Title: Rapid Diagnostics Aspergillosis L' Joseph Wheat
1Rapid Diagnostics AspergillosisL. Joseph Wheat
2Aspergillosis Diagnosis
3New Lung Nodules
4CT Findings
- Nodules infiltrate
- -Non-specific
- Halo sign
- -60 but nonspecific
- Air crescent/cavitation
- -Late
5Evolution of CT Findings
- Halo early and clears
- Air crescent later as neutopenia resolves
6CNS Involvement Common
7Platelia Aspergillus EIA
8 Monitoring in Neutropenia
- AML, MDS, allo HSCT on intense chemoRx or ALL
on chronic steroids - Prophylaxis itra capsules or flu if intolerant
- Serum collected twice weekly frozen
- Platelia GM tested twice weekly
- Mean 13 specimens/patient
- Results reported as positive if gt1.0 used in
patient management
9 Confirm Positive by 2nd Test
- Authors conclusions
- Single gt0.5
- lower specificity
- Single gt0.8 or 0.5 x 2
- Improved specificity
- Earlier AFT in 70
10GM CT ? Preemptive Rx
- 19/117 (7.7) consecutive gt0.5
- 9/19 febrile
- Reduction LAmB
- 8 GM directed preemptive Rx
- 35 if not GM directed
- 78 reduction L-AmB
- No missed IA
- Breakthrough IFI
- 2 C. glabrata fungemia dgn by BC
- 1 Zygomycosis dgn at autopsy
- Survival 63
11Anti-Mold Rx ?False-Negative?
- Marr JID 2004
- Cutoff 1.0-reduced sensitivity, 85?15
- Cutoff 0.5-no reduction, 80
- Maertens Br J Haematol 2004
- Itra capsules standard
- Sensitivity 96.5
- Yohnee IDSA 2004, 616
- Overall sensitivity IA 36 (4/11)
- 6/7 false-negative cases on mold-active Rx
12Pip-Tazo ?False-Positive
13Galactomannan Detection in BAL
- Authors conclusions
- GM BAL high PPV
- GM serum less sensitive
- BAL GM neg after 3 days treatment
14Asp GM in BAL at CO gt1.0
15Factors associated with IPA in SOT
16 Aspergillus GM in BAL vs. Serum
17 False-positive BAL Post Lung TP
- 19 consecutive BALs strongly positive
- GMI 4.1-8.2 ( 10 ng/ml)
- Plasmalyte used for lavage
- 4 lots Plasmalyte strongly positive
- GMI 5.4-5.6 ( 10 ng/ml)
- Na gluconate 500 mg/100 ml
- Produced by A. flavus
18Asp GM False-pos in Histoplasmosis
19Asp GM False-pos in Histoplasmosis
20 Hc GM not False-pos in Aspergillosis
21Aspergillus GM Clearance
22Comparion to ß-glucan PCR
23Use Asp GM Ag
- Monitoring antigenemia HSCT
- Always verify in second specimen
- Reduction in treatment
- Workup suspected IA
- BAL superior to serum
- Monitoring treatment?
- Prospective study in progress
24(1?3) Beta-D-glucan (BG) Assay
25BG Sensitivity in IFI
26 BG in ICU
27 BG Specificity Without IFI
28Causes False-Positive BG
- Foods grains, soybeans, mushrooms, brewers
yeast, sorghum, brown seaweed, raspberry juice - Cotton bandages
- Hemodialysis-cellulose membrane
- Blood products albumin, immunoglobulins
- Medicationslentinan, crestin, scleroglucan
- Antimicrobialscolistin, azithromycin,
pentamidine - Reagents, glass and plastic ware
- Heatstroke
- Eosinophilic pneumonia/tobacco
29Limitations of BG Assay
- Rapid availability
- lt12h after BC drawn
- Glucan contamination
- Interference
- lipid, hemolysis, bilirubin, turbid
- Difficulty
- Cost
- Platelia Aspergillus EIA
- Twice weekly screening
- Always verify positive result!!
- BAL gt serum for diagnosis of IPA
- Histoplasmosis false-positive
- Beta Glucan assay
- Not specific for fungi
- Too many false-positives
- More difficult and expensive
- Not standardized, commercially available or