TransactSQL - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The TOP operator is Microsoft extension in Transact SQL ... then 'Everythings on SALE!' when datepart(weekday, GetDate()) = 6. then 'TGIF!' Else 'Who knows? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: TransactSQL

  • A basic SELECT statement consists of a series of
    clauses that define what information we are
    interested in, and how we want to view it.
  • SupplierID, CompanyName, ContactName,
  • FROM Suppliers
  • WHERE Country ltgt 'USA'
  • ORDER BY Country

  • Eliminating duplicate records from our rowset can
    be done within our query by specifying the
    DISTINCT keyword in our SELECT clause. It will
    cause the query engine to return only unique rows
    from our query.
  • DISTINCT Country
  • FROM Suppliers

  • The TOP operator is Microsoft extension in
    Transact SQL that allows us to limit the number
    of rows we want in our result set. After the
    query has been processed, the result set is
    limited to the number of rows specified.
  • TOP 10 ProductID, Sum(UnitPrice Quantity) as
  • FROM Order Details
  • GROUP BY ProductID
  • ORDER BY Sales

  • A subquery is a complete select statement that
    returns a single value and is nested within
    another SQL statement in place of an expression.
    We can use the subquery anywhere that we can use
    an expression, whether it is part of the SELECT
    clause or WHERE clause. We can use the subquery
    to perform lookups on related tables, or to
    evaluate a condition.
  • SupplierID, CompanyName FROM Suppliers S
  •         (SELECT
  • 'x' FROM Order Details D, Products P
  •          WHERE D.ProductID P.ProductID
  •          AND   S.SupplierID P.SupplierID)

String Concatenation
  • One of the basic operations performed in the
    database is to generate human-readable output.
    Because the process of normalization will break
    apart things like addresses and names into
    multiple parts that need to be reassembled,
    string concatenation is an important function to
    understand. SQL Server's approach is to use the
    operator between character based values to
  • ''' name ''', count() from ' name ''
  • FROM sysobjects
  • WHERE type 'U'
  • ORDER BY name

  • A quick note on comments. Just as all good code
    is self-documenting, we may find at times that it
    is helpful to others who read our code to find
    comments from the author explaining what is going
    on. Transact SQL recognizes two forms of
    comments Single-line and multi-line.
  • GetDate() -- This is a comment from here on, I
    can type whatever I want
  • Multi-line comments follow the C syntax of /
    comment text /, where the comment text can cover
    multiple lines of text.
  • / This is a multi-line comment, none of the
    statements are ever processed
  • SET _at_myDate GetDate()
  • PRINT 'The current date is ' convert(varchar(18)
    , _at_MyDate, 110)
  • /

  • The CASE expression allows you to evaluate a
    variable or a condition inline and return one of
    multiple values as the SQL statement is being
    run. The basic version takes a source variable or
    column and depending on the value returns one of
    a discrete set of values.
  • Select
  • case
  •     when datepart(month, GetDate()) gt 9
  •         then 'Winter is here'
  •     when datepart(hour, GetDate()) gt 22
  •         then 'Its getting late'
  •     when convert(varchar(12), getdate(), 113)
    '28 NOV 2003'
  •         then 'Everythings on SALE!'
  •     when datepart(weekday, GetDate()) 6
  •         then 'TGIF!'
  •     Else 'Who knows???'

Coalesce, Nullif, IsNull
  • Microsoft took the liberty of providing us with
    commonly used functions to make our lives easier.
    These are cousins of the CASE expression and
    could be coded in that way. The Coalesce function
    returns the first non-null expression in a list,
    otherwise it returns null.
  • Coalesce (expression1, expression2, ...)
  • -- this is essentially the same as
  • case when expression1 is not null expression1
  •      when expression2 is not null expression2
  •      etc...

  • select
  • coalesce (OrderDate, RequiredDate, ShippedDate)
    as LastUpdate
  • from orders
  • NullIf and IsNull operate similarly, the former
    returning null if a condition is true, and the
    second an alternate value if the expression is
  • NullIf(expression1, expression2)
  • -- NullIf is evaluated as
  • case when expression1 expression2 then Null
  •      else expression1
  • IsNull(expression1, expression2)
  • -- This is evaluated as
  • case when expression1 is null then expression 2
  •      else expression1

  • INSERT INTO (, , ...) values (, , ...)
  • WHERE ...

  • Variables are used to temporarily hold values
    that may be useful in the processing of
    statements. We declare them using the DECLARE
    keyword, specifying the name and the type, and we
    assign a value to them with the SET statement.  
  • We reference them as we would column data or
    constants in the processing logic of our code
    using the _at_ character in front of the name to
    denote a variable.
  • Global variables reference the status of the
    system and the database engine and other options
    of the server and are referenced with two _at__at_
  • DECLARE _at_MyVar varchar(15)
  • SET _at_MyVar 'New Value'
  • Go
  • PRINT 'The value of MyVar is ' _at_MyVar

  • A transaction is an atomic unit of work that is
    either completed in its entirety or not done at
  • For recovery purposes, the system needs to keep
    track of when the transaction starts, terminates,
    and commits or aborts.

ACID properties
  • Atomicity A transaction is an atomic unit of
    processing it is either performed in its
    entirety or not performed at all.
  • Consistency preservation A correct execution of
    the transaction must take the database from one
    consistent state to another.
  • Isolation A transaction should not make its
    updates visible to other transactions until it is
  • Durability or permanency Once a transaction
    changes the database and the changes are
    committed, these changes must never be lost
    because of subsequent failure.

