Title: Harriet%20Tubman
1(No Transcript)
2Harriet Tubman
Birthday c.1820 Birth place Dorchester county,
Maryland Education None
Harriet was a spy , nurse and was a slave of
course but not for long.
3Harriet Tubman!
did she do?
hmmm.... i wonder?
dont you?
4Harriet Tubman!
Thanks to the well known Harriet Tubman there is
no slavery anymore. Long a ago whites kind of
ruled over colored people. White people that had
lots of land had slaves picking fruit from
trees, doing their laundry, cooking, and mostly
anything their master told them to. Or else their
master would beat them.
Harriet was a successful conductor on the UGRR
and 40,000 bounty was offered for her capture.
1819 or 1820
Harriet used the Underground Railroad to escape
from slavery and moved to Canada.
Served as a scout for the union army.
1850 to 1852
6Helpful! Angry for being a slave Ready to get
out of there! Ready to Run! Idol
Experience Trustworthy
Tells the truth Tubman! Born into slavery Most
wanted to get out of slavery Apparently didnt
want to be a slave! Moved to the North
Written by the person who the book is about
Written by a professional writer.
Tells about a persons life
Details are from the authors point of view.
Details are factual
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9And Thats My Slide Show!
Harriet Tubman!
By Nash S.
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