Title: CSCI283/172 Fall 2006
1Trusted Operating Systems
- CSCI283/172 Fall 2006
- Draws extensively from Memons notes, Brooklyn
Poly - And Pfleeger text, Chapter 5
- Policy description of requirements
- Model policy representation check if policy can
be enforced - Design implementation of policy
- Trust based on features and assurance
3Design Principles for Secure Systems
- Two basic themes
- Simplicity KISS
- Makes design and interactions easy
- Easy to prove its safety
- Restriction
- Minimize the power of entities
- Compartmentalization
- Common Sense!
4Principles of design
- Principle of least privilege
- Principle of fail-safe defaults
- Principle of economy of mechanism
- Principle of complete mediation
- Principle of open design
- Principle of separation of privilege
- Principle of least common mechanism
- Principle of psychological acceptability
5Principle of least privilege
- Entity should be given only those privilege
needed to finish a task - Function/role should control the rights
- Temporary elevation of privilege should be
relinquished immediately - Granularity of privileges
6Principle of fail-safe defaults
- Unless a subject is given explicit access to an
object, it should be denied access to the object. - Default access to an object is none
- If subject is unable to complete its task before
it terminates it should undo changes made to the
state of the system. - Restricting privileges at the time of creation
7Principle of economy of mechanism
- Security mechanism should be as simple as
possible. - Fewer errors
- Testing and verification is easy
- Assumptions are less
8Principle of complete mediation
- All accesses to objects should be checked to
ensure they are allowed. Illegitimate access
attempts should be expected and protected against
- Security vs. performance issues
9Principle of open design
- Security of a mechanism should not depend upon
secrecy of its design or implementation - Secrecy ! security
- Complexity ! security
- Security through obscurity
- Cryptography and openness
10Principle of separation of privilege
- System should not grant permission based on
single condition - Company checks over 75,000 to be signed by two
11Principle of least common mechanism
- Mechanisms used to access resources should not be
shared - Why?
12Principle of psychological acceptability
- Security mechanism should not make the resource
difficult to access - Recognizes the most important element in computer
13Design Principles for Privacy
- Fair information practices - US Privacy Act of
1974. - Openness and transparency No secret record
keeping. This includes both the publication of
existence, as well as contents. - Individual participation The subject of a record
should be able to see and correct the record. - Collection limitation Data collection should be
proportional to the purpose of the collection.
14Design Principles for Privacy -2
- Data quality Data should be relevant to the
purposes for which they are collected and should
be kept up to date. - Use limitation Data should only be used for
their specific purpose by authorized personnel. - Reasonable security Adequate security safeguards
should be put in place, according to the
sensitivity of the data collected. - Accountability Record keepers must be
accountable for compliance with the other
- Policy description of requirements
- Model policy representation check if policy can
be enforced - Design implementation of policy
- Trust based on features and assurance
16Assurance Methods
- Testing
- Problems
- Cannot check for all possible problems
- Difficult to characterize exactly what is going
on - Testing involves modification which might change
the system observation changes the observed - Budget and time limitations
- Ethical hacking/Penetration testing
- Formal verification
17Formal Verification
- minimum(A, n)
- min A1
- for i1n
- if Ai lt min
- min Ai
- Assertion P (initial conditions)
- n gt 0
- Assertion Q (true for all loops)
- n gt 0 1 ? i ? n min ? A1
- Assertion R (for a particular loop i)
- n gt 0 1 ? i ? n
- j, 1 ? j ? i-1, min ? Aj
- Assertion S (on loop exit)
- n gt 0 in1
- j, 1 ? j ? n, min ? Aj
18Trusted OS
19Typical OS Flaws
- I/O
- Talking to independent, intelligent
systems/devices - Code complex and dependent on h/w interface
- Might bypass OS functions, might end up bypassing
security - Some OSs eliminate the security features
associated with transfering a single character - Not enough isolation (shared libraries etc.)
- Incomplete mediation (e.g. access policy checked
only every I/O operation or process execution
etc. not continuously) - OS hooks for external s/w provide access powers
identical to that of OS.
