Title: North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
1- North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
- NC State University/Friday Institute for
Educational Innovation - SERVE Center at the University of North
Carolina-Greensboro - SETDA
2Quasi-Experimental, Experimental, and Case Studies
- North Carolina State University/
- Friday Institute for Educational Innovation
3Comprehensive Multi-method Evaluation Design
Case Study
Quasi-Experimental Design
Experimental Design
4Quasi-Experimental Design Process
- Quasi-experimental approach
- A matched-groups, mixed between/within
longitudinal design - In 2003, 11 comparison schools were selected
based on - Grade structure
- Geographical proximity
- 01-02 End of Grade (EOG) Scores
- Student Demographics
- Size
- For all variables, hypotheses were framed as ?1d
- ?1a gt ?2d - ?2a
5Quasi-Experimental Design Variables and
Measures (selected)
- Measures
- EOG tests
- Tech skills surveys
- NETS-T survey
- TAC and TAT surveys
- AOI survey
- SOC questionnaire
- Leadership Practices Inventory
- Variables
- Student achievement
- Student technology skills
- Teacher tech skills
- Attitudes toward technology
- Instructional strategies
- Stages of Concern
- Leadership Style
- Implementation of model
6Quasi-Experimental Design IMPACT and Comparison
Student Demographics, 2005-06
- Source DPI 2005-06 School Report Cards,
7Quasi-Experimental Design Teacher Quality
8Quasi-Experimental Design IMPACT and Comparison
Teacher Retention, Year 1-3
9Quasi-Experimental Design Implementation (STNA)
Impact schools were rated more highly by teachers
in all 13 areas
- Vision and leadership
- Technology planning, budgeting, evaluation
- Supportive environment for risk-taking
- Resource media, software tools
- Community linkages
- Professional development
- Classroom practice-instructional strategies
- Classroom practice-planning
- Student activities
- Teaching practices,
- Student outcomes (perceived)
All effects significant at plt.001, partial ?2
ranged from 0.05 to 0.43
10Quasi-Experimental Design Implementation
(IMPACT rubric)
Impact schools were rated more highly by teachers
in 8/16 areas over 3 years
- Instruction
- Collaboration
- Needs assessment
- Managing resources
- Designing facilities
- Policies
- Planning
- Evaluation
All effects significant at plt.05, partial ?2
ranged from 0.33 to 0.68
11Quasi-Experimental Design Leadership Ratings
- All IMPACT principals who were present for all
three years of the grant were rated more highly
in Year 3 than in Year 1 on all 5 constructs
(Challenging the Process, Inspiring a Shared
Vision, Enabling Others to Act, Modeling the Way,
and Encouraging the Heart). - These principals grew most in Challenging the
Process and Inspiring a Shared Vision.
12Quasi-Experimental Design LPI Principal
Ratings, Year 1-Year 3
13Quasi-Experimental Design Leadership Team
Ratings on LPI
- On all 5 constructs, media coordinators
out-scored principals, in absolute terms. - On 4 of 5 constructs, technology facilitators
out-scored principals, in absolute terms. - These findings indicate that IMPACT teachers
value the leadership qualities of media
coordinators and technology facilitators, and
that these individuals are seen as better
leaders, in some respects, than school
14Quasi-Experimental Design LPI Ratings for Media
Coordinators, Principals, and Technology
15Quasi-Experimental DesignTeacher Outcomes (ISTE
16Quasi-Experimental DesignTeacher Outcomes
(attitudes toward technology)
IMPACT teachers showed stronger change in
attitudes or more positive attitudes overall on
- Perceived utility of IT
- Email
- Internet
- Multimedia
- Productivity-teacher
- Productivity student
17Quasi-Experimental DesignTeacher Outcomes
(attitudes toward technology)
IMPACT teachers showed stronger change in
attitudes or more positive attitudes overall on
18Quasi-Experimental Design Teacher Stages of
Concern Years 1-3
19Quasi-Experimental Design Student Use of
Computers in Grades 3-5, 2004-05
20Quasi-Experimental DesignIMPACT v. Comparison
Media Center Visitation, Year1-Year 3
21Quasi-Experimental Design IMPACT v. Comparison
Math Achievement
Effect significant at plt. 0001, controlling for
grade, race, exceptionality, Free/reduced lunch,
sex, absenteeism
22Quasi-Experimental Design Reading Growth
2003-2005, by Grade
EOG growth from baseline to Year 2
Effect significant at plt. 05, controlling for
free/reduced lunch, race, exceptionality, sex,
absenteeism, parent education
23Case study process
- In the 2004-2005 school year, a preliminary case
study of one intervention schools community
outreach program was conducted - Data sources included
- Phone interviews with patrons
- Structured interviewed with staff
- Archival documents (e.g. attendance data, course
offerings, budget data) - In 2005, funds for the case study were redirected
to the experimental design component
24Case study outcomes
- Findings suggest that low-cost technology
alternatives can be beneficial to school-based
community outreach programs - At the same time, personal attributes of key
staff played a pivotal role in the success of
25Experimental Design Process
- In 2004, Schools Attuned was selected as the
intervention in the experimental design - However, a different intervention (IRCMS) was
approved and implemented, beginning in the spring
of 2005.
