Title: Cushing Academy Essentials
1Cushing Academy Essentials
- Produced by Bruce Lemieux
- For use in the Laptop Curriculum
- at Cushing Academy, 2001-2002.
2Cushing Academy Essentials
- Laptop Basics (Parts, Ports, Connections
Cords, Dos and Donts) - Logging onto the Network
- Email
- Grade Templates (Downloading)
- Filemaker Pro (Prepping your comment File, Using
Grade Templates and Filemaker) - Adding Printers to your Laptop
- Logging Off and Shutting Down
3Laptop Basics
Parts and Pieces The C600 laptop has a basic
configuration with Networking, Modem, Touch Pad,
Modular CD-ROM and Flopy Drive.
The touch pad is located in the front of the
machine and is used to move the cursor around on
the screen. The left-click button is used to
execute Commands and the right-click is to
access Various options depending upon the object
you are selecting. The floppy or CD-ROM drive
is also located on the front and can be Swapped
after clicking on the eject device button in the
System Tray. The button is pictured on the left.
Eject PC Button Located on the bottom Right-hand
side of screen.
Continued on next slide
4Laptop Basics Continued
The right hand side of the laptop HyperCoolTMÂ
SystemThe HyperCool Hybrid Thermal Management
System helps keep the CPU cool during use. Do
not block the fan. Modem/EthernetIntegrated V.90
56K modem and network interface card , used
for connecting to the network. PortsFast IR
(infrared)Microphone and headphone/speaker-audio
ports S-Video Out PortConnects your notebook to
display presentations on a larger screen.Stereo
SpeakersSide-mounted stereo speakers.
Continued on next slide
5Laptop Basics Continued
PC Card SlotsTwo Type I/II or One Type III PC
cards for versatility, these slots can be used
for the wireless networking cards. Hard Drive
BaySupports up to 30GB of storage on a single
drive Stereo SpeakersSide-mounted stereo
speakers Laptop Locking Slot There is a small
whole where your laptop locking cable inserts on
the side.
Continued on next slide
6Laptop Basics Continued
PortsSerial port for connecting older serial
devices, mouse, printer Parallel port primarily
a printer connection Docking to connect to a
docking station, located in some department
offices PS/2 connectorPrimarily a connection
for a mouse USB port the most common connector
today for many devices, Palm Pilot, Scanner,
Digital Camera, Mouse VGA port For connecting
to the LCD projectors External power connector
the location to plug the AC adapter in for
charging the battery.
7Laptop Dos
- Things you should do with your laptop.
- Keep it in a secure area.
- Lock it with your security cable when you are
- not with it.
- Integrate technology into your curriculum.
- Communicate with your peers and students.
- Research innovative ways to use technology.
8Laptop Donts
- Things you should not do with your laptop.
- Leave it unattended in an insecure area.
- Drink or eat food around it.
- Close the top with pens or papers on top of the
- keyboard.
- Save anywhere on the machine other than the D
- drive.
- Send it through a baggage on airlines, it should
be a carry on.
9Logging onto the Network
When you first turn on your laptop it will ask
you to Press CRTLALTDELETE If you do so,
Windows 2000 will then prompt you to enter your
user name CA Network password. This
should be provided to you by the Cushing
Technology Department. It is initially the same
password you will use for the CASERVER, CUSHNET
and Remote Access. Enter your name and password
and be sure in the options box below you are
logging into the Domain named CushNet. After
entering your name and password press return.
10Logging onto the Network Continued
Your computer should now start-up and you will
have access to the network resources. The
Internet, CushNet, Network Servers and Network
11CushNet Basics
CushNet is Cushing Academys email system. It is
also used for file transfer, posting assignments,
collecting assignments, booking shared school
resources,communicating with various parts of the
community, posting athletic scores and obtaining
and transferring our Academic comment templates.
To log into the CushNet email system double click
on the CushNet icon on the desktop or launch it
from the programs Folder.
CushNet Icon
Login using the user name and password provided
by the Technology Department.
12CushNet Desktop
Your CushNet desktop should have a Mailbox,
Faculty Conferences, Help, Conferences, Academic
Conferences, Master Calendar and Calendars. You
may also add an Address Book and personal
calendar, these can be added by you.
