- Thad Wilson, R.N., Ph.D.
- September 25, 2009
2Nursing Initiative for Urban Health and Wellness
- Fosters an environment in which academic and
clinical faculty, students and community
providers can develop excellence in education,
research and evidence-based practice that
promotes the maintenance of unique health and
wellness needs of the urban environment.
3Urban Health and Wellness Education
- Student clinical rotations
- Truman Medical Center
- VA Hospitial
- Childrens Mercy Hospital
- Community health clinics
- Public schools
- Community service agencies
- Calvary Health Center
- Hope House
- Graduate Education
- Womens Health Nurse Practitioner Program
- Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Program
- Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Program
4Urban Health and WellnessPractice
- Sheffield Place womens and family shelter
- Truman Medical Center
- Childrens Mercy Hospital
- Swope Parkway Health Services
- KC VA Medical Center
- KC Free Health Clinic
- Jackson County Health Department
- Kansas City Health Department
- Helen Gragg Clinic
- Indian Health Services Clinic Lawrence
- UMKC Student Health Clinic
5Urban Health and WellnessService to Community
- School operated Helen Gragg Clinic
- KC Free Health Clinic
- Alta Vista High School
- Board of Directors
- Sheffield Place
- Truman Medical Center Board of Advisory
- Pathways to Nursing Academy
- Co-founder Mid-America Immunization Coalition
6Urban Health and WellnessResearch
- Womens and family shelter
- Methadone dependence program for pregnant women
- Pregnancy prevention in adolescents
- HIV prevention in African American and Hispanic
girls and women - Violence prevention in urban communities
- Cancer survivorship in Hispanic women
- Heart disease interventions for African American
women - Effects of stressful pregnancies on disease risk
in offspring - Impact of personal values on end-of-life decision
7SON Community Based Research Expertise
- Womens Childrens Health
- Cultural
- Urban
- Rural
8 Stay Alive with Five A'sPhysical Activity
- Purpose
- Provide an innovative physical activity
intervention designed to increase physical
activity and weight loss in rural women - Goals
- To increase physical activity, cardiovascular
fitness and weight loss in a group of healthy,
overweight rural women. - To identify key behavioral factors that lead to
health behavior change in rural women. - Jane Peterson R.N., Ph.D.
- Kansas Methodist Foundation 49,800
9Natural Family Planning Research Grant An
Exploratory Study to Enhance Understanding about
the Use of NFP Methods in Title X Settings
- Purpose Explore knowledge, attitudes and beliefs
related to natural family planning to identify
gaps in staff knowledge, awareness and/or comfort
with the principles and practices of natural
family planning as a method for clients to plan
or prevent pregnancy. - Goal Enhance knowledge about NFP in federally
funded clinic sites and to meet the family
planning performance goals of 1) increasing
utilization of preventive health care and 2)
reducing unintended pregnancies. - Jacki Witt, R.N., J.D.
- Office of Womens Health 190,760
10The Impact of Cervical Cancer Treatment on Sexual
Function and Intimate Relationships
- Purpose
- Explore the impact of cervical cancer treatment
complications on intimate relationships, from the
viewpoint of women - Goal
- Inform a more extensive, cross cultural study of
cervical cancer survivors and intimate partners
and development of intervention tools to address
sexual and relationship issues. - Jennifer Hunter, R.N., Ph.D.
- NINR 6000
- Purpose
- Work with a small group of Latina women living
with HIV who have agreed to partner with UMKC
nurse researchers to develop the intervention
activities (b) work with leaders from HIV
community organizations that serve Hispanics in
Missouri, Oklahoma and Kansas to provide guidance
for intervention implementation. - Goal
- Develop a culturally specific intervention
program that can be used as a model by health
care providers and community organizations to
enhance the physical and mental health of Latinas
living with HIV. - Maithe Enriquez, R.N., Ph.D.
- NINR 24,068
12Learner Verification of Cervical Cancer Education
with Mexican Immigrant Women
- Purpose Identify the optimal educational
presentation of cervical cancer education for
these women, through learner verification
interviews - Goal Increase cervical cancer screening and
decrease related morbidity and mortality for
Mexican immigrant women. - Jennifer Hunter, R.N., Ph.D.
- NINR 149,000
13Familias en Accion
- Purpose Community Coordinating Council conducted
the baseline community survey. Younger
respondents had greater experience with violence,
and women more positive attitudes about gender
equity. Teach awareness and preventive behaviors. - Prevent family violence in a Hispanic community
- Pat Kelly, R.N. Ph.D.
- NINR 875,139
14Research supplements to promote diversity in
health related fields
- Purpose
- Implement a community-partnered intervention to
address the disparity of excess violence and
intentional injury in a low-income,
Mexican-American community - Goal
- Evaluate the effect of a multi-level intervention
on violent behaviors and their antecedents in
families, schools and communities -
- Maithe Enriquez, R.N., Ph.D.
- NINR 220,203
15Universitys Mission
- UM System
- advance the health, cultural and social interest
of Missourians . - UMKC
- Lead in life and health sciences
- Develop a professional workforce through
collaboration in urban issues and education - SON
- Improve heath outcomes through excellence in
selected research scholarly endeavors