26Experimental Design Process (continued)
27Experimental Design Student Measures
- Measures
- Gates-MacGinitie Reading Comprehension Test
- Reading EOG
- Metacomprehension Strategy Index
- Jr. MAI (Metacognitive Awareness Inventory)
- Reading Efficacy
- Teachers rating of student metacognition
28Experimental Design Teacher Measures
- Measures
- Technology use survey
- TAC survey
- DeFord Theoretical Orientation to Reading Profile
(TORP) (pretest only) - MAI (Metacognitive Awareness Inventory)
- Teachers Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES)
- Teaching Reading Efficacy
29Formative Evaluation
- SERVE Center at the University of North
30LANCET Implementation and Outcomes
- Capacity for Applying Project Evaluation (CAPE)
- www.serve.org/evaluation/capacity/
- Elizabeth Byrom, SERVE
- Jenifer Corn, SERVE
31CAPE is
- A suite of resources, tools, and professional
development activities, designed to help
educators collect and use data to make decisions
that will help them improve the implementation
and impact of their technology projects.
32SERVEs Role
- Collaborate with partners
- Identify or develop resources and tools
- Design and facilitate on-going professional
development and support for school/district team - Document lessons learned about capacity building
for project evaluation
33School/District Teams Role
- Create a project logic map
- Develop an evaluation plan for their EETT project
- Implement evaluation plan
- Collect and analyze data
- Use data to make informed decisions
- Make adjustments to project implementation
34Capacity for Evaluation
- Formative Evaluation used to monitor and
adjust projects, to the ultimate benefit of
students - Capacity the organizational wherewithal to
undertake project evaluation, more than just
skills and knowledge for individuals
35CAPE Components
- A Theoretical Framework for Capacity Building
- An Evaluation Framework
- A Professional Development Model
36Framework for Capacity Building
37(No Transcript)
38Evaluation Planning Tools
- Logic mapping activities and templates
- Strategy and objective planning templates and
guides - Data-collection planning guides
39Evaluation Planning
- Map project logic
- Clarify strategies and objectives
- Define evaluation questions
- Propose benchmarks
- Select methods and measures
- Conduct the evaluation
- Draw inferences from data
40IMPACT Model School Logic Map
41IMPACT Model School Objective Planning Guide
42Data Sources for EETT Projects
- Technology Needs Assessment
- Classroom Observation
- Technology-Partnership Survey
- Professional Development Questionnaire
- Rubrics for lesson plans and student products
- Teacher Reflection Log
43CAPE Instruments and Protocols
- School Technology Needs Assessment (STNA)
- Professional Development Questionnaire (PDQ)
- Looking for Technology Integration (LoFTI)
drop-in protocol - Technology and School-Family-Community
Partnership survey
44School Technology Needs Assessment (STNA)
45Online STNA
- Repeated use indicates changing
needs over time - Used in about 200 schools to date, with more than
7914 respondents - Now in Version 3.0
46STNA Report
47STNA Research Study
- Internal Consistency Reliability (N2094)
- Data analyses showed each of STNA constructs and
subconstructs to have high internal consistency
reliability (alpha ranged from .807 to .967). - These results indicates that STNA is a high
quality survey instrument that provides schools
and districts with information that can be used
to make decisions about each of the constructs
and subconstructs.
