Title: Supercluster%20SCL%20126
1SuperclusterSCL 126
- Maret Einasto,
- Erik Tago, Jaak Jaaniste, Jaan Einasto, Ivan
Suhhonenko and others - Tartu Observatory
2SCL126 in catalogs R.A. 13h Dec. 3o, Distance
240 Mpc 7 Abell clusters, 4 of them X-ray
Einasto et al. 1994, 1997, 2001
3Shape and orientation
Very compact core with X-ray clusters
(collapsing supercluster? Gramann and
Suhhonenko 2002) Very flat Perpendicular to the
SCL126 in LCRS -3o slice
2dF team, Colless et al. 2003
4SCL126 in 2dF
A1651, 1650 SZ effect (Udomprasert etal 2004)
Multiple mergers Evidence of a filament with
X-ray clusters (Belsole etal 2004, Donelly etal
Imprints of such superclusters on CMB maps (SZ,
RS effects, Rubino-Martin etal 2004)
5SCL126-like systems in ?CDM model
RFoF 20 h-1 Mpc
RFoF 24 h-1 Mpc
Model M768 no supercluster of similar richness
and high density core
(One SCL126 candidate)?
6SCL 126
Very rich Very compact core with several X-ray
clusters X-ray data multiple merger events
at present and in the past Collapsing core?
One of the first superclusters? Problem to
the ?CDM model?