Kingsmead Business Partnership Autumn Meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Kingsmead Business Partnership Autumn Meeting


Awarded two grades .Applied GCSEs are available in the following subjects : ... At foundation level is the equivalent of four GCSEs at grades D G. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Kingsmead Business Partnership Autumn Meeting

Kingsmead Business Partnership Autumn Meeting
Outline of the meeting
  • Update on the qualifications framework.
  • Equipping the local workforce- can business and
    school collaborate to deliver NVQ level 1 and 2

National Qualifications Framework
  • The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA)
    in England developed a National Qualifications
    Framework to clarify and rationalise the
    complexity of the range of qualifications.

  • The National Qualifications Framework provides an
    agreed set of equivalencies between
    qualifications, based on five levels -

(No Transcript)
GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education)
  • GCSE focuses on knowledge and understanding of
    specific subject areas as laid down by the
    Government in the National Curriculum.
  • GCSE level 1 grades D-G
  • GCSE level 2 grades A-C

GCSE is available in three sizes
  • 1.Double award GCSE. This is the science
    qualification taken by most students at the end
    of key stage 4. awarded two grades, for example,
  • Applied GCSE subjects provide education
    relevant to working life but do not provide
    training for a specific job. Awarded two grades
    .Applied GCSEs are available in the following
    subjects Applied Art and Design ,Applied
    Business, Applied ICT, Applied Science,
    Engineering, Health and Social Care, Leisure and
    Tourism, Manufacturing
  • 2.GCSE. This is the usual qualification,
    sometimes called a full award
  • 3.Short course GCSE. These qualifications cover
    half the subject content of a GCSE and are
    usually taught in half the time, enabling
    students to study a programme of greater breadth

How are they assessed?
  • GCSEs are assessed by a combination of external
    tests, set and marked by the exam board , and
    coursework set and marked by the school.
  • Coursework in then externally moderated to ensure

GNVQ (General National Vocational Qualification)
  • GNVQ (General National Vocational Qualification)
    provides education relevant to working life but
    does not provide training for a specific job.
    Students develop the knowledge, relevant to a
    broad vocational area and may have experience of
    work within that area.
  • At foundation level is the equivalent of four
    GCSEs at grades DG.
  • GNVQ intermediate is the equivalent of four GCSEs
    at grades A C
  • GNVQ qualifications are awarded at pass, merit
    and distinction grades.

GNVQs available are
  • Art and Design
  • Business
  • Engineering
  • Health and Social Care
  • Information And Communication Technology
  • Leisure and Tourism
  • Hospitality and Catering,
  • Land and Environment,
  • Performing Arts,
  • Retail And Distributive Services
  • Science
  • Manufacturing And
  • Construction And The Built Environment

How are they assessed?
  • Some units are assessed by external tests, set
    and marked by the exam board, and others are
    assignments set and marked by the school.
    Assignments are then externally moderated to
    ensure standards.

National Vocational Qualification (NVQ).
  • NVQs are awarded to students who provide evidence
    of competence in a work based situation.
  • They are based on national occupational standards
    and are not time limited or age restricted.
  • The qualification is unit-based, a unit is
    achieved when a candidate is assessed as
    competent in applying the skills and knowledge
    specified in that unit.

  • NVQs range from level 1 to 5
  • Level 1 GCSE D-G
  • Level 2 GCSE A-C
  • Level 3 GCE (A level )
  • Young peoples learning through these programmes
    can be accredited through a range of
    qualifications that have been approved for use
    with students of statutory school age

Students of statutory school age
  • accounting administration
  • building craft, construction, trowel and wood
  • commercial horticulture decorative operations
  • food preparation and serving
  • hairdressing information technology
    manufacturing operations
  • retail and distributive operations sport,

How are they assessed?
  • Assessment takes place in the workplace. At level
    1 competence is measured in a range of
    activities, most of which may be routine or
  • At level 2 some of the activities are complex or
    non-routine and there is some individual
    responsibility and autonomy. Membership of a work
    group or team may often be a requirement.
  • At level 3 work activities are performed in a
    variety of contexts, most of which are complex
    and non-routine.

