Title: Watershed Functions and Runoff Processes
1Watershed Functions and Runoff Processes
2A word on the use of analytical and predictive
models in Watershed Analysis
3Use and interpretation of analytical models of
watershed behavior.
Conceptual model of processes as affected by
landscape characteristics. Based on observations
and physical reasoning.
4Use and interpretation of analytical models of
watershed behavior.
Conceptual model of processes as affected by
landscape characteristics. Based on observations
and physical reasoning.
Analytical theory of processes, their controls
and inter-relations, expressed mathematically. Too
complex to parameterize for predictions/explanati
5Use and interpretation of analytical models of
watershed behavior.
Conceptual model of processes as affected by
landscape characteristics. Based on observations
and physical reasoning.
Analytical theory of processes, their controls
and inter-relations, expressed mathematically. Too
complex to parameterize for predictions/explanati
Parameterize? Whazzat????
6Limitations on what can these models tell us
- They express not only our best understanding but
also the uncertainties - (i) in our understanding of processes
- (ii) in our knowledge of critical values (e.g.
albedo of clouds) - (iii) in our capacity for computation.
- E.g.
- They require simplifications of system
descriptions (spatial resolution currently 2-5
degrees 6-20 vertical levels time steps 30
min.) - Necessary to parameterize some processes (e.g.
cloud formation and effects on radiation balance
ET runoff). - Parameterize means to represent processes that
are complex on small time and spatial scales by
means of simple equations containing coefficients
(parameters) that express average behavior over
some time period and spatial scale. e.g. Kcan
R1 aP1 Q Q0e-kt
ESM 203 Lecture 19
7Use and interpretation of analytical models of
watershed behavior.
Conceptual model of processes as affected by
landscape characteristics. Based on observations
and physical reasoning.
Analytical theory of processes, their controls
and inter-relations, expressed mathematically. Too
complex to parameterize for predictions/explanati
Computational model of effects of processes and
controls. Used for planning, design or
decision-making. Heavily parameterized to the
point where representation of observable physical
relationships is unclear, and cause-effect
subject to a range of interpretation.
8Use and interpretation of analytical models of
watershed behavior.How should we insert values
in (or interpret results of) C in the light of
what we understand in A and express in B?
Conceptual model of processes as affected by
landscape characteristics. Based on observations
and physical reasoning.
Analytical theory of processes, their controls
and inter-relations, expressed mathematically. Too
complex to parameterize for predictions/explanati
Computational model of effects of processes and
controls. Used for design or decision-making. Heav
ily parameterized to the point where
representation of observable physical
relationships is unclear, and cause-effect
subject to a range of interpretation.
9Use and interpretation of analytical models of
watershed behavior. How should we insert values
in (or interpret results of) C in the light of
what we understand in A and express in B?
Conceptual model of processes as affected by
landscape characteristics. Based on observations
and physical reasoning.
Analytical theory of processes, their controls
and inter-relations, expressed mathematically. Too
complex to parameterize for predictions/explanati
Computational model of effects of processes and
controls. Used for design or decision-making. Heav
ily parameterized to the point where
representation of observable physical
relationships is unclear, and cause-effect
subject to a range of interpretation.
Well, you see, judge, heres how the result from
this calculation relates to what is going on here
in the watershed when X changes to Y.
