Title: Edenhope Transfer Station
1Edenhope Transfer Station
2Waste Streams
- The transfer station consists of an enclosed area
with separate sections for the different waste
streams. - The waste streams collected at Edenhope Transfer
Station are - Household (peutresible) waste
- Green waste
- Metal
- Paper and cardboard
- Plastic, glass and aluminium cans
3Elevated Mound
- For occupational, health and safety reasons,
clients are not permitted to place their waste
directly into the bins. - Clients off load their household waste onto the
raised concrete slab. - A front end loader pushes the waste into the
bins. - Three sides of the mound is fenced to prevent the
waste from blowing away. There are plans to add a
roof. - General waste from the other transfer stations
are brought in 3 cubic metre skips and emptied
into the 30 cubic metre bins.
4pushed through gates
Rubbish is dumped
into bins
that are sent to Dooen Landfill.
5Other waste streams
- Green waste includes garden clippings of all
sizes and wood materials. - Metal is sold for about 50 a tonne.
- Paper and cardboard from places like supermarkets
is used by Cooinda Disability Services in
6The recycling facility provides the contractor
with a venue for separating and collecting the
plastics and glass materials.
7Recyclable materials
9Aluminium cans
Aluminium cans are collected and sent to
industries that crush and melt them down for
Plastics are separated into different classes and
placed in bags that are then placed in a press
(left). Twelve bags are compressed to the size of
1 bale. Did you know that the recycled plastic
from P.E.T. bottles can be used to make polar
fleece jumpers?
Some glass bottles are refundable. Other glass is
separated into clear, green and brown glass,
crushed and sent to Naracoorte. Here the glass is
sold to Melbourne glass companies who melt it
down and reuse it for bottles and jars.