Cocktail Party Problem as Binary Classification - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cocktail Party Problem as Binary Classification


Implicit in speech enhancement, spatial filtering, and ICA ... Enhance automatic speech recognition (ASR) ... Enhance human listening. Advantage: close coupling ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Cocktail Party Problem as Binary Classification

Cocktail Party Problem as Binary Classification
DeLiang Wang Perception Neurodynamics Lab Ohio
State University
Outline of presentation
  • Cocktail party problem
  • Computational theory analysis
  • Ideal binary mask
  • Speech intelligibility tests
  • Unvoiced speech segregation as binary

Real-world audition
  • What?
  • Speech
  • message
  • speaker
  • age, gender, linguistic origin, mood,
  • Music
  • Car passing by
  • Where?
  • Left, right, up, down
  • How close?
  • Channel characteristics
  • Environment characteristics
  • Room reverberation
  • Ambient noise

Sources of intrusion and distortion
Cocktail party problem
  • Term coined by Cherry
  • One of our most important faculties is our
    ability to listen to, and follow, one speaker in
    the presence of others. This is such a common
    experience that we may take it for granted we
    may call it the cocktail party problem
  • For cocktail party-like situations when all
    voices are equally loud, speech remains
    intelligible for normal-hearing listeners even
    when there are as many as six interfering
    talkers (Bronkhorst Plomp92)
  • Ball-room problem by Helmholtz
  • Complicated beyond conception (Helmholtz, 1863)
  • Speech segregation problem

Approaches to Speech Segregation Problem
  • Speech enhancement
  • Enhance signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) or speech
    quality by attenuating interference. Applicable
    to monaural recordings
  • Limitation Stationarity and estimation of
  • Spatial filtering (beamforming)
  • Extract target sound from a specific spatial
    direction with a sensor array
  • Limitation Configuration stationarity. What if
    the target switches or changes location?
  • Independent component analysis (ICA)
  • Find a demixing matrix from mixtures of sound
  • Limitation Strong assumptions. Chief among them
    is stationarity of mixing matrix
  • No machine has yet been constructed to do just
    that solving the cocktail party problem.

Auditory scene analysis
  • Listeners parse the complex mixture of sounds
    arriving at the ears in order to form a mental
    representation of each sound source
  • This perceptual process is called auditory scene
    analysis (Bregman90)
  • Two conceptual processes of auditory scene
    analysis (ASA)
  • Segmentation. Decompose the acoustic mixture into
    sensory elements (segments)
  • Grouping. Combine segments into groups, so that
    segments in the same group likely originate from
    the same environmental source

Computational auditory scene analysis
  • Computational auditory scene analysis (CASA)
    approaches sound separation based on ASA
  • Feature based approaches
  • Model based approaches

Outline of presentation
  • Cocktail party problem
  • Computational theory analysis
  • Ideal binary mask
  • Speech intelligibility tests
  • Unvoiced speech segregation as binary

What is the goal of CASA?
  • What is the goal of perception?
  • The perceptual systems are ways of seeking and
    extracting information about the environment from
    sensory input (Gibson66)
  • The purpose of vision is to produce a visual
    description of the environment for the viewer
  • By analogy, the purpose of audition is to produce
    an auditory description of the environment for
    the listener
  • What is the computational goal of ASA?
  • The goal of ASA is to segregate sound mixtures
    into separate perceptual representations (or
    auditory streams), each of which corresponds to
    an acoustic event (Bregman90)
  • By extrapolation the goal of CASA is to develop
    computational systems that extract individual
    streams from sound mixtures

Marrian three-level analysis
  • According to Marr (1982), a complex information
    processing system must be understood in three
  • Computational theory goal, its appropriateness,
    and basic processing strategy
  • Representation and algorithm representations of
    input and output and transformation algorithms
  • Implementation physical realization
  • All levels of explanation are required for
    eventual understanding of perceptual information
  • Computational theory analysis understanding the
    character of the problem is critically important

Computational-theory analysis of ASA
  • To form a stream, a sound must be audible on its
  • The number of streams that can be computed at a
    time is limited
  • Magical number 4 for simple sounds such as tones
    and vowels (Cowan01)?
  • 11, or figure-ground segregation, in noisy
    environment such as a cocktail party?
  • Auditory masking further constrains the ASA
  • Within a critical band a stronger signal masks a
    weaker one

