Title: Eurochambres ACADEMY
1Eurochambres ACADEMY 27 June 2002, Westerham
European Commission Funded Projects
Marco Lopriore, Director, Unioncamere Brussels
- Presentation of EU programmes (in broad lines)
serves as a tool for the philosophy of the module - Methodology of the course is proposal oriented
discussion of some tips and tricks in
presenting projects to the EU
- Trends in EU funds
- EU Structural funds
- EU Enterprise programmes
- EU External actions
- EU R D for enterprise
4Evolution of EU budget
Million Euro
5Growth in lobbies
6BUDGET 2000
Do not forget the bigger picture !
- (Million ) sum
- B1 Agriculture 41.493 44.5
- B2 Structural funds 32.811 35.2
- B3 Education, Culture, Media 841 0.9
- B4 Energy 211 0.2
- B5 Consumers 1.210 1.3
- B6 RD 3.630 3.9
- B7 External Actions 8.127 8.7
- B8 PESC 47 0.1
- B0 Competition 203 0.2
- DA Administration 4.703 5.0
- Total 93. 280 100
7Impact and problems
- giving flesh to European construction and
adding to mere legal construction with direct and
indirect management of funds - EU funds versus national funds (content,
procedures, time, guidance) - reaching out to civil society bypassing Member
States on less politically sensitive topics (SME,
information society, etc) - increasing demands not only from MS/big lobbies
but civil society leading to disperions of
resources in small projects. - lack of personnel, externalisation (TAO, EUROPE
AID), weak legal basis, diversion from strategy
to management
81999, and after ?
Million Euro
9Structural funds
Do not forget the bigger picture !
- Objective reinforce cohesion inside Europe and
close development gap between its rich and poor
regions - Resources 213 000 Meuro for 2000-2006 (18 000
for Cohesion) and between 1994-1999 nearly 21
000 Meuro 18 went to SME - Instruments
- regions lagging development (Ob.1) 69
- industrial and rural decline (Ob. 2) 11.5
- human resources (Ob.3) 12.3
- Decentralised management National and Regional
10Who benefits from Structural funds ?
Do not forget the bigger picture !
- Greek projects Consortium Companies
subcontracting - Airport Athens-Spata Athens Intern. Airport Co.
(Gr-G) ABB Airport System (Swit-G.), - Hochtief AG (G) Airsys Navigation System
(G-F), - Milgo Solutions (US)
- Bridge Rio-Antirrio Gefyra (F-Gr) Vinci
(F) Kinopraxia Gefyra (F-Gr.) - Dumez GTM (F)
- Metro Thessaloniki Thessaloniki Metro SA
(F-Can.-Gr.) Bombardier Transportation (Can), - Bouygues (F), Bombardier (Can), Loughborough
(UK), - VIA-GTI (F), Systra (F) Alcatel (Can)
- Metro Athens Attiko Metro (Gr.) Olympic Metro JV
(G.-F.-Gr.) - Egnatia Route Egnatia Odos SA (Gr.) Brown
Roots (UK), Sogerleg(F)/Omec(US)/Lahmeyer
(G), DeLeuwe Cather (US), Dorsch - Consult (G)/ Scetaroute(F)/ Ado (Gr.)