13The Cushnet Desktop Continued
To add an address book, go to the File Menu to
Open and select Address Book. You can do the
same To add a Personal Calendar.
The Academic Conferences folder contains folders
for each department. Inside of department folders
are folders for individual faculty members made
by request. These folders are accessible by the
students in your classes for posting assignments,
drop boxs can be made for turning in assignments
and it is a great location for classes to have
written discussions.
14CushNet Address Book
To add a personal address of someone outside of
Cushing click on the New Personal Address icon
This will bring up a box which allows you to
enter a name and enter the email address of the
individual or company. Be sure to press return
after adding the email address. You can also add
other information under the separate tabs. You
then hit the close box and select save to add
them to your address book. When in a new message
you may then just type the name you selected and
press return to enter that persons email
To make a group mail list click on the New
personal mail list icon. This is often used for
group mailings to classes or athletic teams. You
must then enter the names of your group and press
return after each entry. Be sure to also give the
group a name.
15CushNet Mailbox
Your mail will be listed in your mailbox. Mail
with a Red Flag means you have not yet read the
mail. If you see the word To, it is mail you
have sent. To delete mail, select it by clicking
on it once, then press delete on the keyboard
or hit the Trash Can icon.
16CushNet New Messages
Click Me to open a New Message
While in your mailbox you can hit the icon to
open a new message.
- Use the subject box to write a small bit of
information regarding the purpose of the message.
- In the To field, type an individuals name
within the school i.e.. Bruce Lemieux to add
someone within the directory or enter a user name
from your address book. Be sure to press return
after each name or email address. - The Cc. Field you can send a carbon copy of
the message if desired.
When you are done writing the message in the
bottom box, you can send the message by hitting
the Stamp icon in the top left.
To attach a file use the Paper Clip icon. This
is used to send files from another application.
When a message is sent it will look like a
postage sent icon.
17Faculty Conferences
The faculty conferences folder contains many
other conferences developed for various reasons.
A brief explanation of each will follow.
Daily Bulletin This folder contains messages
daily regarding general all school
information. Faculty Forum Access is restricted
in this folder to faculty only. It is intended
for faculty to ask questions, raise concerns and
propose topics for upcoming Faculty Forum
meetings. Academic Departments Each department
has a folder within to discuss department
business. Continued
18Faculty Conferences Continued
Software This folder contains some of the school
owned software available to download for the
faculty. Academic Resources This folder contains
various resources for assistance in teaching or
learning. Dorms This folder contains areas for
each dormitory to keep daily dorm log notes. AV
Requests This folder is for requesting Audio
Visual resources. Requests should be made a week
in advance. Help This folder contains help for
CushNet functions. FileMaker Templates This
folder contains templates for grades, dorm
comments, yellow forms, sports comments, etc. You
will download your grade templates from
here. Sports Summaries After your various
sporting events, please post a message here
containing opponent, scores and games comments.
This information is used for marketing purposes
and is posted the the school web site.
19Faculty Conferences Continued
Afternoon Activities This folder is used to post
comments from afternoon activities. It is also
used for marketing purposes. Tech Tips This
folder contains tips on technology at Cushing
Academy. Maintenance Requests This folder is
used to submit requests to the Maintenance
Department. Standing Committee Access to this
folder is restricted to members of the Standing
Committee. It is used for committee
business. Tech CommThis folder is used for Tech
Committee business. Curriculum Committee This
folder is for Curriculum Committee business. Memo
Archive Memos which are intended for the faculty
and staff and are not to be deleted are posted
here. Faculty Laptop Program Please see the next
20Faculty Laptop Program
Faculty Laptop Program Messages regarding
questions about the program or postings intended
for other faculty members in the program should
be posted here. Please feel free to point out
resources valuable to the community. Tech Forum
Questions should be posted here regarding
technology, hardware or software related
questions. Curriculum The Laptop Program
Curriculum is posted here. Training Sessions
This calendar is where dates for laptop training
are posted. If you double-click on an event in
the calendar it will open the details. See the
image on the left for an example.
The conferences folders are accessible by all
members of the community. The folders are titled
by subject. Faculty members are encouraged to
monitor student messages within the folders and
step in when student messages are inappropriate.
