Title: Lecture 22 Shear Design
1Lecture 22 - Shear Design
2Lecture Goals
3Shear Strength of RC Beams without Web
Total Resistance vcz vay vd (when no
stirrups are used)
vcz - shear in compression zone va - Aggregate
Interlock forces vd Dowel action from
longitudinal bars Note vcz increases from (V/bd)
to (V/by) as crack forms.
4Strength of Concrete in Shear (No Shear
5Strength of Concrete in Shear (No Shear
6Strength of Concrete in Shear (No Shear
(3) Shear span to depth ratio, a/d (M/(Vd))
Deep shear spans more detail design required
Ratio has little effect
7Strength of Concrete in Shear (No Shear
8Strength of Concrete in Shear (No Shear
9Function and Strength of Web Reinforcement
10Function and Strength of Web Reinforcement
- Uncracked Beam Shear is resisted uncracked
concrete. - Flexural Cracking Shear is resisted by vcz,
vay, vd
11Function and Strength of Web Reinforcement
- Flexural Cracking Shear is resisted by
vcz, vay, vd and vs
Vs increases as cracks widen until yielding of
stirrups then stirrups provide constant
12Designing to Resist Shear
Shear Strength (ACI 318 Sec 11.1)
13Designing to Resist Shear
Shear Strength (ACI 318 Sec 11.1)
Nominal shear resistance provided by concrete
Nominal shear provided by the shear reinforcement
14Shear Strength Provided by Concrete
Bending only
Table 5.13.1
Simple formula More detailed Note
Eqn 11.3
Eqn 11.6
15Shear Strength Provided by Concrete
Bending and Axial Compression
Simple formula
Nu is positive for compression and Nu/Ag are in
Eqn 11.4
Eqn 11.8
16Shear Strength Provided by Concrete
Bending and Axial Compression
More detailed
Nu is positive for compression and Nu/Ag are in
Use Mm in Eqn 11.6 with no limits
Eqn 11.8
17Shear Strength Provided by Concrete
Bending and Axial Tension
Simple formula
Design shear reinforcement for all shear.
Nu is negative for tension and Nu/Ag are in psi.
Eqn 11.9
18Lightweight ConcreteShear Strength Provided by
Shear Reinforcement
Minimum Shear Reinforcement (11.5.5)
19Lightweight ConcreteShear Strength Provided by
Shear Reinforcement
Vc for lightweight concrete 11.2 fct -splitting
tensile strength
20Lightweight ConcreteShear Strength Provided by
Shear Reinforcement
(provides additional 50 psi of shear strength)
for stirrups
21Typical Shear Reinforcement
Stirrup - perpendicular to axis of members
(minimum labor - more material)
ACI Eqn 11-15
22Typical Shear Reinforcement
Bent Bars (more labor - minimum material) see
reqd in 11.5.6
ACI 11-5.6
23Stirrup Anchorage Requirements
Vs based on assumption stirrups yield
Stirrups must be well anchored.
24Stirrup Anchorage Requirements
Refer to Sec. 12.12 of ACI 318 for development of
web reinforcement. Requirements
- each bend must enclose a long bar
- 5 and smaller can use standard hooks 90o,135o,
180o - 6, 7,8( fy 40 ksi )
- 6, 7,8 ( fy gt 40 ksi ) standard hook plus a
minimum embedment
25Stirrup Anchorage Requirements
Also sec. 7.11 requirement for minimum stirrups
in beams with compression reinforcement, beams
subject to stress reversals, or beams subject to
26Design Procedure for Shear
(1) Calculate Vu (2) Calculate fVc Eqn 11-3 or
11-5 (no axial force) (3) Check
If yes, add web reinforcement (go to 4)
If no, done.
27Design Procedure for Shear
Provide minimum shear reinforcement
Also (Done)
28Design Procedure for Shear
29Design Procedure for Shear
Solve for required stirrup spacing(strength)
Assume 3, 4, or 5 stirrups
from 11-15
30Design Procedure for Shear
(7) Check minimum steel requirement (eqn 11-13)
31Design Procedure for Shear
(8) Check maximum spacing requirement (ACI
32Design Procedure for Shear
(9) Use smallest spacing from steps 6,7,8
Note A practical limit to minimum stirrup
spacing is 4 inches.
33Location of Maximum Shear for Beam Design
Non-pre-stressed members
Sections located less than a distance d from face
of support may be designed for same shear, Vu, as
the computed at a distance d.
34Location of Maximum Shear for Beam Design
The support reaction introduces compression into
the end regions of the member. No concentrated
load occurs with in d from face of support .
35Location of Maximum Shear for Beam Design
36Example Design of Stirrups to Resist Shear
From flexural design
fc 4000 psi fy 60 ksi wsdl 1.2
k/ft wll 1.8 k/ft fys 40 ksi wb 0.5
will use either a 3 or 4 stirrup