Title: Legislation relating to PCB Management: Belgian Regional Case Study
1Legislation relating to PCB Management Belgian
Regional Case Study
- Ortwin Meeuws
- Skopje, November 16th, 2006
- OVAM - Flemish Public Waste Agency
- Belgian Focal point for Basel Convention
- EU waste policy advisor
- Other dossiers REACH, POPs and mining
waste, WEEE - Experienced as
communications policy advisor
- Founded in 1981
- Based in Mechelen, over 400 employees
- Aims less waste and cleaner soil for Flanders
- Divisions soil and waste
- Flemish government
- EU framework
- History in Flanders
- Development of an active PCB disposal policy
- PCB inventory
5Background of the Directive
- Community legislative framework
Framework legislation
Waste framework Directives (Dir. 75/442/EEC)
Hazardous waste Directive (Dir. 91/689/EEC)
Waste shipment Regulation (Reg. (EEC) 259/93)
Waste treatment operations
- Incineration
- 89/369 429 (MW) 94/67 (HW)
- Replaced by 2000/76/EC
Landfill (99/31/EC)
Waste streams
Waste oils (Dir 75/439/EEC)
Sewage sludge (Dir 86/278/EEC)
- Batteries and accumulators(Dir. 91/157/EEC
Packaging (Dir.94/62/EC)
PCBs (Dir.96/59/EC
End-of-life vehicles(Dir 2000/53 EC)
Waste electric and electronic equipment (Dir.
2002/95EC 2002/96/EC)
6History in Flanders
7Development of an active PCB disposal policy
- Between 1985-1995 lt15 of known PCB containing
equipment was disposed of - In 1995 decontamination site
- Active PCB disposal policy was possible
- Actions
- Implementation of directive 96/59/EC
- Disposal plan for known equipment
- List of unknown PCB
8Implementation of Directive 96/59/EC
- Implemented in 1998
- Change of legislation
- also include transformers lt 100 kVA in
environmental permission - needed to legislate small transformers
- Notification of equipment by 1 january 1999
- EU objective disposal by end 2010
- BE objective end of 2005
- Derogation possible
9Creating a disposal plan
- Stakeholder consultation in 1998 (industry,
public services, non profit) - Timing schedule
10Creating a disposal plan
- Criteria for derogation
- Not leaching, good shape equipment
- Built after 1975
- Not located in a public place (schools,
hospitals, hotels) - Not for food industry or pharmaceutical industry
- For Seveso company only operator has shown
prevention measures - For applications for gt10 pieces only with a
disposal plan
11Dioxin crises in Belgium
- In 1999
- Contamination of the food chain
- PCB oil in animal feeding
- Poultry and cattle farms were infected
- Consumer goods
- EUR 175 Mio damage refunding
12Creating a disposal plan
- Adoption of the disposal plan in 2000
- Brochure for owners of PCB containing equipment
- 7.500 pieces
- Distributed via cities, chambers of commerce,
federations,... - Also on OVAM-website
13Non-identified equipment
- Equipment which did not need to be notified (lt 1
dm³) - lack of data
- Study
- mostly capacitors (f.i. in luminaries)
- equipment which gt20 years
- Co-operation with energy company (street lights)
- other actions via WEEE take-back
14PCB inventory
- Equipment with more than 1 dm³ of PCB oil
- IT-database
- Mailing to energy producers
- end-users of middle or high voltage
- comparison with known data
- Mailing to end-users
- Answer form
- Third party verification
- 1001 PCB transformers were identified
- Co-operation with environmental inspection
- Checklist for PCB which needed to be completed
- 425 transformers and 156 capacitors were
discovered - 125 transformers and 12 capacitors were not yet
notified - Comparison of the inventory and list of empty
buildings - Additional mailings and legal actions
- Owners need to prove the fact that the equipment
was disposed of (certificate)
16Results (as per 1.10.2005)
- Transformers
- 12.260, of which 2.270 were not yet disposed of,
as a result of derogations - Capacitors
- 5.454, of which 163 were not yet disposed of, as
a result of derogations - Other equipment
- 161, of which 13 were not yet disposed of, as a
result of derogations - In total 88 of the equipment was already
disposed of
17Other actions
- Informing the scrap sector (brochures)
- Sampling actions
- construction and demolition waste
- waste wood treatment companies
- paper sludge
- Inspections of waste transports
18Questions? Remarks?
- Ortwin Meeuws
- Stationsstraat 110
- 2800 Mechelen
- omeeuws_at_ovam.be
- 0032 15 284 341