Transaction and System Concepts
  • Transaction operations
  • 1. begin_transaction This marks the beginning of
    transaction execution.
  • 2. read or write These specify read or write
    operations on the database items that are
    executed as part of a transaction.
  • Two ways for a transaction to end
  • 3. commit_transaction This signals a successful
    end of the transaction so that any changes
    (updates) executed by the transaction can be
    safely committed to the database and will not be
  • 4. rollback (or abort) This signals that the
    transaction has ended unsuccessfully, so that any
    changes or effects that the transaction may have
    applied to the database are undone.

Transaction and System Concepts
  • Example
  • This transaction makes two updates, but then
    rolls back and so it is as if it never even
  • Begin Transaction
  • Update employees set salary1000000 where
  • Update employees set salarysalary100 where
  • Rollback
  • In the absence of Begin Transaction, each
    statement will be treated as a transaction that
    is automatically committed

User Defined Functions
  • Structured programming languages have long
    provided the ability to create procedures and
    function calls to breakdown complex routines into
    manageable units. The introduction of the User
    Defined Function (UDF) with SQL Server 2000
    provides us with a new way of organizing and
    optimizing our use of the database engine. A User
    Defined Function takes zero or more input
    parameters and returns either a scalar or a table
    based value.
  • UDF's are similar to stored procedures in that
    they both use the control statements and data
    manipulation code to define the logic of the
    module. But they differ in that UDF's don't allow
    modification of the global state of the calling
    process or the database environment. In other
    words User Defined Functions are stateless in
    that there can be no side affects.  You can't
    alter data in tables that are not locally defined
    within the UDF, and you can't use
    non-deterministic functions within your code.
    Deterministic functions always return the same
    value given the same input parameters, such as
    the DATEADD function. The GETDATE function is
    non-deterministic in that the value depends on
    when you call it.

  • This flavor of UDF must return a single value
    each time it is called. We create a UDF using the
    DECLARE function
  • CREATE FUNCTION udfSalePrice (_at_ProductID int,
    _at_TranDate datetime)
  • RETURNS varchar(50)
  •         declare _at_UnitPrice money, _at_ProductName
  •         select
  • _at_UnitPrice UnitPrice, _at_ProductName
  •         from Northwind..Products
  •         where ProductID _at_ProductID
  •         if _at_TranDate gt '28-NOV-2003 0800' and
  •            _at_TranDate lt '28-NOV-2003 1800'
  •              return _at_ProductName ' on Sale for
  •                   convert(varchar(10),_at_UnitPrice
  •         return _at_ProductName ' for '
  • END

  • Table Valued Functions return a table variable
    that can be comprised from one or more
    statements. If it is a single table and doesn't
    specify the column set in the declaration, then
    the statement doesn't require the begin/end
    wrapper, and it is considered to be Inline.
  • create function udfRegionOrders (_at_Region
  • returns TABLE
  • as
  •     return (select
  • from Northwind..Orders where ShipRegion
  • go
  • select
  • from northwind..udfRegionOrders ('RJ')

Stored Procedures
  • While we can run ad-hoc SQL Statements within
    Query Analyzer, and we have the ability to use
    the execute() function in ADO, frequently
    performed logic can be encapsulated into batches
    and saved as Stored Procedures on the server. The
    benefits from this approach not only include the
    reduction of work of testing multiple programs
    and applications to ensure that the logic is
    correct, but also from the execution plan
    generated on the server when the stored procedure
    is compiled and saved.
  • Stored Procedures are a collection of Transact
    SQL statements which perform a defined set of
    work. This can be as simple as updating a single
    row or returning a configuration setting, to
    being as complex as implementing a business rule
    that requires sending an e-mail alert containing
    crucial information specific to the problem. They
    can take both input and output parameters, and
    always return an integer value.

System Stored Procedures.
  • Microsoft includes a broad suite of system stored
    procedures for administering the server engine.
    There are over 900 system stored procedures that
    SQL Books breaks into 17 categories. They include
    procedures for managing system security, to setup
    and manage distributed queries and linked servers
    (making tables and data on different machines
    visible to each other), data replication,
    retrieve information about schema, view current
    performance and usage information, manage SQL
    Agent (the scheduler that comes with SQL Server),
    and to interface with XML data.
  • EXEC sp_help Employees

User defined Stored Procedures.
  • We can define our own stored procedures to
    provide users of the database with a consistent
    implementation of work logic across applications.
    This simplifies the administration of business
    rules by acting as a single point of control on
    the database server itself. If the rule is
    changed, we only need to update the associated
    stored procedures instead of the various
    applications making use of the data.
  • CREATE PROCEDURE spSimple as
  • select
  • go

Extended stored procedures
  • Extended stored procedures allow us to extend
    Transact SQL develop logic outside of the SQL
    Server using tools such as C or Visual Basic.
    They follow the same calling standards as a
    normal stored procedure, complete with parameters
    and a return code. XP's are implemented using a
    call to dynamic link libraries (dll) that conform
    to the Extended Stored Procedure API. you need to
    be careful that they are thoroughly tested and
    checked for aberrant behavior before using them
    in a production situation because these calls are
    external to SQL Server.
  • If we had written a standard event management
    system to log information to the NT Event Log and
    wanted to include it in our SQL environment  we
    call the stored procedure sp_addextendedproc
  • USE Master
  • go
  • EXEC sp_AddExtendedProc xp_LogEvent
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