10Watershed functions are driven by runoff
processes, which vary geographicallyIn this
context runoff means the processes by which
water travels to a stream channel
11Watershed functions
- Collection of water and transported materials
- Storage (attenuates response to temporally
discrete inputs). Floodplain storage of water,
sediment, pollutants - Conveyance (attenuates response to spatially
discrete inputs) - Discharge
- Transport
- Assembly of sediments into landforms that are
exploited as habitat for plants or animals
12Watershed functions
- Runoff processes supply water and transported
materials into channels - The channels and valley floors temporarily store
these substances as they move downvalley - This channel and valley-floor storage acts like a
reservoir to dampen the response making the
waves or pulses of input later and more diffuse
13Watershed functions at differing basin sizes
- As the size of the watershed increases, the
storage and damping of the hillslope response by
the channel/valley floor increases - In small watersheds, the hillslope processes
dominate the hydrological response - Therefore the condition of the watershed surface
controls hydrological response - Watershed surface affected by natural and
anthropogenic processes (i.e. land management) - In large watersheds, hydrological response is
dominated by valley-floor storage processes
14TerminologyStreamflow (runoff) storm
runoff baseflowor quickflow delayed
flow(from ESM 203)
15Runoff in the Water Balance ESM 203
Advection of sensible (H) and latent heat (L)
- ?volume fraction of water
- V(t) volume of groundwater storage resulting
from balance between drainage from soil and
drainage to rivers - Ddepth of root zone
Quickflow R
Soil SM(t)D?(t)
Recharge when SM(t)gtSMmax
Ground water V(t)
Delayed flow R
16Vegetation change and water yield
- Thicker, taller, darker vegetation favors canopy
interception (of rain or snow) and
evapotranspiration ESM 203 notes - R P E
- Inadvertent manipulation through clearing, fire,
or reforestation diminishes E and therefore
increases R - Planned rotational clearing for water yield
17Vegetation change and water yield results of
paired watershed experiments
18Tree removal and increases in water yield (?R) in
a Douglas fir forest in Oregon results of paired
watershed experiments Harr, 1983
- ?Rt (mm) 308 0.09Pt (mm) 18t (yr)
- E.g. for Pt annual precipitation of 3000 mm/yr
- 560 mm extra after year 1
- 398 after 10 year 10
- 218 mm after year 20
19Vegetation change and water yield in Eastern
hardwood forests results of paired watershed
experiments Douglas, 1983
20Runoff pathways determine the partitioning of
total R into overland and subsurface flow . and
that makes all the difference to the functioning
of a watershed !
21There is a maximum rate at which a land surface
in a given condition can accept water.
- This maximum rate is called the infiltration
capacity. - Infiltration capacity is the maximum rate at
which a soil can absorb rainfall - It is the key control on partitioning of water
into surface and subsurface flow paths - Infiltration capacity declines exponentially
through a rainstorm
22Infiltration capacity (f) declines exponentially
through a rainstorm as time or soil moisture
content of soil surface (?) increase
23Horton overland flow is generated when rainfall
intensity exceeds the infiltration capacity of
the soil
24Analytical theory of infiltration rate (f)
Green-Ampt equation
H elevation head pressure head Infiltration
is driven by gradient of elevation (which is
constant) and gradient of pressure (? p/ ? z)
between the surface and the wetting front (which
is decreasing as wetting front penetrates soil
and therefore ?z increases)
25Green-Ampt derivation
26Green-Ampt derivation
Rainfall intensity, I
?z(t) depth of wetting front at time t F(t)
accumulated amount of infiltration up to time
t Ts porosity (saturated water content) of
soil Ti initial water content of soil
27Green-Ampt derivation
28The infiltration capacity decreases through time
as the wetting front penetrates the soil,
decreasing the pressure gradient between the
surface and the wetting front
29Controls on infiltration capacity(mainly
effective hydraulic conductivity Ksat)
- Population of pore sizes (micro to macro) and
therefore texture, structure, biotic activity,
organic content, etc. Blocking of pores by frost - Vegetation cover/litter/soil macrofauna/macropores
. Root zone collapse (burning trampling
- Surface crusting (especially in silty soils).
Lemon groves in Goleta
Nabatean/Israeli runoff farming by removing
stones. - Asphalt
- Antecedent moisture of the soil (previous
rainfall pattern) affects rate of convergence of
f on K sat.