48STNA Research Study
- Exploratory Factor Analysis (N2050)
- The initial analyses revealed 13 factors with an
eigenvalue greater than one, accounting for
62.32 of the total variance. - Ten of the 13 factors were largely the same
constructs initially identified for STNA. - These results provided strong support for the
validity of the constructs identified within
49Professional Development Questionnaire (PDQ)
- Easily adapted to specific settings or activities
- Assesses participants perceptions of the quality
of professional development implementation - Does not provide data about the impact of PD
activities whether they made a difference
51LoFTI Looking For Technology Integration
Classroom technology observation protocol
- Designed through collaboration with team of
school practitioners - Reports a profile of technology use at the school
level - Paper-pencil version available
- Palm version almost ready
53School-Family-Community Survey
54School-Family-Community Survey
- Designed for a range of stakeholdersstaff,
parents, others - Use results in making decisions about technology
for supporting family and community involvement
efforts - Version 1.0 is available online or in
paper-pencil form
55CAPE Professional Development
56CAPE Professional Development
- Academies and Institutes
- Workshops
- Virtual Meetings, conference calls and
videoconferences (CMPDs) - Presentations
- Online community of practice
- Teams sharing successes and lessons learned
- Technical Assistance
57CAPE Professional Development
- CMPD Topics
- Initial Implementation of Evaluation Plan
- Evaluation Management Plans
- Baseline Data Collection
- Maximizing School Buy-in Community Support
- Data Analysis Interpretation
58Notes to Project Leaders
- Identify and address the challenges and costs of
evaluating projects/programs. - Use team-based planning and implementation of
evaluations. - Recognize that collecting data is relatively
easyanalyzing and using data is the hard part.
Both require a lot of time.
59Notes to Project Leaders
- Communicate to generate buy-in.
- Define and share the evaluation purposeneeds
assessment, required reporting, data-driven
planning, or program improvement? - Reach consensus on a definition of the program or
project being evaluated.
60Notes to Project Leaders
- Separate project implementation from impact, and
measure both. - Define the evaluation questions that matter to
the evaluation purpose. - Plan for and collect all of the data, and only
the data necessary to answer the questions. - Manage the evaluation process.
61Capacity for Evaluation
62Capacity Building NC DPI
- IMPACT I Schools
- IMPACT IIÂ Schools
- 1-2-1 Grant Schools
- Â
- IMPACT Academies based on the SERVE ATA Model
- Collaboration Toolkit
- IMPACT Video Series
- NC LEA and Charter School Educational Technology
63Dissemination Activities
64LANCET Dissemination
NC State Dissemination Activities
- Ellen Vasu
- Jason Osborne
- Lisa Grable
65NC State Dissemination Activities
- Publications
- Corbell, K.A., Osborne, J.W., Grable, L.L. (in
- press). Examining the Performance Standards
- for Inservice Teachers A confirmatory
factor - analysis of the Assessment of Teachers
NETS-T - Expertise. Computers in Schools.
- Osborne, J.W., Overbay, A., Vasu, E.S. (in
press). - Designing grant proposals and evaluation
plans - in the age of No Child Left Behind.
Journal of the - American Association of Grant
Professionals. - Overbay, A., Grable, L.L., Vasu, E.S. (2006).
- Scientifically-based research Postcards
from - the edge. Journal of Technology and
Teacher - Education (JTATE), 14(3), 623-632.
