Title: Consistency of Teacher Judgement
1- Consistency of Teacher Judgement
- Overview of Module
- Why is Consistency of Teacher Judgement
- important ?
- Establishing an environment of consistency
- Consistency strategies
- Student Work Samples or Moderation
2- Consistency of Teacher Judgement
Involves on-balance, evidence-based decisions
about students progress towards the
achievements of standards articulated
through the language of Syllabus Outcomes and
Foundation Statements
- Why is consistency of teacher judgement
Activity Brainstorm to answer this question
4- Consistency and Comparability in Assessment
- Ensures there is a fairness for students across
class and schools - Gives teachers, parents and students confidence
in the validity of judgement reached in schools - Enhances teachers knowledge and confidence in
their own assessment - Establishes a basis for trust in the judgement of
other teachers
5- Consistency and Comparability in Assessment
- Helps to develop a collective view on assessment
and a shared expertise in the planning of
teaching and assessment - Promotes an agreed understanding of standards,
expectations and student achievement throughout
the school - Ensures that all learners are provided with fair
and reliable information about their learning
6- With consistent judgements we can fairly and
accurately monitor student progress and share
information with others.
7- Establishing an Environment of Consistency
- Teachers become confident
- Sufficient time is given for teacher discussions
- Agreed system of recording
- Plan which uses valid and reliable data
- Training school and individual
- Common understanding
- Collaboration in planning,teaching and learning
- and assessment
- Range of appropriate assessment practices
- Teachers discuss student work samples
8- Consistent Strategy
- Activity
- Planning and Assessing Collaboratively
- Share Understandings About Assessment
- Use a Common Assessment Task
- Comparing Samples of Student Work
- Developing a Common Criteria Sheet
9- Consistent Judgement
- Activity
On the Aspect of Assessment form, examine your
current practice, highlighting the aspects that
you are currently doing well and areas that need
10- Consistent Judgement
- Activity
How to Develop Consistency of Teacher Judgement.
11- Moderation is a process where teachers
- compare judgements to either confirm or
- adjust them
- Involves close collaboration to establish a
- shared understanding of what
- achievement of an outcome looks like and
- whether or not the student has
- demonstrated achievement of the outcome
12Develop common beliefs and understandings
Looking at outcomes and indicators
What does moderation mean to you ?
Foundation Statements
Looking at work samples
13- What purposes can moderation serve in
supporting consistency in teacher judgement?
- Through moderation teachers can
- Develop shared understanding of standards
- Develop accuracy and reliability in making
- judgements
- Ensure judgements are equitable
- Strengthen the value of teachers judgement
- Develop well targeted teaching programs
14Looking at student work has the potential to
expand teachers opportunity to learn, to
cultivate a professional community that is both
willing and able to inquire into practice, and to
focus school-based teacher conversations directly
on the improvement of teaching and learning.
(Phi Delta Kappan, November 2003)
15- Select learner achievement information from
several sources - Compare the information gathered by the teacher
with information from the Board of Studies
Annotated Work Samples - Make a judgement
- Consider
- How your teaching can address what you have
understood about learners needs.
16- Using the Foundation Statements, outcomes,
indicators and work sample provided, comment on
students knowledge,skills and understanding - (By yourself)
- 2. Sort the samples according to how well each
has achieved the outcome (With a partner)
17- Discuss and compare your judgements of the work
samples (in groups) - 4. Using the common grade scale select the work
samples that demonstrate the qualities and/or
characteristics of the description of a
particular grade (in groups)
185. Discuss and compare judgements of all the work
samples for the KLA 6. Using the common grade
scale group the collection of work samples
according to each grade 7. Does the quality of
each collection of work, on balance,typically
describe what might be expected of a student who
is on target to receive that grade at the Stage?
19- Linked to student achievement in relation to
Syllabus Outcomes and Foundation Statements - Provides students with information about how well
they addressed the criteria for the experience - Shows students their level of achievement
- Indicates areas for improvement
20- Meaningful Feedback Activity
Describe what strategies can be used to provide
meaningful feedback in order for students to gain
an understanding about their strengths and areas
that need development