Title: Web Grading for Faculty
1Web Grading for Faculty
2Click Login to WebAdvisor.
3To access WebAdvisor, click LOG IN tab.
4Enter User ID and Password. Click Submit button
to continue.
5Click on Faculty to access menu.
6From Faculty Information Menu, click on GRADING.
7For assistance with grading online, click
Grading Through WebAdvisor Tutorial. To
submit final grades, click Continue to Grading.
8Select Term from the drop down menu. Click the
Submit button to continue.
9Click the box that corresponds to the course
to be graded.Click the Submit button to
10Please read Final Grading directions. Refer to
the catalog on grading policies.
11Enter a grade for each student on your grade
12Incomplete Grade
When issuing an I-Incomplete grade, enter the I
followed by the grade a student earned based on
assessment of graded requirements at the end of
the semester/session. (for example, IB) Enter
an Expire Date reflecting when the Incomplete
grade expires. Deadline for expiration of
Incomplete grade starts from the first date of
the current session/semester. Enter expired date
as MMDDYY. If the agreed upon course work is not
completed, the initial grade issued (without the
"I) will become the grade of record. If the
instructor determines that the student would
receive an "F" grade, then an "I" is entered as
the final grade. The "I" grades will become "F"
or "NP" if the agreed upon coursework is not
completed in the period allotted.
Note University College faculty/instructors A
Request of Incomplete Form must be completed for
incomplete grades issued.
13Once grades are submitted, faculty will receive a
grading confirmation.
14Grading Error Messages
Invalid letter grade. See catalog for appropriate
letter grading.
15An email confirming submission final grades will
be sent to your Chapman email.
- From registrar_at_chapman.edu
- Sent Friday, October 24, 2008
- To Dr. Test Faculty
- Subject The Grades for 200D09 SSCU 497 2601
Intergrated Sem for SSI -
- This email verifies that the grades for 200D09
SSCU 497 2601 are posted or updated. This
posting includes grades submitted for the current
term/session, updates to incomplete grades, grade
changes, and assignments of "W" grades for the
current or previous terms or sessions. Please
log on to WebAdvisor to review this grade roster
and to confirm the grades that were submitted or
updated. If the grades were not submitted by
you, please contact the Registrar's Office. - Web Advisor www.chapman.edu/webAdvisor.
- To request a grade change send an email to
registrar_at_chapman.edu from your Chapman email
account. In the body of the email include the
student's name, student's ID, course number,
section number and course title the
term/session, old grade, new grade, date the
missing assignment was completed (for incomplete
grades) and specific reason for the grade change
request. To request that a grade be changed for
other reasons, please submit the request to your
Department Chair for Orange Campus, or to the
Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs for
Chapman University College. - Thank you for your timely submission of your
grades. - Note For Registrar assistance, email
16What if a students name does not appear on the
Grade Roster?
- If a students name does not appear on your grade
roster, the student was not officially enrolled
in your class. -
- Contact your CUC campus registration staff or the
University Registrars Office (registrar_at_chapman.e
Helpful Hint To determine if students are
registered or in attendance in your course, view
or print a copy of your WebAdvisor class roster
each week.