
Press. See http//www.isse.ucar.edu/communicati
10Another Perspective on Change
Motivation Confidence
Source K. Blanchard Co., Situational
Leadership, 2003
11Creating Change (cont.)
Response to change
Why change projects fail
Source http//www.epmbook.com/orgchange.htm
12First-Order Strategies
- Before you say anything else Check in on the
laundry, thank them for doing it, do some
yourself - Identify or create a receptive moment
- Who are you talking to?
- Tell them (only) what they need to know
- Speak in their language
- Help them see how what you bring will help them
- Offer something to them
- Only then ask for what you need to implement the
change - Offer to check in regularly, report back
- Do this with everyone who needs to be involved in
the change
13Support for Change Agents
- Build your local team (because you cant do it
alone and not all at once) - Skills, support, sharing the work, etc.
- Establish clear rules, timeline, authority,
responsibility, accountability - Communicate more than you think is needed
- Plant the seeds, let it become everyones garden
- Continue to build skills
- Yours
- Everyone elses
- Make use of WASIS connections, resources,
discussion list - Maybe a buddy system, mentoring,
14Others need what you need and then some
Motivation Confidence
Source K. Blanchard Co., Situational
Leadership, 2003
15What Else? Your Own Ideas
- be aware of the resistors work around them
- include them, make them part of the process,
dont alienate them communicate a lot, meet face
to face, ask them about their worries - Identify the believers, those who support you
- Think of this as culture change, needs to be
organic, people will respect that you are sincere - Dont step on peoples toes try to avoid going
behind peoples backs - Understand the chain of command who is critical
to involve in the change - Be aware of your own cynicism, easy to get
disillusioned need something to bring you back
16More good ideas
- Challenge your own internal barriers, thoughts
- Dont forget to step back and reflect on whats
going on, why youre doing it, what strategies
will help - Also shut up and listen
- Get champions on your team (people who can bring
onboard others) - Dont forget freindship as a motivating factor
- Give people credit for when they have made the
change acknowledge effort and success THANK YOU
goes a LONG way! - Recognize that you yourself may need to change
- Be your own (gentle) critic beware of your own
flawed thinking - You are learner and expert at once, sometimes all
in one day - When is it right to toot your own horn, when is
it just important to see that the change happens
17Bread for the Journey
- If you focus on results, you will never change.
- If you focus on change, you will get results.
- Jack Dixon
Good luck and stay in touch!