Title: Selby District Councils Commercial Recycling Scheme
1Selby District Councils Commercial Recycling
2Selby District
- Rural District
- 3 main settlements
- 2227 Business Rate Payers
- Commercial Waste Contracts
- 850 Businesses
3Commercial Recycling Drivers
- Requests from businesses
- Opposition from private sector
- Losing business to major players
- Implementation from Members
- Local processor for paper card
- Priority for Schools recycling
- Education Programme
4Encouraging Businesses
- Commercial Waste bad experience
- Contracts antiquated with complex pricing
- Product called SORTED
- SORTED Membership
- Membership certificate
- Fact sheets information leaflets
- Posters, stickers, letterhead emblem
- CD-Rom
- Helping environment by reducing waste going to
landfill - Saving money
5Market Research Questionnaire
- 42 response rate
- 2. Are customers impressed by businesses that
recycle? - 22 Definitely
- 59 Possibly
- 7 Possibly Not
- 3. Would you be willing to recycle?
- 45 Paper Card only
- 2 Glass only
- 40 Both
- 800 questionnaires
- 1. Asked opinions on SORTED membership scheme.
- 44 Do not need incentive
- 26 Great incentive
- 18 Need added incentives, such as reduction in
charges - 7 Want substantial savings
6Implementation of Recycling Scheme
- Most cost effective option
- Initial consideration using existing round
- Commercial Waste
- 5 day round
- Commercial Recycling
- 3 day round
- 2 days collect paper and card from businesses,
schools communal banks - 1 day collect recycling from bring banks
7How the scheme works
- Businesses provided with bins/boxes
- Materials recycled
- Paper, cardboard, envelopes, catalogues,
brochures, telephone directories, newspapers
magazines - Collected frequently weekly or fortnightly
- Taken to local paper mill in Selby
- Income
8Potential Savings for Customers
- Commercial Waste Charges
- Rental, Collection Disposal
- Commercial Recycling Charges
- Pay Rental Collection
- No disposal charges
- Example
- If a business has 2x1100 litre refuse bins
emptied weekly - Annual Charge 931.04
- SORTED Scheme (assuming ½ waste is paper card)
1x1100 refuse bin 1x1100 litre recycling bin - Annual Charge 755.80
- Discount -22.88
- Total Charge 732.92
- SAVING 198.124
9Extra Discount
- Joint initiative between NYCC SDC
- Maximise uptake of SORTED Scheme
- Divert waste from landfill to help reduce LATS
- 10 per tonne discount
- 5 p/tonne shared between NYCC SDC (2.50 each)
- 5 p/tonne passed onto customer reduction in
10SORTED Scheme Introduced
- Roll out July 2005
- 80 Customers in main areas
- 29 Schools already recycling
- 9 months on January 2006
- 164 Customers across district
- 104 increase
- Approx 19 of customers
- Includes 20 new businesses
- 42 Schools
- 45 increase
- 84 of schools
11Average Monthly Recycling Tonnages
12The Future
- Customers still joining scheme
- Advertising/Direct Mail
- Mail out to businesses in the area
- Other recyclable materials
- Food Waste Restaurants, Cafes Pubs
- Glass Pubs Restaurants
- Garden Greens - Football Bowling Clubs, etc
- Greater savings
- Future increase in disposal charges landfill tax