- Italy - Lete/Sepri
- - Excelsior
- Spain 19 MEURO for internationalisation
- UK Liverpool Investment Fund
12LETE SEPRI Project
- Objective provide Business Check up in
Objective 1 regions to look at their development
strategies, efficiency, innovative quality of
management. Referenced Directory - in Internet
(www. repertorio.camcom.it) for the
transparency, visibility and competitiveness of
the services on the market (700 consultants) - Target 4 Obj. 1 regions in 93-96 extende to
all Objective 1 Regions 97-99 under SEPRI - Achievements
- 230 business drew feasibility plan, turn over
37 productivity 23, employment 11
13LETE SEPRI Project
- Resources 2 successive Global Subventions from
European Regional Development from 1990-1994 and
1994-1999 - Budget 18 Meuro
- - 62 from ERDF (11 Meuro)
- - 17 from CCI (3 Meuro)
- - 21 from participating companies (4 Meuro)
- Web site www.unioncamere.it/Attività1/Sepri.htm
14EXCELSIOR Project Analysis of labour demand
Objective -reliable knowledge of the labour
demand in order to guide the local, regional and
national training policies Needs -respond to
the progressive acceleration of echnological
innovation and transformation of the
markets -decrease the gap between labour supply
and demand Ways -information every two years
on quantitative and qualitative aspects of the
labour demand -data on the economic activities
of the private sector (25 Sectors except for
agriculture and free-lance professions) -regional
- and provincial-level data
15EXCELSIOR Project Analysis of labour demand
- 100.000 companies interviewed
- Year
- started in 1993 on 3 provinces, extended to
Italy in 1997 - Financing
- - from ESF
- Partners
- - Ministry of Labour
- - EU
- Spin-offs
- - European Employment Week (DG V)
- - Study for Lisbon Council on new economy
- Web site ww.unioncamere.it/excelsior/volume.htm
16Innovative actions
Do not forget the bigger picture !
- Legal basis article 21 of new Regulations ERDF
- Objective explore new approaches to economic and
social development and encourage cooperation of
local/regional actors - Resources 0.4 of annual EDRF funding (450
Meuro), EU contribution from 300.000 to 3 Meuro - Geographical coverage all EU regions
- Sectors of interventions technological
innovation, information society, sustainable
development - Centralised management in Brussels by DG XVI and
TAO, submission every year before May by Regions - 2001 Results 103 out of 156 accepted
applications - Web site http//europa.eu.int/comm/regional-polic
17Community Initiatives
Do not forget the bigger picture !
- Objective support for structural measures which
have a specific impact at European level - Resources 10 900 million Euro for 2000-2006
(from 9 of SF to 5 ) - Geographical coverage all EU countries
- Number down from 13 for 1994-1999 to 4 now
- INTERREG III for interregional cooperation and
balanced development (SME, tourism, islands, etc)
- LEADER for rural development
- EQUAL for fighting inequalities in labour market
- URBAN II for urban development
- Decentralised management National Authorities
and ministries presenting Programmes of Community
18Multi-annual corporate and entrepreneurial
initiative programme, particularly concerning
SMEs (MAP 2001 2005)
450 million budget for 5 years
19Multi-annual programme Activities in 2001
20Multi-annual programme
Do not forget the bigger picture !
- Projects
- Quality projects of Eurochambres in partnership
with Unioncamere, Consejo, DIHT, ACFCI - Extension of European Business Register to
candidate countries - Unioncamere Study on services to SME (concerted
action) - CCI involvement in EIC
21EIB and Financial instruments
Do not forget the bigger picture !
- New features
- Guarantee funds Sme (168 Meuro)
- European technology facility (125 Meuro)
- European Technology Start up Fund (168 Meuro)
- Joint European venture (84 Meuro)
- Seed capital (50 Meuro)
- Measures guarantees for SME 2001-2005
- Management European Innovation Fund in
Luxembourg and network of financial intermediaries
Do not forget the bigger picture !
- Decentralised implementation system since 1994 a
process of decentralisation started passing
competences on projects (launch, start-up and
management) to national PHARE structures. - Projects Services, Supplies and Works
- Instruments
- know-how transfer (policy advice, training,
consultancy) - support to investments (studies, guarantees,
loans) - investments in infrastructures (cofinancing,
development of transeuropean networks,
environment protection) - Success stories EIC Estonia, Eurochambres, etc
Do not forget the bigger picture !
- ISPA with 6 000 Meuro supporting transport and
environment while - SAPARD deals with agriculture and modernisation
- SME Financial Facility in PHARE with 135 Meuro
Do not forget the bigger picture !
Start in 1991 planned up to 31.12.1999 and is
continued Acronym Technical Assistance for the
Community of Independent States Geographical
coverage NIS Mongolia 13 countries
Objectives create favourable environment for
private investments, develop intrastates economic
and trade relations, favour social dialogue
within NIS Resources 3290 Meuro for 1991-1999 to
be continued after.
Do not forget the bigger picture !
