Title: Finding journal articles for my research topic
1Finding journal articles for my research topic
2- What is the difference between a journal,
magazine or newspaper article?
3Newspaper article
- Newspapers are usually printed on newsprint and
issued daily, or on certain days of the week, or
weekly. An example, The Age - A newspaper contains news, editorial comment,
regular columns, letters to the editor, cartoons,
advertising, and other items of current. - Some national newspapers are issued twice daily
in early and late editions, or in different
editions for different regions of the country.
4Magazine article
- A magazine contains articles on a variety of
topics, written by various authors in a non
scholarly style. - Most magazines are heavily illustrated, contain
advertising, and are printed on glossy paper. - Articles are usually short frequently unsigned,
and do not include list of references for further
reading. - A magazine example, Byte
5Journal article
- A journal article discusses research and has a
reference list. Sometimes the articles are
written by more than one author. - Journals contain a number of articles written on
a particular topic or subject. - Most scholarly journals are reviewed. An example
of a research journal is, Australian Journal of
International Affairs
6- How do I access
- journal articles?
- Databases
- Specialise in different subject areas
- Index hundreds of journal titles.
- Some databases include conference papers,
reports, book chapters and other types of
documents. - Each record of a database contains a description
of a journal article, and other document types. - These records can be found by author, title, or
keyword(s). - An increasing number of journal indexing
databases provide access to full-text articles.
8- ProQuest 5000 an example of an journal indexing
- The library subscribes to thousands of journals,
books and to many journal indexing databases. To
access any of these types of information you can - Search the Library catalogue
- Or
- Search Subject Resources_at_library
- The following slides show you how you may access
a database. The example we have selected is
ProQuest 5000.
10Accessing PROQUEST 5000 from the Library catalogue
Click on the Library catalogue
11The Library Catalogue
Step 1 Click on search the catalogue
Step 2 Click on title
12Searching for the title of the database
Step 1 Type in ProQuest 5000
Proquest 5000
Step 2 Select ProQuest 5000
13Selecting and connecting to Proquest 5000
Step 1 Click on ProQuest 5000 electronic
Step 2 click on connect. From this point you
will be directed to click on links until you get
to the main page of ProQuest 5000
14Accessing Proquest 5000 from Subject
Step 1 Click on Subject resources from the
Librarys home page
Step 2 From the Subject Resources _at_Library
click on Economics Commerce
Step 3 Click on Economics
Step 4 click on key resources
Step 5 Click on ProQuest 5000. From this point
you will be directed to click on links until you
open the main page of ProQuest 5000
Step 6 You
are now at the main page of ProQuest 5000. From
here you select the database that meets your
research interests. We will select ABI INFORM
Global. Place a tick in the box
17Topic Search Planning
- Searching for articles requires
- Some planning. We suggest that you write down
keywords from your essay or research question.
Once you have a list, then consider combining
them. - For example If you are researching farming
practices in Vietnam, you may think of using - Agriculture, farming, farms
18Using Search Operators
- The following slides show how you can use the
search operators, AND ,OR,NOT to combine your
keywords. -
- These strategies will focus your searching.
19AND - narrows your search
20AND - narrows your search
21OR - broadens your search
22OR - broadens your search
Or questionnaire
23NOT - eliminates a word from your search
Not juvenile
24NOT - eliminates a word from your search
Not juvenile
25Search example
- Finding journal articles on farming practices in
Vietnam - A suggested combination of keywords agriculture
AND vietnam - The next slide demonstrates combining the 2 key
concepts when searching ABI INFORM Global, a
ProQuest 5000 database. This database has been
selected as it covers a wide coverage of subject
26Searching for articles
Agriculture and vietnam
- Tick the boxes
- Show articles from peer reviewed publications
- show number of articles
27Search results
- If you want to see which articles are full text
scan your mouse over the icons. - To select any of the articles place a tick in
the box. - The next step is to view saved records, click on
results marked list
28Saving your records
From this screen you can Print the articles Or
Email the articles Or Download into your EndNote
Library (there are library classes on this
software package) You are now ready to read your
articles and perhaps start writing?