Title: Isaac Ison Grandpa
1Isaac Ison - Grandpa
2Isaac Ison
- Born 11 Aug 1882
- Isonville, Kentucky
- Died 5 Apr 1977
- Ashland, Kentucky
3Louie May Savage Ison - Grandma
4Two Grandpas
Robert Lee Ison
Isaac Ison
5Grandma with Robert and Isaac
1913 - 1942
1951 - 1964
6Facts about the two grandpas
- Robert Lee Ison
- Born 9 Jun 1881
- 2 of 10 Siblings
- Married 5 Jun 1913
- Louie May Savage
- 7 Children
- Died 20 Mar 1942
- 1st Cousin to Isaac
- Isaac Ison
- Born 11 Aug 1882
- 8 of 11 Siblings
- 1st Marriage
- Minnie Farley
- 8 Children
- 24 Oct 1907
- 2nd Marriage
- Louie May Ison
- 24 Jan 1951
- Died 5 Apr 1977
- 1st Cousin to Robert Lee
7Early Photos of Isaac
8Isaac Photos
9Letter to Grandma (hand written)
10Letter to Grandma (typed)
Louie Dear I love you but you dont understand I
am sory that I can't think when I aut-to. but my
hart is in the write place you have done more to
make me happy than anyone else so dear love me
just as I am and I will do the same to you this
is from the heart my dear. so just be my dear
Louie wont you? this is what I think about
you. from Isaac to My Louie
12Louie and Isaac
13Family Group Sheet