66NC State Dissemination Activities
- Manuscripts in Preparation
- Measuring Teacher Attitudes Toward Computers and
Teacher Attitudes Towards Information Technology - Dimensions of Technology Skills
- Learning Styles and Resistance to Change
67NC State Dissemination Activities
- Presentations
- 26 National and International Conference
Presentations and Workshops - 6 State and Regional Conference Presentations
68SERVE Dissemination Activities
- CAPE Website http//www.serve.org/Evaluation/Capac
ity/ - 5,434 hits since November 10, 2006
- Manuscripts in Preparation
- CAPE Framework, STNA, CAPE PD Model, Data Sources
for Evaluating Technology Projects - Presentations
- 13 Evaluation Academies/Institutes/Workshops
- 13 National Conference Presentations and
Workshops - 9 State Conference Presentations and Workshops
69SERVE Dissemination Activities
- Instruments
- School Technology Needs Assessment (STNA)
(n7914) - Professional Development Questionnaire (PDQ)
- Looking for Technology Integration (LoFTI)
drop-in protocol - Technology and School-Family-Community
Partnership survey (n88)
70SERVE Dissemination Activities
- Building Evaluation Capacity Studies
- Microsoft Partners in Learning
- Irvine Foundation study participant
- Spread
- REL-SERVE Evidence-Based Education
- National Center for Homeless Education
- SETDA-Polyvision Study
- Graduate Courses NCSU, UCF, Johns Hopkins
- Dissertation/Thesis NCSU, UNC
71Dissemination NC DPI
- IMPACT Grants
- 1-2-1 Grants
- IMPACT Guidelines revision
- IMPACT for Administrators
- IMPACT Website
72Dissemination NC DPI
- North Carolina State Board of Education
Future-Ready Students - Future-Ready Classrooms initiative
73Roadmap to Replicability
- NC State University/Friday Institute for
Educational Innovation
74Previously Validated Instruments
- State End-of-Grade tests (grades 3-8)
- NC Writing Test (grades 4 8)
- NC Computer Skills Test (grade 8)
- Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test (Grade 2, primary
schools only) - Computer Attitude Questionnaire (4-8)
- Young Childrens Computer Inventory (K-3)
- Teacher attitude toward technology integration
(TAT) - Teacher attitude toward computers (TAC)
- Stages of concern questionnaire
- Resistance to Change
- Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI)
75Reviewed Instruments
- Examined the factor structures of
- Teachers Attitudes Toward Computers (TAC)
- Teachers Attitudes Towards Information
Technology (TAT) - Performance Standards for Inservice Teachers
- Technology Skills Checklist 3-5
- Technology Skills Checklist 6-8
- School Technology Needs Assessment (STNA)
- Activities of Instruction Survey was also reviewed
76Other Instruments Used
- Classroom Climate (3-8)
- Teacher and Administrator Demographic surveys
- NETS-A Performance Profile (Administrators)
- IMPACT Rubric
- IMPACT Implementation Checklist
- Classroom Equipment Inventory
- Media and Technology Inventory
77Treatment and Control Considerations
- Competitive grant application process
- Comparison group incentives
- Cross contamination
- Time intensive matching process
- Requires personal contact with all groups
- Attrition
78Assessing Students in K-2
- State prohibition of primary grade standardized
academic assessment - Expense of appropriate instruments and cost of
extra testing administrators - Group administration requires one-on-one
attention - Young ELLs
79Exposure Issues
- Teacher concerns about observation/evaluation
- Only a few schools involved in a very high
profile project - Desire to look good
80Data Collection
- Paper and pencil or electronic
- Computer access, reduced response rate
- Logistics of distribution and collection of paper
surveys - Middle school students- no single classroom
teacher - Student information systems
- Formative v. external evaluation
- Site visits, no normal school days
81Navigating the Regulations
- Obtaining disaggregated student information and
interpreting policy - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Department of Agriculture controls Free and
Reduced Lunch Information
Overbay, A., Grable, L.L., Vasu, E.S. (2006).
Scientifically-based research Postcards from the
edge. Journal of Technology and Teacher
Education (JTATE), 14(3), 623-632.
82Roadmap to Replicability
- SERVE Center at the University of North
83LANCET Roadmap to Replicability
- Inferred Insights into Capacity Building for
Project Evaluation Lessons Learned from the
IMPACT Schools - The SERVE Center at UNCG
- Elizabeth Byrom
- Jenifer Corn
84Lessons Learned
- Lessons learned are derived from a content
analysis of qualitative data from focus groups
and individual interviews with educators in the
IMPACT schools.