The CA Community Forum is a location to post
messages to the entire community.
Month Week Day
After opening your calendar you may view in by
monthly, weekly or daily view.
Double-Click on the day which you want to add a
new calendar event. In the description box, enter
the type of event. In the location box add the
events location. You may set the Start and end
time of the event. If the event repeats you may
use the second tab to add additional events. The
participants tab is to send the event to other
uses and you may also send reminder to
participants mailboxes.
Group resource calendars can be added by request.
The CASERVER is the primary file server for the
faculty and students of Cushing Academy. All
members of the community have access to the
server. Each persons individual folder has
access restricted to the specific user. Group
folders for class projects can be made by request.
- To access the server on your laptop
- Double-Click on My Network Places.
- Double-Click on Entire Network.
- Single-Click on View Contents.
- Double-Click on Microsoft Windows Networking.
- Double-Click on the domain CushNet.
- Double-Click on the Caserver.
24The CASERVER Continued
7) Double-Click on the faculty folder.
Within the faculty folder the individual folders
are broken down by first initial of user name.
Double click on the appropriate user folder to
enter into your own file server folder. Notice
the Comment Template folder. Comment templates
may be dragged and dropped into your personal
folder from here.
25The CASERVER Continued
When you get to your personal server folder you
may want to right click and select send to -gt
Desktop Create Shortcut. This will make an icon
on your desktop of your server folder so you can
access the folder more quickly.
26Downloading Grade Templates
When doing your grades you want to make a copy in
your server folder. You can do this by copying
them from the Comment Templates folder from the
faculty server or by saving the attached files
from the Filemaker Templates folder on CushNet.
To copy from the Comment Templates folder,
right-click on the folder you want to move and
select copy. Then open your server folder and
right click within the folder and select paste.
27Downloading Grade Templates
To download the template from CushNet, open the
Filemaker Templates folder from within Faculty
Open the message with the subject of the current
grade template.
Right-click on the attached file and select
Select All. Then Right-Click and select Save
Select your server folder and save the file.
28Preparing to do Comments
Select your comment file and double-click to open
the template.
Enter the template password then select your name
and select Create comment template.
29Preparing to do Comments
Choose your department and then select Go to
your students in this Department. Your comment
template will then bring up the students within
that department.
If you are in multiple departments, you may
select to go to the other departments in the top
left hand corner of the template.
30Renaming your Comment Template
After closing your comment template it will ask
your to rename the file. To do this you must go
to the file where you have saved it and
right-click on the file. Select Rename from the
menu and you can then change the name of the
file. It is important to leave the extension
.fp5 on the end of the file. The new name could
be formatted as follows Lemieux,B._WMT_02.fp5
31Adding a Printer to your Laptop
To add a network printer to your laptop. Go to
the start menu to Settings to Printers.
Select Add Printer.
A printer wizard will open, select next.
32Adding a Printer to your Laptop Continued
Select Network Printer and then hit the next
Select Find a printer in the Directory, and hit
the next button.
33Adding a Printer to your Laptop Continued II
From the In menu Select the domain Cushnet,
If you use the arrow button on the right side of
the menu it will drop down. Then hit the Find
Now button.
Select the printer you wish to add from the menu
which appears at bottom of the window. Then
select OK.
34Adding a Printer to your Laptop Continued III
The wizard will then ask you if you want windows
to make this the Default printer. The default
printer is the one you most commonly will print
to. Select yes or No, then choose Next.
The wizard will then install the printer and show
you the name. Select the Finish button.
35Logging off, Locking or Shutting down your Laptop
If you press the combination of keys
CtrlAltDelete Your computer will bring up a
menu with options for logging off, Locking or
Shutting down. Logging Off You may have
multiple users on this operating system. If a
second user wants to log on, you may log off. You
should have programs closed before logging off to
avoid loss of unsaved work.. Locking the Work
Station If you are temporarily going to step
away from your machine you may leave programs
open and just lock down the computer. For
Example Your comments are open and you need to
go to a students meeting. To unlock the computer
press CtrlAltDelete and enter your name and
password. Shut Down This will turn the computer
off. Save and close all open work before shutting