20I/O Exploits
- Time-of-check to time-of-use mismatch access
permission checked for user to access particular
object X. Between the time the access is approved
to the time the access occurs, user changes the
designation of the object, so now she accesses an
unapproved object. - I/O source/destination address (often resides in
user memory) can be changed after checking, while
I/O in progress. - Common system buffers can contain data accessible
to multiple users - Better to use simple security mechanims with
clearly defined access control policies.
21Trusted OS Features
- ID and Authentication
- Mandatory and Discretionary Access Control
- Object Reuse Protection
- Complete Mediation
- Trusted Path (makes Trojan Horse intercepting
data/man in the middle more difficult) - Accountability and Audit Log
- Audit Log Reduction issues too much, too
little, how to make sense? - Intrusion Detection statistical analysis of logs
22Security Kernel
- Enforces security mechanisms of entire OS
provides security interfaces among h/w, OS, other
parts - Covers all object access
- Can isolate security mechanisms
- Compactness sometimes
- Modularity change, test etc. Can be verified,
analyzed through forma methods, etc.
23Parts of the security kernel
- Reference Monitor controls access. Needs to be
small and tamperproof. Part of TCB. - Trusted Computing Base (TCB) everything
necessary to enforce security policy. - TCB constituted of
- h/w
- processes and interprocess communication
- primitive files
- protected memory
24Parts of TCB
- TCB constituted of
- h/w
- processes and interprocess communication
- primitive files
- protected memory
- Not in TCB user apps, user environment,
directories, procedures, memory management
25TCB function
- Process Activation
- Requires complete change of registers, file
access lists, process status info. - Execution domain switch when processes in one
domain invoke processes in other domains - Memory Protection
- I/O
26Market Need
- Problem current systems insecure because vast
code base many vulnerabilities, lay users - Examples financial systems vulnerable to
attacks do not who talking to - Need Secure, interoperable, open system
- Examples of secure closed systems games, set-top
boxes, smart cards, cell phones. PC will never be
replaced by these?
27Commercial Need
- Open architecture
- Allows addition of arbitrary s/w and h/w without
requiring central authority - Needs to operate in legacy environment
- Low cost for modifications
28NGSCBNext Generation Secure Computing Base
- Can use in both trusted and untrusted form.
- Isolation among OSs and processes, particularly
from I/O using machine monitors. Normal/Trusted
OS each protected from surveillance by other. - h/w and s/w security primitives no tamperproof
h/w because attacks are mostly s/w attacks (also
s/w attacks are those that are Break Once Run
Everywhere (BORE) - Authenticated operation All entities say their
identity and prove it using cryptographic
techniques program executable code hash is its
ID. If anything changes, the hash changes.
29Sealed storage/attestation
- Sealed Storage
- Long-lived secrets are sealed by owner, with a
list of those allowed to unseal. Owners ID
associated with the secret. - Example of sealing
- Why owners ID associated with secret?
- Attestation
- Use public key of generating platform to
authenticate code - Equivalent to code bearing a certificate issued
by the platform - Platform itself bears a certificate provided by a
CA - Can use other anonymous methods
30Authenticated Boot
- OS also has to identify itself in this manner
- h/w must authenticate the boot kernel
- Cryptographic keys stored securely
- In cryptographic co-processor does
authentication operations in h/w for OS - OS does similar operations for other applications
- Crypto co-processor Also boots virtual machine
monitor has PRNG TCPAs TPM is an example - (What is TCPA?)
31Upgrades and Openness
- Upgrades
- What happens when OS upgraded?
- Need a single sealed secret to have more than one
kernel allowed access. That kernel can then
reseal. - Openness
- Manferdelli has announced that the kernel code
will be available for review - Will his management continue to support this?
32Provides security and authenticity of data
- Provides privacy only in so much as privacy is
security of personal information - Protects against malware because?
- Applications
- secure shopping, banking, taxes
- rights management of enterprise data (email
rules, document rules) - entertainment media distribution too widespread
(single media asset in too many places at a given
time) to benefit from this, but technically can
be done
33Trusted by whom?
- Trusted by authenticator but
- Public key provides a tracking means
- Suggested fixes
- Pseudonyms issued by trusted third party (trusted
parties might collude, usually few of them) - Secret sharing
- Anonymous credentials (e-cash-like)
- Privacy community? Conflicts?
- What else required for a Trusted O/S?