First Diploma, National Diplomas, Certificates
and Awards (Edexcel BTEC and OCR Nationals)
  • First Diploma are Level 2 vocational
    qualifications and provide the initial knowledge
    and understanding for students wishing to work or
    to take further study at level 3. 
  • National Diplomas, Certificates and Awards are at
    Level 3 and focus on an occupational area

  • Higher National Diplomas (HNDs) and Higher
    National Certificates (HNCs) are level 4
    qualifications designed to equip students with
    the knowledge, understanding and skills required
    for success in current or future employment or
    for progression to an undergraduate degree.  HNDs
    will be an integral part of the Foundation Degree

  • First Diploma, National Diplomas, Certificates
    and Awards are available in
  • Art and Design, Business, Construction,
    E-Business Engineering
  • Hairdressing
  • Health and Care, Hospitality and Catering
  • IT and Computing
  • Land Based, Leisure, Sport. Travel and Tourism
  • Media, Music and Performing Arts
  • Public Services
  • Retail
  • Science.

How are they assessed?
  • Assessment for BTEC First Diplomas is
    criterion-referenced, based on the achievement of
    specified outcomes. All units contributing to a
    programme carry either internal or external
    assessment. All units contain contextualised-gradi
    ng criteria and will be individually graded as
    pass, merit or distinction. To achieve a
    pass grade for the unit, learners must meet the
    assessment criteria set out in the
  • The course comprises 6 units and projects are
    based on realistic workplace situations.

Advanced Level GCE
  • Advanced Subsidiary (AS) is the three-unit
    General Certificate of Education (GCE) usually
    studied in year12.
  • A level is the six-unit GCE. It consists of the
    AS and a further three units called the A2,
    usually studied in year 13. We offer 19 subjects.
  • Business, Design and Tech , English , Media
    Studies ,Physics, Psychology
  • Religious Studies, Chemistry, French ,History
    ,ICT ,Sociology ,Theatre studies
  • Biology, Geography, Maths , Music, PE, General

Advanced Vocational Certificate of Education (VCE)
  • VCE is available in three, six and 12 units.
  • The six-unit vocational A level is available in
    14 titles and A level.
  • Art Design, Business, Construction and the
    Built Environment
  • Engineering, Health Social Care, Hospitality
    and Catering, Information and Communication
    Technology, Leisure and Recreation, Manufacturing
  • Media Communication and Production, Performing
    Arts, Retail and Distributive Services, Science,
    Travel and Tourism
  • The 12-unit vocational A level (double award) is
    two A levels.
  • Students develop the knowledge, skills and
    understanding relevant to a broad vocational area
    and often have experience of work within that

How are they assessed?
  • For GCE A and AS levels the assessment is by
    external exam set and marked by the board.
  • Vocational GCE has one third external exam and
    two thirds portfolio.
  • All are graded A-E

Modern Apprenticeships
  • Foundation modern apprenticeships are for school
    and college leavers from 16 with the ability to
    gain the skills and qualifications needed to
    start a career in industry and business.
  • They offer training to industrial standards with
    a focus on NVQ level 2.
  • The apprenticeships are developed by employers,
    and equip young people with a range of broad work
    skills employers need.
  • Young people on foundation modern apprenticeships
    have the opportunity to develop skills in
    information technology, communicating in the work
    place, handling numbers, solving problems,
    working as part of a team and managing their
    future development.

  • A training agreement sets out what is expected of
    the employer and the young person.
  • The length of training depends upon the young
    persons needs, and the progress they make.
  • Most young people working towards a modern
    apprenticeship are employed and paid a wage
  • Assessment is skill based and usually takes place
    in the work place by a trainer assessor.

Back to NVQs
  • accounting administration
  • building craft, construction, trowel and wood
  • commercial horticulture decorative operations
  • food preparation and serving
  • hairdressing information technology
    manufacturing operations
  • retail and distributive operations sport,

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