Sectors restructuring of public companies and
development of private sector (SME), development
of efficient food chain, infrastructure
(transport, energy, telecoms), nuclear safety and
environment, reform of public administration,
education, social services Implementation
system no decentralisation. Management of calls
remains in Brussels Projects Services, Supplies
and Works Instruments same as PHARE but accent
on NGO and twinnings Success story CCI Madrid
(OJ S 91/30) New features evaluation of JVP for
NIS/Russia has not reached objectives and has had
no impact on economic transition
26EIC in Balkans
Do not forget the bigger picture !
- European Agency for Reconstruction (SCR tender)
- Contract to 4 EIC (Veneto, EIC Friuli VG, Berlin,
Antwerpen) and SEQUA (Training foundation German
CCI) - Host is CCI Pristina
- 2 years
- 700 Meuro
- Started end July 2001
- Relay Center Zrenjianin (Vojvodina)
- EIC Veneto and EIC Friuli VG
- Host is industrial association of Zrenjianin
- 5350 MEURO for 2000-2006
- annual financing plans to MED committee 3year
indicative programmes long term Strategy papers - programming by DG RELEX, implementation by
EuropeAid, evaluation by DG RELEX
- MEDA BILATERAL (90)- 12 MED - Examples of
projects in Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco - MEDA REGIONAL (10)- Industry - Information
Society - Economic networks/associations
- Industrial Modernisation Programme
- EU contribution 250 MEUR
- Partners GWZ (DE)
- Activities Quality issues are investigated by
consultants, Assistance in achieving ISO may be
provided if the company so requires during the
implementation stage (100 man-day
limitation)Several management training workshops
are also addressed towards quality and production
managers which cover the issues of quality
management systems, implementation of TQM, total
quality customer service, and quality assurance
- Support to the programme for the reform of
professional - Education
- EU contribution 3.5 MEURO
Stratégie Conseil (M) - Activities Assistance in the reform of the
vocational education and training system in
Morocco. Advisory services to beneficiaries on
training needs analysis and training programmes
design, as well as design of training proposals
and terms of reference Provision of seminars to
beneficiaries on planning, selection, management
and evaluation of the administrative and
technical aspects of proposed training
programmes. - Target Group Ministry of Vocational Education
and Training, Businesses, Professional
Associations, Training institutions
- Regional programme for investment promotion (IPI,
4 MEURO) - Regional programme for innovation, technology,
and quality at the service of SME (15 MEURO) - EUROMED Market instruments and mechanisms (9.9
MEURO) - UNIMED Business Network (Unice, 2.5 MEURO)
- Reinforcing industrial zone (Eurada, 0.5 MEURO)
- Quality, Certification, and standards as
- competitiveness factors of EUMED SME
- Objective Seminar to promote awareness, exchange
of experiences, development of further projects - Venue Vieste, 29-30 April 1999
- Budget 50 000 EURO
- Partners Unioncamere, European Commission DG
Enterprise, CEN, CCI Foggia, Med partners
33Research and Development
Do not forget the bigger picture !
- Period 6 Framework programme (2002-2006)
- Geographical coverage all EU countries but also
non-EU ! - Resources 17 500 Meuro for 2002-2006 (4 of EU
budget but 60 of internal actions, 4 of all EU
RD expenditure) - Approach not a synthesis of national/sectorial
interests but a tool for maintaining European
investments in RD and real growth of Europe
(European Research Area) - Criteria for selecting proposal contribution to
economic development and ST excellence, social
objective (employment, health, environment) and
European value added (critical mass, EU specific
problems, standards)
34Research and Development
Do not forget the bigger picture !
- Information society among 7 Thematic priorities
(3600 Meuro) - Interactive and intelligent systems
- Ecommerce
- Information management
- New features Regional and sectoral pilot
projects CPA 11, CRAFT possibility - Projects networks of excellence, integrated
projects, joint programmes - New features CCI are now much more present and
mentioned - Success stories DEMARCHE, EBR, E-CHAMBER on IST,
LOGICIP on Ten Telecom
Marco Lopriore Unioncamere Brussels
Tel 32/2/512 22 40 Fax 32/2/512 4911
Email marco.lopriore_at_unioncamere.be