Computational-theory analysis of ASA (cont.)
  • ASA outcome depends on sound types (overall SNR
    is 0)
  • Noise-Noise pink , white , pinkwhite
  • Tone-Tone tone1 , tone2 , tone1tone2
  • Speech-Speech
  • Noise-Tone
  • Noise-Speech
  • Tone-Speech

Some alternative CASA goals
  • Extract all underlying sound sources or the
    target sound source (the gold standard)
  • Implicit in speech enhancement, spatial
    filtering, and ICA
  • Segregating all sources is implausible, and
    probably unrealistic with one or two microphones
  • Enhance automatic speech recognition (ASR)
  • Close coupling with a primary motivation of
    speech segregation
  • Perceiving is more than recognizing (Treisman99)
  • Enhance human listening
  • Advantage close coupling with auditory
  • There are applications that involve no human

Ideal binary mask as CASA goal
  • Motivated by above analysis, we have suggested
    the ideal binary mask as a main goal of CASA (Hu
    Wang01, 04)
  • Key idea is to retain parts of a mixture where
    the target sound is stronger than the acoustic
    background, and discard the rest
  • What a target is depends on intention, attention,
  • The definition of the ideal binary mask (IBM)
  • s(t, f ) Target energy in unit (t, f )
  • n(t, f ) Noise energy
  • ? A local SNR criterion (LC) in dB, which is
    typically chosen to be 0 dB
  • It does not actually separate the mixture!

IBM illustration
Properties of IBM
  • Flexibility With the same mixture, the
    definition leads to different IBMs depending on
    what target is
  • Well-definedness IBM is well-defined no matter
    how many intrusions are in the scene or how many
    targets need to be segregated
  • Consistent with computational-theory analysis of
  • Audibility and capacity
  • Auditory masking
  • Effects of target and noise types
  • Optimality Under certain conditions the ideal
    binary mask with ? 0 dB is the optimal binary
    mask from the perspective of SNR gain
  • The ideal binary mask provides an excellent
    front-end for robust ASR

Subject tests of ideal binary masking
  • Recent studies found large speech intelligibility
    improvements by applying ideal binary masking for
    normal-hearing (Brungart et al.06 Li
    Loizou08), and hearing-impaired (Anzalone et
    al.06 Wang et al.09) listeners
  • Improvement for stationary noise is above 7 dB
    for normal-hearing (NH) listeners, and above 9 dB
    for hearing-impaired (HI) listeners
  • Improvement for modulated noise is significantly
    larger than for stationary noise

Test conditions of Wang et al.09
  • SSN Unprocessed monaural mixtures of
    speech-shaped noise (SSN) and Dantale II
    sentences (0 dB -10 dB )
  • CAFÉ Unprocessed monaural mixtures of cafeteria
    noise (CAFÉ) and Dantale II sentences (0 dB
    -10 dB )
  • SSN-IBM IBM applied to SSN (0 dB -10 dB
    -20 dB )
  • CAFÉ-IBM IBM applied to CAFÉ (0 dB -10
    dB -20 dB )
  • Intelligibility results are measured in terms of
    speech reception threshold (SRT), the required
    SNR level for 50 intelligibility score

Wang et al.s results
  • 12 NH subjects (10 male and 2 female), and 12 HI
    subjects (9 male and 3 female)
  • SRT means for the 4 conditions for NH listeners
    (-8.2, -10.3, -15.6, -20.7)
  • SRT means for the 4 conditions for HI listeners
    (-5.6, -3.8, -14.8, -19.4)

Speech perception of noise with binary gains
  • Wang et al. (2008) found that, when LC is chosen
    to be the same as the input SNR, nearly perfect
    intelligibility is obtained when input SNR is -8
    dB (i.e. the mixture contains noise only with no
    target speech)

Wang et al.08 results
  • Mean numbers for the 4 conditions (97.1, 92.9,
    54.3, 7.6)
  • Despite a great reduction of spectrotemporal
    information, a pattern of binary gains is
    apparently sufficient for human speech recognition

Interim summary
  • Ideal binary mask is an appropriate computational
    goal of auditory scene analysis in general, and
    speech segregation in particular
  • Hence solving the cocktail party problem would
    amount to binary classification
  • This formulation opens the problem to a variety
    of pattern classification methods

Outline of presentation
  • Cocktail party problem
  • Computational theory analysis
  • Ideal binary mask
  • Speech intelligibility tests
  • Unvoiced speech segregation as binary