30Horton overland flow
31Horton overland flow
32Augmentation of irregular sheet of overland flow
33Sprinkling infiltrometer, Sedgwick
ReserveInfiltration capacity rainfall
intensity runoff rate
34Sprinkling infiltrometer in Western Amazon
rainforest infiltration capacity 180 mm/hr
35Sprinkling infiltrometer in 10-yr old pasture,
Central Amazonia
36Infiltration capacity of soil (mm/hr)
Forest Pasture
- Central Amazon
- (Soils on Tertiary sedimentary rocks)
- W. Amazon, Rondonia
- (Soils on Precambrian rocks)
- 143 98
- 156 105
- 181 30
- 146 41
- 13
- 25
37Measurement or estimation of infiltration
- Monitoring of runoff and rainfall rates on plots
- Cylinder infiltrometer
- Sprinkling infiltrometer
- Visual observations of water accumulation under
measured rainfall intensity
- Soil-based estimates from handbooks and soil
survey reports, later calibrated against computed
and measured runoff. - Storm-averaged value or ? index (Total storm
rainfall minus total storm runoff divided by
duration of rainfall for small basins)
38Storm-averaged inf. Cap. (? index) is the volume
(depth) of rainfall the volume (depth) of
runoff divided by duration of shaded area
39Low-infiltration landscape sparse vegetation,
clay-rich soil
Horton overland flow environments
40Sparsely vegetated, low-infiltration landscape
41Infiltration capacity lowered from gt100 mm/hr
(forest floor) to 1 mm/hr by eruption of silty
volcanic ash, Mt St Helens 1980
42Clearing of olive tree woodland and heavy
grazing, following population concentration in
civil war in N. Kenya reduces infiltration
capacity and hillslope roughness
43Reducing vegetation cover reduces infiltration
capacity and hillslope roughness
44Bush clearing for agriculture, E. Kenya
45Toxic, unvegetated mine spoils have low
infiltration capacities
46Logging road, W. Washington Olympic Mts.
infiltration capacity 1 mm/hr
47Construction sites have low infiltration
capacities, and short, steep slopes
48Impervious, urban surfaces replacing forested
soils, Rio
49Changes to infiltration capacity, surface
roughness and slope length increase and
accelerate overland flow in urban areas
50Impervious cover is inversely proportional to lot
51Runoff pathways
52Steep, shallow, forested soil over volcanic
rocks, Japanese Alps generates shallow subsurface
flow (throughflow/interflow)
Island arc environment in wet climate
53Buildup of saturation and pore pressure in Oregon
Coast Range
54Deep, permeable volcanic ash, Aberdare Mts.,
eastern flank of Rift Valley, Kenya
Volcanic deposits on margins of a graben at humid
divergent plate margin
55Deeply permeable, fractured sandstone, Mesa
Verde, Colorado
Sedimentary platform on a craton in subhumid
56Groundwater emerging from fractures in bedrock
produce channels by seepage erosion during
snowmelt, Vermont
57Emerging groundwater in late melt season, Vermont
58Ground water emerging in deep gullies in a
landscape with deep, permeable soils, S.E. Brazil
60Interflow, exfiltration and direct precipitation
generate saturation overland flow on parts of
61Saturation overland flow, Vermont
62Seasonal variation of saturation overland flow on
low-permeability glacial till, Vermont
63Saturation overland flow from spring snowmelt,
near Wenatchee, E. Washington
64Macropore flowSubsurface flow through fractures
in swelling-clay soil, central California coast
65Vertical fissures in soil on volcanic ash, N.
66Gully produced by tunnel erosion after removal of
woodland and onset of heavy grazing, N. Tanzania
(approx 1960-1982)
67Schematic summary of controls on runoff pathways
68Significance of runoff processes (pathways) for
flooding, erosion and particulate transport
- For understanding flood runoff (see later on
modeling of watershed runoff). - For understanding erosion and contaminant sources
and transport Therefore need for a spatially
registered, field-based appreciation.
69Significance of runoff processes for erosion and
Broad Run, Pa