Title: Open all hours: WebCT and the 24hour library
1Open all hours WebCT and the 24hour library
- Brian Gillespie
- _at_ DIT Learning teaching showcase
- 17th Jan 2007.
2Changing definitions and directions in education
and learning
- New learning paradigms
- Student control over their learning
- Lifelong learning
- The VLE
- Web 2.0 and emerging technologies
- Software as service
- The hybrid library
3Web 2.0 - emerging technologies(interactive,
intuitive, responsive, personalized)
- RSS feeds http//www.hennepin.lib.mn.us/pub/search
/RSS.cfm - Blogs http//ucdscience.blogspot.com/
- Podcasts http//www.dowling.edu/library/newsblog/p
odcasts.asp - Wikis http//www.libsuccess.org/index.php?titleMa
in_Page - Social networking http//www.myspace.com/brooklyn
4The hybrid library a tale of two services
- Clicks and bricks -
mix of print and electronic resources offered
in a variety of formats delivered either locally
or remotely - Connecting people with information
- Linking content knowledge and learning
- Digital collections and full text access
- Institutional collaboration and cooperation
5Coming over the horizonnew discovery and
delivery tools
- Aquabrowser http//www.medialab.nl/
- Endeca guided navigation http//endeca.com/
- Encore (in development) http//www.iii.com/
- Watson Intellext http//www.intellext.com/
- University of Rochester http//www.extensiblecatal
6LTT, WebCT, and the librarycooperation,
collaboration, communication
- year 1 aspirational and planning
- year 2 progress and implementation
- year 3 consolidation
- year 4 experimentation with emerging technologies
7LTT, WebCT and the librarywhat weve learned
- Advantages of online learning
- Enhancing the student experience
- Beware of technology for technologies sake
- Focus on content and material not the tech or
platform - The joys of the 3Cs
8LTT, WebCT, and the librarywhat weve done
- Links in modules to library resources and reading
lists - Virtual library tour
- The 24 hour library
- Making information work guide and tutorial
- http//webcourses.dit.ie/webct/public/home.pl