Title: Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree Graphs
1Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree Graphs
- Christian Sohler
- University of Dortmund
- (joint work with Artur Czumaj, University of
2Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
- Property TestingRubinfeld, Sudan
- Formal framework to analyze Sampling-algorithm
s for decision problems - Decide with help of a random sample whether a
given object has a property or is far away from
Close to property
Far away from property
3Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
- Property TestingRubinfeld, Sudan
- Formal framework to analyze Sampling-algorithm
s for decision problems - Decide with help of a random sample whether a
given object has a property or is far away from
it - Definition
- An object is e-far from a property P, if it
differs in more than an e-fraction of ist formal
description from any object with property P.
4Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
- Bounded degree graphs
- Graph (V,E) with degree bound d
- V1,,n
- Edges as adjacency lists through function f V
?1,,d ?V - f(v,i) is i-th neighbor of v or , if i-th
neighbor does not exist - Query f(v,i) in O(1) time
1 2 3 4
2 4 4 2
4 1 3
5Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
- Definition
- A graph (V,E) with degree bound d and n vertices
is e-far from a property P, if more than edn
entries in the adjacency lists have to be
modified to obtain a graph with property P. - Example (Bipartiteness)
1 2 3 4
2 4 4 2
4 1 3
1/7-far from bipartite
6Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
- Goal
- Accept graphs that have property P with
probability at least 2/3 - Reject graphs that are e-far from P with
probability at least 2/3 - Complexity Measure
- Query (sample) complexity
- Running time
7Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
- Definition Neighborhood
- N(U) denotes the neighborhood of U, i.e. N(U)
v?V-U ? u?U such that (v,u)?E - Definition Expander
- A Graph is an a-Expander, if N(U)? a?U for each
U?V with U?V/2.
8Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
- Testing Expansion
- Accept every graph that is an a-expander
- Reject every graph that is e-far from an
a-expander - If not an a-expander and not e-far then we can
accept or reject - Look at as few entries in the graph
representation as possible
9Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
- Related results
- Definition of bounded degree graph model
connectivity, k-connectivity, circle freeness - Goldreich, Ron Algorithmica
- Conjecture Expansion can be tested O(?n
polylog(n)) time - Goldreich, Ron ECCC, 2000
- Rapidly mixing property of Markov chains
- Batu, Fortnow, Rubinfeld, Smith, White FOCS00
- Parallel / follow-up work
- An expansion tester for bounded degree graphs
- Kale, Seshadhri, ICALP08
- Testing the Expansion of a Graph
- Nachmias, Shapira, ECCC07
10Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
- Difficulty
- Expansion is a rather global property
Expander with n/2 vertices
Expander with n/2 vertices
Case 1 A good expander
11Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
- Difficulty
- Expansion is a rather global property
Expander with n/2 vertices
Expander with n/2 vertices
Case 2 e-far from expander
12Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree GraphsThe
algorithm of Goldreich and Ron
- How to distinguish these two cases?
- Perform a random walk for L poly(log n, 1/e)
steps - Case 1 Distribution of end points is essentially
uniform - Case 2 Random walk will typically not cross cut
-gt distribution differs significantly from
Expander with n/2 vertices
Expander with n/2 vertices
Expander with n/2 vertices
Expander with n/2 vertices
Case 1 A good expander
Case 2 e-far from expander
13Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree GraphsThe
algorithm of Goldreich and Ron
Idea Count the number of collisions among end
points of random walks
- How to distinguish these two cases?
- Perform a random walk for L poly(log n, 1/e)
steps - Case 1 Distribution of end points is essentially
uniform - Case 2 Random walk will typically not cross cut
-gt distribution differs significantly from
Expander with n/2 vertices
Expander with n/2 vertices
Expander with n/2 vertices
Expander with n/2 vertices
Case 1 A good expander
Case 2 e-far from expander
14Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree GraphsThe
algorithm of Goldreich and Ron
- ExpansionTester(G,e,l,m,s)
- 1. repeat s times
- 2. choose vertex v uniformly at random from V
- 3. do m random walks of length L starting from
v - 4. count the number of collisions among
endpoints - if collisionsgt (1e) Ecollisions in uniform
distr. then reject - 6. accept
15Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree GraphsMain
- ExpansionTester(G,e,l,m,s)
- 1. repeat s times
- 2. choose vertex v uniformly at random from V
- 3. do m random walks of length L starting from
v - 4. count the number of collisions among
endpoints - if collisionsgt (1e) Ecollisions in uniform
distr. then reject - 6. accept
- TheoremThis work
- Algorithm ExpansionTester with sQ(1/e),
mQ(?n/poly(e)) and L poly(log n, d, 1/a, 1/e)
accepts every a-expander with probability at
least 2/3 and rejects every graph, that is e-far
from every a-expander with probability 2/3,
where a Q(a²/(d² log (n/e)).
16Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
GraphsAnalysis of the algorithm
- Overview of the proof
- Algorithm ExpansionTester accepts every
a-expander with probability at least 2/3
17Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
GraphsAnalysis of the algorithm
- Overview of the proof
- Algorithm ExpansionTester accepts every
a-expander with probability at least 2/3 ?
(Chebyshev inequality)
18Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
GraphsAnalysis of the algorithm
- Overview of the proof
- Algorithm ExpansionTester accepts every
a-expander with probability at least 2/3 ?
(Chebyshev inequality) - If G is e-far from an a-expander, then it
contains a set U of dn vertices such that N(U) is
19Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
GraphsAnalysis of the algorithm
- Overview of the proof
- Algorithm ExpansionTester accepts every
a-expander with probability at least 2/3 ?
(Chebyshev inequality) - If G is e-far from an a-expander, then it
contains a set U of dn vertices such that N(U) is
small - If G has a set U of dn vertices such that N(U) is
small, thenExpansionTester rejects
20Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
GraphsAnalysis of the algorithm
- Overview of the proof
- Algorithm ExpansionTester accepts every
a-expander with probability at least 2/3 ?
(Chebyshev inequality) - If G is e-far from an a-expander, then it
contains a set U of dn vertices such that N(U) is
small - If G has a set U of dn vertices such that N(U) is
small, thenExpansionTester rejects ? Random
walk is unlikely to cross cut -gt more collisions
21Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
GraphsAnalysis of the algorithm
- If G is e-far from an a-expander, then it
contains a set U of dn vertices such that N(U) is
22Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
GraphsAnalysis of the algorithm
- If G is e-far from an a-expander, then it
contains a set U of dn vertices such that N(U) is
small - Lemma
- If G is e-far from an a-expander, then for every
A?V of size at most en/4 we have that GV-A is
not a (ca)-expander
23Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
GraphsAnalysis of the algorithm
- If G is e-far from an a-expander, then it
contains a set U of dn vertices such that N(U) is
small - Lemma
- If G is e-far from an a-expander, then for every
A?V of size at most en/4 we have that GV-A is
not a (ca)-expander - Procedure to construct U
- As long as U is too small apply lemma with AU
- Since GV-A is not an expander, we have a set B
of vertices that is badly connected to the rest
of GV-A - Add B to U
24Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
GraphsAnalysis of the algorithm
- Lemma
- If G is e-far from an a-expander, then for every
A?V of size at most en/4 we have that GV-A is
not a (ca)-expander - Proof (by contradiction)
- Assume A as in lemma exists with GV-A is
(ca)-expander - Construct from G an a-expanderby changing at
most edn edges - Contradiction G is not e-far from a-expander
25Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
GraphsAnalysis of the algorithm
- Lemma
- If G is e-far from an a-expander, then for every
A?V of size at most en/4 we have that GV-A is
not a (ca)-expander - Proof (by contradiction)
Construction of a-expander 1. Remove edges
incident to A 2. Add (d-1)-regular
c-expander to A 3. Remove arbitrary matching M
of size A/2 from GV-A 4. Match endpoints
of M with points from A
26Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree
GraphsAnalysis of the algorithm
- Lemma
- If G is e-far from an a-expander, then for every
A?V of size at most en/4 we have that GV-A is
not a (ca)-expander - Proof (by contradiction)
Show that every set X has large neighborhood by
case distinction
Construction of a-expander 1. Remove edges
incident to A 2. Add (d-1)-regular
c-expander to A 3. Remove arbitrary matching M
of size A/2 from GV-A 4. Match endpoints
of M with points from A
27Testing Expansion in Bounded Degree GraphsMain
- ExpansionTester(G,e,l,m,s)
- 1. repeat s times
- 2. choose vertex v uniformly at random from V
- 3. do m random walks of length L starting from
v - 4. count the number of collisions among
endpoints - if collisionsgt (1e) Ecollisions in unif.
Distr. then reject - 6. accept
- TheoremThis work
- Algorithm ExpansionTester with sQ(1/e),
mQ(?n/poly(e)) and L poly(log n, d, 1/a, 1/e)
accepts every a-expander with probability at
least 2/3 and rejects every graph, that is e-far
from every a-expander with probability 2/3,
where a poly(1/log n, 1/d, a, e).
28Thank you!