Unvoiced speech
  • Speech sounds consist of vowels and consonants
    consonants further consist of voiced and unvoiced
  • For English, unvoiced speech sounds come from the
    following consonant categories
  • Stops (plosives)
  • Unvoiced /p/ (pool), /t/ (tool), and /k/ (cake)
  • Voiced /b/ (book), /d/ (day), and /g/ (gate)
  • Fricatives
  • Unvoiced /s/(six), /sh/ (sheep), /f/ (fix), and
    /th/ (this)
  • Voiced /z/ (zoo), /zh/ (pleasure), /v/ (vine),
    and /dh/ (that)
  • Mixed /h/ (high)
  • Affricates (stop followed by fricative)
  • Unvoiced /ch/ (chicken)
  • Voiced /jh/ (orange)
  • We refer to the above consonants as expanded

Unvoiced speech segregation
  • Unvoiced speech constitutes 20-25 of all speech
  • It carries crucial information for speech
  • Unvoiced speech is more difficult to segregate
    than voiced speech
  • Voiced speech is highly structured, whereas
    unvoiced speech lacks harmonicity and is often
  • Unvoiced speech is usually much weaker than
    voiced speech and therefore more susceptible to

Processing stages of Hu-Wang08 model
  • Peripheral processing results in a
    two-dimensional cochleagram

Auditory segmentation
  • Auditory segmentation is to decompose an auditory
    scene into contiguous time-frequency (T-F)
    regions (segments), each of which should contain
    signal mostly from the same sound source
  • The definition of segmentation applies to both
    voiced and unvoiced speech
  • This is equivalent to identifying onsets and
    offsets of individual T-F segments, which
    correspond to sudden changes of acoustic energy
  • Our segmentation is based on a multiscale
    onset/offset analysis (Hu Wang07)
  • Smoothing along time and frequency dimensions
  • Onset/offset detection and onset/offset front
  • Multiscale integration

Smoothed intensity
Utterance That noise problem grows more
annoying each day Interference Crowd noise in a
playground. Mixed at 0 dB SNR Scale in freq. and
time (a) (0, 0), initial intensity. (b) (2,
1/14). (c) (6, 1/14). (d) (6, 1/4)
Segmentation result
  • The bounding contours of estimated segments from
    multiscale analysis. The background is
    represented by blue
  • One scale analysis
  • Two-scale analysis
  • Three-scale analysis
  • Four-scale analysis
  • The ideal binary mask
  • The mixture

  • Apply auditory segmentation to generate all
    segments for the entire mixture
  • Segregate voiced speech using an existing
  • Identify segments dominated by voiced target
    using segregated voiced speech
  • Identify segments dominated by unvoiced speech
    based on speech/nonspeech classification
  • Assuming nonspeech interference due to the lack
    of sequential organization

Speech/nonspeech classification
  • A T-F segment is classified as speech if
  • Xs The energy of all the T-F units within
    segment s
  • H0 The hypothesis that s is dominated by
    expanded obstruents
  • H1 The hypothesis that s is interference

Speech/nonspeech classification (cont.)
  • By the Bayes rule, we have
  • Since segments have varied durations, directly
    evaluating the above likelihoods is
    computationally infeasible
  • Instead, we assume that each time frame within a
    segment is statistically independent given a
  • A multilayer perceptron is trained to distinguish
    expanded obstruents from nonspeech interference

Speech/nonspeech classification (cont.)
  • The prior probability ratio of
    , is found to be approximately linear with
    respect to input SNR
  • Assuming that interference energy does not vary
    greatly over the duration of an utterance,
    earlier segregation of voiced speech enables us
    to estimate input SNR

Speech/nonspeech classification (cont.)
  • With estimated input SNR, each segment is then
    classified as either expanded obstruents or
  • Segments classified as expanded obstruents join
    the segregated voiced speech to produce the final

Example of segregation
Utterance That noise problem grows more
annoying each day Interference Crowd noise in a
playground (IBM Ideal binary mask)
SNR of segregated target
Compared to spectral subtraction assuming perfect
speech pause detection
  • Analysis of ideal binary mask as CASA goal
  • Formulation of the cocktail party problem as
    binary classification
  • Segregation of unvoiced speech based on segment
  • The proposed model represents the first
    systematic study on unvoiced speech segregation

  • Speech intelligibility tests of IBM Joint with
    Ulrik Kjems, Michael S. Pedersen, Jesper Boldt,
    and Thomas Lunner, at Oticon
  • Unvoiced speech segregation Joint with Guoning
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