85Framework for Capacity Building
- Project evaluation is a complicated process
requiring cooperation among multiple people it
is important that everyone involved speak the
same language.
87Hint for evaluation capacity builders
- Help project management and/or project evaluation
teams establish a glossary of evaluation terms
that will be used for their project. - Its more important for evaluation teams to use
the same definitions than it is for them to use
the right definitions.
- In order to build capacity for evaluation, the
purpose or purposes of any evaluation effort must
be meaningful, explicit, and understood by
everyone involved. - It helps tremendously if everyone involved
believes in the purpose of the evaluation.
89Hint for evaluation capacity builders
- Because purposes for an evaluation may differ at
various levels (SEA, LEA, school, IHE), its
important to clarify the different purposes.
Make sure that everyone participating in the
evaluation understands each organizations
purposes, roles, and responsibilities.
- Learning how to evaluate a project requires
change, and change takes time and energy.
91Change, contd
- Evaluations can change not only projects, but
also the people implementing the projects.
92Hint for evaluation capacity builders
- Help educators understand that they are going
through a change process. From time to time, help
them reflect on where they are in the process. - Show project leaders how they can use
already-dedicated time when asking teachers to
participate in evaluation efforts.
93Hint for evaluation capacity builders
- Understand and prioritize the changes being asked
of education project participants by recognizing
that some changes are harder than others.
- Some specific knowledge and skills will help make
project participants evaluation efforts more
valuable, effective, and efficient.
95Hints for evaluation capacity builders
- Actively teach educators how to collect, analyze,
and interpret data. - Help educators formalize informal data and
evaluation practices. - Show teachers how to use technology to access
evaluation data previously not readily available.
96Hints for evaluation capacity builders
- Educators who are inexperienced with project
evaluation tend to collect the wrong data or too
much data. Show them how to select and use data
sources that will be the most meaningful for
their projects.
97Hints for evaluation capacity builders
- Find out what data educators are already
collecting, and if appropriate and feasible, show
them how they might use the data for their
project evaluation.
98Hints for evaluation capacity builders
- Dont be surprised if some project stakeholders
are reluctant to provide necessary data. This
can happen especially when stakeholders do not
see value in the evaluation.
99Hints for evaluation capacity builders
- Help educators learn to provide feedback to
stakeholders, showing the results and findings of
the data collected.
100Hints for evaluation capacity builders
- Dont be surprised if administrators and teachers
streamline data collection procedures or
instruments. - Dont be surprised if teachers use their new
evaluation knowledge and skills in their own
teaching. -
- Success of a project evaluation and likely of
the project itself depends on participants
sharing a sense of identity around the effort.
102Identity contd
- Leadership of project evaluation might come from
unexpected individuals, but regardless of where
it comes from, leadership is most effective when
103Hint for evaluation capacity builders
- Help educators develop a plan for actively
sharing their project and evaluation plans,
activities, and results with stakeholders.
104 Hint for evaluation capacity builders
- Help project participants and those who are
evaluating the project reach a consensus
understanding of how the project is supposed to
105Hint for evaluation capacity builders
- If logic mapping is considered worthwhile, show
educators how to use them early in the project
planning process. Allow enough flexibility for
teams to illustrate their actual understanding of
how their project works, i.e., dont be rigid
about their using a particular logic map design.
- The leadership, shared understandings, and sense
of community required for effective project
evaluation are heavily dependent on good
107Hint for evaluation capacity builders
- Help educators develop a plan for communication
among everyone involved, such that communication
is early, often, and in ways that support their
108NCDPI Roadmap to Replicibility
- IMPACT Products
- SBE Future-Ready Agenda
- Future-Ready Classrooms
109- In compliance with federal laws, N C Public
Schools administers all state-operated
educational programs, employment activities and
admissions without discrimination because of
race, religion, national or ethnic origin, color,
age, military service, disability, or gender,
except where exemption is appropriate and allowed
by law.