Title: All for one, 1% for all
1All for one, 1 for all!
2- Contents
- Program goal and objectives
- Program components
- Media campaign
- Partners
- Media campaign message
- Target audience
- Communication channels
- Products
- Results
- Program and campaign budget
- Strong points and weaknesses
- Learnings from the campaign
3- Program goal
- Contribute to an efficient implementation of the
1 provision in the Fiscal Code - Program objectives
- Assists NGOs in preparing their first 1 campaign
- Informs taxpayers about the 1 provision and the
opportunity to direct 1 to NGOs - Clarify the 1 mechanisms and its norms to all
those interested (NGOs, taxpayers, employees) - Collaborate with the ministry of Finances in
making the application norms
4Program components Web site www.unulasuta.ro
Campaign guide Trainings for NGOs Technical
assistance in campaigns for NGOs Matching grants
for NGOs Media campaign and posters Toll free
phone line for taxpayers Press Conference
5Media campaign National media and poster
campaign Local media and poster campaign in
Cluj a campaign aiming to inform and increase
citizen and business participation in funding the
non-profit sector by making effective use of the
1 provision of the Romanian fiscal code Inform
taxpayers about the opportunity of 1 through
mass media
6Partners National campaign Association for
Community Relations The American Chamber of
Commerce in Romania Civil Society Development
Foundation Local campaign Association for
Community Relations National Volunteering Center
Pro Vobis Cluj Local Administration
7Program message All for one, one percent for
all! Media campaign slogan You can be a hero
too! Main message The 1 provision exists. It is
useful. Access this free line or this site to
find out more about it. Decide wisely where state
money goes.
8YOU can be a hero too! Choose an NON PROFIT
till May 15 and support its activity with 1
of your income tax. Get the best for you And
those around you! Find out more about this
mechanism or find the right organization for
you on www.unulasuta.ro or 0800 800 212
9Target audience Adult taxpayers, Urban, Over
average income (over 6 million lei), Middle and
high education, People with at least one source
of income, People with access to mass
communication means including newspaper, TV,
radio and Internet. People who are socially
active and frequent bars, restaurants, public
spaces We assumed they are people who dont
necessarily know too well the role and activity
of NGOs.
10Communication channels Audio-visual Realitatea
TV, Antena 1, Pro TV, Alpha TV, NCN, Radio
Renasterea, Radio 21, Radio Mix, Radio Guerilla,
Radio Total, and Cityradio. Written
press Newspapers (Academia Catavencu, Cotidianul,
Evenimentul Zilei, Liberatea, Capital, Ziarul
Financiar) Free time magazines (In Your
Pocket) Toll free telephone number available
for taxpayers Press Conference
11Campaign Press Conference
12Campaign Press Conference
13Communication channels (2) Internet
information and advertising www.unulasuta.ro
Indoor advertising Connex/Vodafone, Motorala
Freescale, Rompetrol, McDonalds, Mol, Sensiblu,
RATUC, Winmarkt Outdoor advertising Banners on
public transportation, public advertising
spaces NGO fair out door event
14Outdoor advertising
15NGO fair promoting 1
16NGO fair promoting 1
17NGO fair promoting 1
18NGO fair promoting 1
19NGO fair promoting 1
20NGO fair promoting 1
21Other supporters in communicating our message
McCann Erickson, Vitrina Advertasing Princess
Margarita of Romania Foundation, Romanian
Association for Community Development, Pro
Democracy Association Cluj Branch, Citizen
Advisory Bureau, Romanian National Volunteers
Center, NIOK Hungary.
22- Campaign products
- Campaign logo
- Flyer/fact-sheet used by NGOs (200.000)
- Poster 50/70 color (5000)
- Ad/insert for mass media (10/15)
- TV Spot 30
- Audio Spot
- Press materials press release, articles
- T-shirts for special events
- www.unulasuta.ro
23Campaign products
24Campaign results 18.000 www.unulasuta.ro site
visitors 15.000 searches in ARC NGO data
base 350 NGOs in ARCs date base 250 phone calls
on the green line Around 200 e-mails on 1
provision Mass media Press articles Radio and TV
broadcasting Promotion materials 1 TV spot 1
Radio spot 3 banners on local buses in Cluj 5.000
posters 200.000 pliante distribuite
25Program budget - 108,000 USD 50,000 USD
Campaign budget 33,000 air space 17,000
prints 25,000 USD matching grants 33,000 USD
trainings for NGOs, administrative costs,
Internet, database
26- Strong points
- The support ARCs campaign offered to NGOs
- ARC worked with over 350 NGOs in this campaign
- The very diverse communication channels that were
used in the campaign - The involvement of different companies in
distributing the message
- Weaknesses
- Being a communication
- campaign it is hard to
- measure its effect
- ARCs campaign did not
- have the extent it wanted to
- have (specially in working
- with the mass media)
- Overestimated time and
- resources
27- Strong points
- Short term mobilization of
- people and resources
- Collaboration with the
- advertising agency
- Good feedback on the
- campaign
- The press conference
- The NGO fair
- Weaknesses
- Late start for the campaign
- Communication with the
- advertising agency
- Short time for distribution
- Not enough feedback on the
- campaign
28Learnings from the campaign Better dosing of the
effort in terms of human resources and
time Better dosing between prints and
distribution channels Short timing affects the
campaign Business partners help a lot Media
campaign does it worth the investment? Can you
find other effective communication channels that
are less expensive?